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Jacquelyn Ottman

Jacquelyn Ottman is tagged in 5 stories.
Get the Last Drop: New Marketing Opportunities in a Resource-Constrained World
Get the Last Drop: New Marketing Opportunities in a Resource-Constrained World

Materials & Packaging / What’s your favorite way to get at that last dollop of Crest? Do you flatten as you go? Slice the neck?What about shampoo or conditioner? Do you add a little water and swirl? Prop the bottle upside down in a corner? You are not alone! As the Wall Street Journal has noted, an increasing number of consumers are shaking, rattling and rolling their packages in search of the last drop, ounce and morsel — and for good reason.According to the scientific pounders and pummellers at Consumer Reports up to 25 percent of the LaPrairie and Lubriderm get left behind, as well as up to 16 percent of the Tide. - 10 years ago

Think Globally to Cut Down on Waste Locally
Think Globally to Cut Down on Waste Locally

Stakeholder Trends and Insights / Cultures around the world each seem to possess unique, deeply ingrained beliefs and traditions for cutting down on waste. For just two examples, Yankee ingenuity helped America put down its early roots, and the Dutch custom of sharing unlocked community bikes at train stations inspired bike-sharing programs in NYC, Paris and other world capitals. - 10 years ago

The Newest Rule of Green Marketing And Why I've Decided to Help Consumers 'Live Lean'
The Newest Rule of Green Marketing And Why I've Decided to Help Consumers 'Live Lean'

Circular Economy / In 1988, my antenna tweaked toward an emerging trend soon to be called ‘green consumerism.’ A hole in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica, nightly newscasts tracked the daily wanderings of the Mobro garbage barge, and air pollution clogged views of the Grand Canyon. Among the culprits: consumer products. Alternatives needed to be found for CFCs in aerosols, polystyrene clamshells and disposable diapers. To move existing alternatives off the dusty shelves of health food stores into mainstream supermarkets, marketers needed help shifting messages from ‘saving the planet’ and ‘sparing the daisies’ to the more immediate benefits of ‘saving money’ and ‘protecting health.’So I Joined the Environmental Movement - 10 years ago

How Preventing Household Waste Can Be Fun and Profitable
How Preventing Household Waste Can Be Fun and Profitable

Circular Economy / Ask a room full of consumers, “Who here hates to see things go to waste?” and every hand will go up energetically. But if everyone hates to waste, then how come we generate so much of it? And what can we do to prevent waste from being created in the first place? Answering these questions can be profitable and fun. - 11 years ago

The Rise of the Biobased Economy — and Why Brand Owners Need to Develop a Strategy in 2012
The Rise of the Biobased Economy — and Why Brand Owners Need to Develop a Strategy in 2012

Our economy is slowly but surely heeding the signal that carbon is the new watchword. - 12 years ago