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Etienne White

Vice President, Brands for Good

Etienne is a marketing strategist, writer and sustainability storyteller. At SB, Etienne is the Founder and CEO of Let’s Create Possible. Etienne runs a consulting business “Let’s Create Possible’ working at the nexus of sustainability and marketing to help make the impossible, possible, for a diverse array of B2B and B2C brands in the US and Europe. Earlier in her career, Etienne was Chief Marketing Officer at the Forest Stewardship Council, where she led the research, strategic and creative development of the global ‘Forests for all Forever’ rebranding. Before this Etienne held positions as VP Marketing for two US specialty retailers. With more than 20 years of global brand management and marketing experience, Etienne has extensive knowledge in building both mainstream consumer brands and eco labels. Etienne began her career with over a decade in advertising (at agencies such as Fallon and Leo Burnett) leading award-winning, business-building marketing for a variety of global brands including Citibank, Nintendo, and Procter & Gamble. Etienne is a native of London, England but now resides with her family in the US, working in her ‘spare’ time to restore and regenerate what was once a conventional farm, with her flock of free-range, grass fed, heritage breed sheep.

Etienne White is tagged in 14 stories.
Responding to Cultural Tipping Points: Co-Creating a Brand Culture for Good
Responding to Cultural Tipping Points: Co-Creating a Brand Culture for Good

Collaboration & Co-Creation / Keynotes from day 2 of Brand-Led Culture Change shed light on collaborative behavior-change and stakeholder-engagement approaches that are changing the way brands are creating products, stories and strategies. - 1 year ago

Super Bowl 2022: Glimmers of Purpose Messaging Brighten Push for Consumption as Usual
Super Bowl 2022: Glimmers of Purpose Messaging Brighten Push for Consumption as Usual

Marketing & Communications / Except for a clutch of ads for EVs, it seems the climate crisis is not yet a force driving brand messaging at the Super Bowl. But a few brands seized the opportunity to drive adoption of sustainable behaviors at scale. - 2 years ago

‘Net-Zero Emissions by 2050’ and ‘2°C’ Climate Targets: The Devil’s in the Details
‘Net-Zero Emissions by 2050’ and ‘2°C’ Climate Targets: The Devil’s in the Details

Organizational Governance / If you are truly looking for ways to maintain or establish your company as a leader in sustainability, and to minimize backlash from critical stakeholder groups, get thee to a 1.5°C science-based target as soon as you can. - 3 years ago

Complementary Studies Provide Glimpses into Consumers’ Minds During Most Difficult Year in Modern History
Complementary Studies Provide Glimpses into Consumers’ Minds During Most Difficult Year in Modern History

Marketing & Communications / Amidst the uncertainty of the world during a global pandemic, two key pieces of 2020 research offered hope and optimism about what purpose-driven brands can achieve in 2021 — buoyed by new attitudes, opinions, and desires from consumers. - 3 years ago

Cartwright to Brands: Look Inward Before Responding to Social Issues
Cartwright to Brands: Look Inward Before Responding to Social Issues

Marketing & Communications / Keith Cartwright, the creative force behind such powerful statement ads as P&G’s “The Look” and “The Choice,” shares his insights and advice to brands and agencies on how to most authentically respond in times of crisis. - 4 years ago

Let’s Not Feed the ‘Futurism Frenzy’
Let’s Not Feed the ‘Futurism Frenzy’

Circular Economy / If we look at the original Greek root of the word “crisis,” we learn it means to “sift and separate” — what if we are being called on to sift through and look at our lives, and let fall all that is not important? What does not get sifted, what remains with us, is where our energy should go. - 4 years ago

Sustainable Brands Welcomes Newest Addition to Leadership Team
Sustainable Brands Welcomes Newest Addition to Leadership Team

Press Release / Sustainable Brands® announced today that Etienne White has joined the company’s leadership team as VP, Brands for Good to help expand the fast-growing collaborative initiative launched last month. - 5 years ago

The Evolution of the CMO
The Evolution of the CMO

Organizational Governance / It might seem that today’s CMOs still serve largely the same purpose that they always did; but consider the rapidly changing media landscape, and it's clear that the scope and sphere of the CMO role has shifted dramatically. - 5 years ago

Embedded: 5 Factors for Rooting Sustainability in Your Organization
Embedded: 5 Factors for Rooting Sustainability in Your Organization

Organizational Governance / In a recent conversation with Virginie Helias, VP and Chief Sustainability Officer at Procter & Gamble, we spent our time talking about how to successfully embed sustainability. Virginie shared the top five factors that she believes are critical to rooting sustainability within an organization. - 5 years ago

Danone CEO Directs Brands to ‘Be Bold or Die’
Danone CEO Directs Brands to ‘Be Bold or Die’

Organizational Governance / SB'19 Paris opened with a powerful statement from Danone CEO Emmanuel Faber, which in large part set the tone of the discussions for the week ahead. With remarks that were as refreshing as they were bold, Faber outlined how his company is championing being a brand for good. - 5 years ago

Neil Gaught: Turning Aspiration Into Action
Neil Gaught: Turning Aspiration Into Action

Organizational Governance / With his award-winning book, Core, Gaught has bolstered the case for a radical rethink of the purpose of business by proving change is not only desirable but entirely possible. - 5 years ago

Girlapproved: Connecting AI, Human Evolution and the Future of Business Success
Girlapproved: Connecting AI, Human Evolution and the Future of Business Success

Organizational Governance / Girlapproved provides deeper causal understanding of not only where we are and how we got here, but how to chart a better course and how to turn the mother ship around, with practical steps to guide us. - 5 years ago

P&G’s Marc Pritchard: The 5 Business Paradigms That Need Shifting
P&G’s Marc Pritchard: The 5 Business Paradigms That Need Shifting

Organizational Governance / In recent conversation with Marc Pritchard, Chief Brand Officer at P&G, we spent our time talking about shifting out from old paradigms and models, to create new frameworks for building brands and advancing sustainability. Here are Pritchard’s top five paradigms to shift: - 6 years ago

The Road Less Travelled: New Paths to Mainstream Consumer Engagement
The Road Less Travelled: New Paths to Mainstream Consumer Engagement

Marketing & Communications / Mainstream consumers can be a fickle bunch can’t they? They tell us in research that they want to be more green, that they WILL purchase more eco-friendly products in the next year ahead than the one prior. But there’s that eternal gap between reported and actual behaviours; what gets entered in an online survey is often different than what happens in the shop aisle. Finding a way to bridge that gap is one of sustainability and marketing’s ‘holy grails’ we are all seeking an answer to. - 10 years ago