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United Nations

United Nations is an international organization that can take action on the issues confronting humanity in the 21st century, such as peace and security, climate change, sustainable development, human rights, disarmament, terrorism, humanitarian and health emergencies, gender equality, governance, food production, and more.

United Nations

United Nations is tagged in 152 stories. Page 6 of 8.
Sustainable Water Management and Facilitating Global Access to Clean Water: Addressing SDG 6
Sustainable Water Management and Facilitating Global Access to Clean Water: Addressing SDG 6

8 years ago - Although roughly 70 percent of our planet is covered with water, drinkable water is increasingly becoming a scarce resource. The United Nations has defined access to clean water as one of 17 Sustainable Development Goals; BASF supports the SDGs and is committed to a responsible use of water along the entire value chain.

4 Challenges Shaping Tomorrow’s Cities — and How Brands Can Help
4 Challenges Shaping Tomorrow’s Cities — and How Brands Can Help

8 years ago - More than half of the world’s population currently lives in cities and this is expected to reach 66 percent by 2050, according to the United Nations, when 2.5 billion people will be added to urban populations — with close to 90 percent of the increase concentrated in Asia and Africa. In the fight against climate change, cities represent the greatest challenge and opportunity — while they generate a vast majority (70 percent) of global greenhouse gas emissions, those who live in them actually have smaller carbon footprints than the national averages.

New UN Campaign Enlists Women in Boardrooms to Speak Up About Climate Issues
New UN Campaign Enlists Women in Boardrooms to Speak Up About Climate Issues

8 years ago - A new UN-backed initiative is enlisting the help of female execs across the world to bring climate change concerns into boardrooms.

SeaWorld Finally Moving the Needle on Animal Welfare
SeaWorld Finally Moving the Needle on Animal Welfare

8 years ago - When Oren Lyons, traditional faithkeeper of the Onondaga Nation, addressed the United Nations in 1977, he highlighted the relationship between people and animals:

International Women's Day Forum, Day One: 'Equal Pay for Women Must Be Achieved by 2030'
International Women's Day Forum, Day One: 'Equal Pay for Women Must Be Achieved by 2030'

8 years ago - On March 7 and 8, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation Corporate Citizenship Center and the United Nations Office for Partnerships hosted the 6th Annual International Women’s Day Forum. The event convened public and private sector leaders to discuss gender parity as a significant economic opportunity with global economic effect. Suzanne Clark, EVP at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, opened the conference and set the tone by stating that $28 trillion would be added to the GDP by 2025 if gender equality existed.

UN Calling on Local Business Leaders, Changemakers to ‘Pioneer’ Action on SDGs
UN Calling on Local Business Leaders, Changemakers to ‘Pioneer’ Action on SDGs

8 years ago - To spur action and inspire businesses to help advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, or global goals), the United Nations (UN) Global Compact announced a multi-year Local Network SDG Action Plan last month.

Nascent's Modular System Enables Shift Towards Sustainable Consumer Electronics
Nascent's Modular System Enables Shift Towards Sustainable Consumer Electronics

8 years ago - According to the UN’s Global E-Waste Monitor, roughly 46 million tons of e-waste was generated worldwide in 2014. Of that, just 7.1 tons were recycled or reused, and those numbers are expected to rise five percent annually for the foreseeable future. The recently launched Nascent Objects platform offers an alternative via a customizable system of interchangeable electronic modules that can be used to assemble a variety of consumer products.

New Global Commission Aimed at Quantifying Business Case for Helping to Achieve SDGs
New Global Commission Aimed at Quantifying Business Case for Helping to Achieve SDGs

8 years ago - Businesses that join global efforts to end extreme poverty and protect the planet’s finite natural resources can reap great rewards and protect their long-term performance, a proposition that will be tested by a new commission launched today at the World Economic Forum.

The Key to Achieving the SDGs? Transform the Global Goals Into Local Goals
The Key to Achieving the SDGs? Transform the Global Goals Into Local Goals

8 years ago - Late last year, the United Nations published the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs, or Global Goals). The main difference between the former millennium goals and the new goals is that the latter apply to all countries. It is no longer about goals in poor countries that should be realized through financing from richer countries. The SDGs merge poverty reduction, safety and justice with the familiar cornerstones of sustainable development - People, Planet and Profit.

Countries Ranked on Sustainable Competitiveness; US and UK Score Below China, Russia
Countries Ranked on Sustainable Competitiveness; US and UK Score Below China, Russia

8 years ago - Think tank and sustainable management consultancy SolAbility recently released its fourth Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index (GSCI), a ranking of 180 countries for “sustainable competitiveness,” defined as the ability to generate and sustain inclusive wealth and dignifying standard of life for all citizens in a globalised world of competing economies.Iceland topped the list for the second year running, followed by other Scandinavian nations. The only non-European countries in the top 20 are Japan (11), New Zealand (12), and Canada (16). The US ranked 41 and the UK ranked 48; China and Russia ranked above them at 25 and 33, respectively.

