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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

IRA Will Get US Halfway to Paris Goals; But We Need Mandates to Reach the Finish Line

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Keeping the planet below 1.5ºC will require rapid scaling of current technologies and deployment of emergent climate solutions — as well as innovative, binding policy interventions.

Beyond ‘Carbon Neutral:’ Refining Corporate Carbon-Credit Claims

With the explosive growth of the voluntary carbon market came concerns around carbon-reduction claims lacking clarity or being misleading. Several refined claims frameworks have emerged to bridge these gaps.

Nestlé, Cargill, CCm Upcycling Cocoa Shells into Low-Carbon Fertilizer

As part of Nestlé’s bid to source 50% of its key ingredients from regenerative-ag methods by 2030, the three are turning the waste steam into a win-win, circular solution for food companies and farmers alike.

Nike Unveils Fully Circular Shoe Designed for Disassembly, Recyclability

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Nike’s ISPA (Improvise, Scavenge, Protect, Adapt) design philosophy challenges creators to experiment, break molds and reimagine products. The ISPA Link Axis uses interlocking components, as few materials as possible and zero glue.

Reports Lay Out the True Cost of Frequent Flyer Programs, Private Jets

Frequent flyer reward programs encourage flyers to emit up to 34x their lifetime carbon budget; while flying private can pollute up to 30x more than a standard flight.

How to Win Big with a Recycling Challenge

Last year, we set the record for World’s Largest College Recycling Event; but we didn’t want this to be a one-time win. So this year, we’ve recruited new partners to heighten the competition and increase the impact.

Collaborative Relationships Key to Overcoming Obstacles on the Path to a Circular Economy

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. Forging strategic partnerships can unlock immediate win-win solutions while also creating a roadmap for future success across the supply network.

The Tennessee River’s Biggest Fan Is a 14-Year-Old Boy Passionate About Conservation

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. In this conversation with ‘the Conservation Kid,’ Cash Daniels, we learn more about what drives his passion to clean up the Tennessee River and lead his generation toward a brighter future.

In the Face of a Polycrisis, a Transformative Mindset Is Business’ Only Way Forward

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Forum for the Future’s latest 'Future of Sustainability' report sets out four plausible trajectories for how companies can respond to current threats and opportunities across markets.

We Can Eat Our Way Out of the Climate Crisis

Applied to food supply chains, ambient IoT allows farmers, distributors, grocers, regulators and consumers to know where food came from, how far it traveled, how it was transported and stored, and what condition it’s in — in real time.

Commons App Informing, Facilitating Mass Shifts in Climate-Influenced Consumer Living & Spending

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. Highlighting the impact of individual purchases and their associated emissions output, the app — fresh off a large funding round — is evolving to meet the daily spending directives of its users.

No More Styrofoam: 2 Startups Creating Viable, Sustainable Alternatives with Ag Waste

By upcycling coconut husks and shrimp shells, Fortuna Cools and Cruz Foam are diverting agricultural waste from landfill and offering circular polystyrene alternatives that match its performance.

A Defiant Optimist: How One Woman Has Reshaped Finance to Fight Global Inequality

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. “By valuing and giving a voice to [women of color], and recognizing their potential as solutions and stabilizers, impact investing is a powerful way to build systemic resilience … and reduce the negative impact of climate change on everyone.” — Durreen Shahnaz

In Current Regulatory Climate, Alt Proteins Can’t Cut It in Race to Reduce Impact of Food

Phasing out animal agriculture over the next 15 years could reduce GHGs 68% by the year 2100. Yet, ongoing lobbying and subsidies in the US and EU are not giving alternatives the chance to fully compete.

Mercari: Brands Would Do Well to Join the ‘Resale Revolution’

Younger consumers are pushing resale into mainstream retail; and it’s changing how brands, platforms and other services that support commerce support and strategize around it.

Tourism Shaped by 'Unseen' Communities Surfaces Unheard Stories, Infuses Capital Into Destinations

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Instead of the traditional approach of shielding tourists from places' 'messy' parts, more travel-focused social enterprises are working with marginalized communities to introduce tourists to their destination’s complex fabric.

Waste Is Only Waste If We Waste It: Demystifying Anaerobic Digestion

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. The benefits of anaerobic digestion for recycling various kinds of organic farm waste are far-reaching — including waste management, renewable energy generation, GHG reduction, economic advantages and agricultural sustainability.

Increasing Accessibility and Revitalizing Forgotten Devices: Shouldn’t We Be Able to Upgrade Our Laptops?

Those who regularly partake in upgrade programs will have access to the best possible devices, while partaking in a sustainable business practice that enhances the wellbeing of people and the planet.

Researchers Upcycling Kale, Plastic Waste Into Personal Care, Pharmaceutical Ingredients

Savvy scientists from Scotland and Singapore have developed sustainable ways to breathe new life into vegetable and plastic waste, as well as local manufacturing.

Why a Circular Dress Code Will Always Be in Style

Technology is the magic thread weaving the circular textile narrative together to ensure that fashion isn’t just a statement — but a sustainable, end-to-end lifecycle that respects our planet.