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Walking the Talk

These companies have moved beyond pledges and are making good on their commitments to pursuing a purpose beyond profit.

Brands Walk Their Talk in Support of Women’s Rights

Cross-Posted from Leadership. Setbacks such as the overturning of Roe v. Wade offer brands the opportunity to demonstrate their true commitment to supporting a healthy, equitable future for all.

ESG 2.0: From Corporate Proclamations and Doing Less Harm to Putting Our Money Where Our Mouths Are

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. “ESG in its fullest form hasn’t really been done yet. Its full potential is at the intersection of ESG and impact investing, where we can move from passive divesting and screening out of negative investments to proactive investments that generate long-term, sustainable profits.” — Alix Lebec

How Brands Can Help Turn the Tide on Plastic Pollution in the Caribbean

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Our vision is to embed effective recycling across the region’s islands and enable value-added processing of materials where it makes commercial sense — but we’ve been held back by many challenges. For businesses and brands that sell into the Caribbean, it’s an opportunity to be part of our mission and walk their talk around plastic pollution reduction and circularity.

To Build Back Better Post-Pandemic, We Must Re-Examine Lessons Learned from the Past

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. The pandemic has laid bare not only the many flaws in our global systems but also our capacity for resilience and ingenuity in the face of complex, immediate challenges — if we apply that thinking to those that lay ahead, we may yet save ourselves from ‘business as usual.’

Talk Is Cheap: How Brands Can Move from Table Stakes to Putting a Stake in the Ground for Racial Justice

Two years after George Floyd’s murder galvanized the nation to address systemic racism, corporate progress on advancing racial equity in the workplace and community remains a mixed picture. Smoketown’s Ryan Pintado-Vertner lays out three approaches brands can take to show they’re walking their anti-racism talk.

4VI Creates New Model for Destination Marketing Organizations by Becoming a Social Enterprise

Earlier this year, Tourism Vancouver Island evolved into a social enterprise called 4VI that supports communities, businesses, culture and environment. A social enterprise is a revenue-generating business that identifies a social benefit and directs its revenues toward it; in the tourism industry, this is a completely new way to operate.

Fashion Is Still Rife with Greenwashing; But There Is a Bigger Picture for the Guilty Brands

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Many would also argue that the fashion industry is not being judged harshly enough and gets away with a lot. But there are steps in the right direction and nuances within sustainability ‘misses’ which, if built on, will generate needed momentum.

Call for Entries: FSC Leadership Awards Recognize Excellence in Forest Sustainability

With responsible forestry, natural climate solutions, regenerative building practices and consumer demand for environmentally responsible products at the forefront, FSC is inviting companies to showcase their leadership and inspire others to raise the bar.

P&G Unveils New Strategy to Help Address Global Water Crisis

The company’s expanded commitment includes a first-of-its-kind goal to restore more water than is consumed during use of P&G products in two high-water-stressed metropolitan areas.

Study: Employees Demanding More Meaning from Their Work Than Pre-Pandemic

Cross-Posted from Organizational Change. New report from Allison+Partners, Carol Cone ON PURPOSE and The Harris Poll finds the C-Suite recognizes the imperative for organizational Purpose; yet, lack of alignment across functions threatens impact.

Rise in ‘Balance Sheet Activism’ Swells CNote’s Community Investment Platform to $300M

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Apple, Netflix, Xylem and others are putting corporate cash to work in financially underserved communities by moving money to CDFIs, LID credit unions and MDIs throughout the US.

Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Mandates Supply Chain Due Diligence

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. The law is a direct response to the widespread, well-documented reports of crimes against humanity in the Uyghur regions — and the fact that the reactions from most global brands to the issue have been, to put it lightly, disappointing.

It’s 2022: Are Companies Walking Their Talk on Racial Equity?

JUST Capital’s 2022 Corporate Racial Equity Tracker reveals progress in key areas; but companies have a long way to go toward implementing meaningful actions that help fundamentally advance racial equity.

European Retailers Called Out for Cutting Corners on Curtailing Plastic Pollution

First-ever ranking of leading European supermarkets’ commitments to dial back their use and waste of plastic reveals lack of real action.

Tourism Cares Lays Groundwork for ‘Meaningful Travel’ That Tackles Global Issues with Local Focus

Tourism must grapple with its place alongside growing and egregious social and environmental concerns. The Meaningful Travel Summit used Lake Tahoe as a case study of challenges and solutions for a specific destination; but everyone must reflect on these “global issues that need to be addressed, no matter where you work, or from what sector.”

New Guide to Aid US Food Sector’s Climate Transition Plans as Investors Ramp Up Pressure

Investors can use the guide to engage companies by emphasizing the importance of disclosing their full-scope GHG emissions and setting 1.5°C emissions-reduction targets — ahead of forthcoming mandates.

Rhum J.M Offers How-to for Fellow Distillers Seeking Sustainability

The EDDEN Project highlights the Martinique distillery’s circular and sustainable efforts to date and its roadmap for improvement, as well as advocating for similar commitments from distilleries around the world.

We All Have An Important Role to Play in Putting People at the Heart of Sustainability

Each of the 10 organizations being showcased in this year’s sustain[HUMAN]ability® Leadership Recognition Program is a leader in its own right and offers something from which we can all learn.

Ice Cream Giants Innovate to Help Avoid Climate Meltdown

Ben & Jerry’s and its parent company, Unilever, have both launched pilots aimed at drastically cutting their GHG emissions — if successful, both are hoping to drive industry-wide change for truly game-changing impacts.

Sustainability Is Not Enough: Moving from Earth-Neutral to Earth-Positive

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. To create real change and avert a climate crisis, we must move beyond earth-neutral and embrace earth-positive — and that starts with your narrative. Here are three ways to ensure that your business, your brand and your ethos are all earth-positive.