New Tool Compares Countries’ Low-Carbon Progress and Pledges
New Tool Compares Countries’ Low-Carbon Progress and Pledges

8 years ago - Earlier this month, 195 nations reached a landmark agreement at COP21 in Paris to fight climate change and unleash actions and investment towards a low-carbon, resilient and sustainable future.

Gates, Branson, Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Ma Launch Breakthrough Energy Coalition
Gates, Branson, Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Ma Launch Breakthrough Energy Coalition

8 years ago - “We need innovation that gives us energy that’s cheaper than today’s hydrocarbon energy, that has zero CO2 emissions, and that’s as reliable as today’s overall energy system. And when you put all those requirements together, we need an energy miracle,” Bill Gates recently told The Atlantic.

UNEP to Companies: Time to Raise the Bar on Sustainability Reporting
UNEP to Companies: Time to Raise the Bar on Sustainability Reporting

8 years ago - Corporate sustainability reporting desperately needs to up its game in order to align company-level sustainability performance with the broader systems-level ambitions of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and COP21, the United Nations climate change conference, according to a new report from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Engaging Business in the SDGs: An Imperative for Action
Engaging Business in the SDGs: An Imperative for Action

8 years ago - For the United Nations, working with business is not always easy business. Yet it is a necessary - particularly if the recently approved Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are going to be achieved by 2030. A broad consultation and negotiation process has led to the ground-breaking and inspirational 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A process which was one the most inclusive and wide-ranging dialogue processes in the UN history. How to effectively engage businesses in this new agenda proved to be one of the most recurring, contested and challenging elements.

The Dairy Industry’s Next Competitive Advantage: Saving Money and Building Better Products with Climate-Friendly Cows
The Dairy Industry’s Next Competitive Advantage: Saving Money and Building Better Products with Climate-Friendly Cows

8 years ago - A penguin and a cow walk into a bar. The cow says, "We have a problem. Every year cows emit so much methane into the atmosphere - the equivalent of fifty-times more CO2 than the entire country of Switzerland! It's killing our image. We don't know what to do." The penguin pondered for a moment and replied, "Maybe it's something you ate."

How to Know a Truly Sustainable Company When You See One
How to Know a Truly Sustainable Company When You See One

8 years ago - “There was an American comedian 100 years ago that said, ‘If we don’t change direction soon, then we’ll end up where we’re going.’ Where we’re going at the moment is not very pretty.”So said Geoff Kendall, CEO of the Future Fit Foundation, as he opened this breakout session, continuing by explaining that a clear, defined destination is needed for companies to know where they should be headed.“At the start of any journey, the most important step is to understand what the destination is; something that we have been lacking in the sustainability world. That is what the Future Fit Business Benchmark is.”

GRI Tool Enables Greater Corporate Transparency on Human Rights
GRI Tool Enables Greater Corporate Transparency on Human Rights

8 years ago - GRI, developer of one of the world’s most widely used sustainability reporting standards, has launched its latest Linkage Document at the Fourth United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights.Linking G4 and the UN Guiding Principles highlights the connections between the GRI G4 Reporting Guidelines (G4) and key concepts of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. These include due diligence, grievance mechanisms and impact assessments — undertaken both for operations and suppliers — which are also recurring concepts throughout G4.

How to Make the SDGs Truly Sustainable: Social Entrepreneurs as Critical Achievement Engines
How to Make the SDGs Truly Sustainable: Social Entrepreneurs as Critical Achievement Engines

8 years ago - The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), deadlined for completion in 2015, have given way to the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), launched in September at the UN General Assembly and an array of other events including the SDG Business Forum, the Social Good Summit and the Clinton Global Initiative.In evaluating the over 100 presentations at these events, I was struck by the following:

Report: Majority of Business Leaders Call for Climate Agreement in Paris
Report: Majority of Business Leaders Call for Climate Agreement in Paris

8 years ago - A majority of business leaders say that a long term agreement at the UN climate summit (COP21) in Paris is critical to supporting private sector investment in low carbon solutions, according to a global study by the United Nations Global Compact and Accenture.The UN Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study report, Special Edition: A Call to Climate Action, also reveals that executives see action on climate change as an opportunity for growth and innovation that will be essential to securing competitive advantage in their industries.

The Plastic Bank: How 'Social Plastic' Is Giving Value to Waste, Improving Lives Around the World
The Plastic Bank: How 'Social Plastic' Is Giving Value to Waste, Improving Lives Around the World

8 years ago - At SB ’14 San Diego, the Plastic Disclosure Project, the UN Environment Program and Trucost unveiled the fist-ever assessment of plastic use in business, along with the business case for dealing with its global impacts: Among the sobering figures, the report calculated the total natural capital cost of pl