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Luke Heilbuth

BWD Strategic

Luke Heilbuth is CEO of BWD — a sustainability advisory firm with offices in Sydney and New York.

Luke Heilbuth is tagged in 4 stories.
The Window of Vitality: How Great Businesses Balance Efficiency, Resilience
The Window of Vitality: How Great Businesses Balance Efficiency, Resilience

Finance & Investment / Mired in short-termism, many investors and company bonus structures incentivize optimizing for cost and efficiency. The lesson from nature: Successful organizations stay within their own window of vitality by understanding and balancing the tension between efficiency and resilience. - 5 months ago

Introducing Resilience Science: A Visionary Shift for Corporate Strategy and Reporting
Introducing Resilience Science: A Visionary Shift for Corporate Strategy and Reporting

New Metrics / Climate resilience is the ‘resilience of a company’s strategy and business model to climate-related changes, developments and uncertainties.’ This language is worth reflecting on, as it brings the concept of resilience science into mainstream business thinking. - 10 months ago

What Would the Naturalist President, Teddy Roosevelt, Make of the Business-Nature Relationship in 2023?
What Would the Naturalist President, Teddy Roosevelt, Make of the Business-Nature Relationship in 2023?

The Next Economy / In his assessment, Roosevelt might consider three fundamental, ongoing developments — as the business world finally begins to recognize the role of healthy ecosystems in a healthy economy. - 1 year ago

It’s Arrived: Our ‘Uh-Oh’ Moment on Climate Change
It’s Arrived: Our ‘Uh-Oh’ Moment on Climate Change

The Next Economy / The latest IPCC report can’t be ignored — and it does our species and planet a disservice to pretend the situation will miraculously reverse itself. Here’s an overview and what companies should do in response. - 2 years ago
