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Melanie Vella

Melanie Vella is tagged in 8 stories.
Inspiring New Brand Campaigns: The Process Behind Successful Consumer Engagement
Inspiring New Brand Campaigns: The Process Behind Successful Consumer Engagement

Marketing and Comms / Jaclyn Murphy, Director of Brand Purpose at Edelman, opened an inspiring session on Wednesday afternoon where brand purpose was made tangible in four brands - Arla Foods, Unilever, BT and Neste - that shared their experience and insights about how they are working to engage consumers in their purpose and get them involved in creating a change. - 7 years ago

How to Go Beyond Brand Purpose and Unlock New Relationships with Consumers
How to Go Beyond Brand Purpose and Unlock New Relationships with Consumers

Marketing and Comms / Consumers are expecting a new dynamic in the relationship they build with brands. The team from Edelman gathered a full room at Wednesday’s lunch time session to unveil the breakthrough ‘2016 Earned Brand’ research study for the first time. The purpose-centric data surveyed 13,000 consumers in 13 countries about their interaction with their favorite brands. - 7 years ago

From Inspiration to Transformation to Activation: Authentic Approaches to Fulfilling Brand Purpose
From Inspiration to Transformation to Activation: Authentic Approaches to Fulfilling Brand Purpose

Leadership / In this volatile time of unceasing change, the opening night plenary presentations at SB’16 Copenhagen explored the characteristics an organisation needs to not just be resilient, but be ‘fit’ for the future. They unravelled the challenges and successes of their journeys through activating the purpose that moved them to more sustainable, future-fit organisations. - 7 years ago

How to Engage the 90% of Our Brains That Resists Changing Behaviour
How to Engage the 90% of Our Brains That Resists Changing Behaviour

Behavior Change / In a rich and fascinating afternoon workshop on Monday, behavioural design experts Sille Krukow and Teis Andres of Krukow Behavioural Consulting explored their theory and tools on how conscientious companies can design the right environments in which consumers can achieve their sustainability aspirations. - 7 years ago

How to Implement Social Innovation in Large Organizations
How to Implement Social Innovation in Large Organizations

Product, Service & Design Innovation / One the final sessions at SB ’15 London saw Mandar Apte, chemical engineer and program manager of Shell's GameChanger program on social innovation, facilitate an interactive workshop about how to drive social innovation from inside large organisations and how this could empower the employees and create shared value - for business and society.Apte started by demonstrating the power of the relationship economy. He drove home the idea that in this world of open innovation, it is important to build relationships. - 8 years ago

How to Communicate Sustainability at a Brand Level
How to Communicate Sustainability at a Brand Level

Marketing and Comms / SB ‘15 London’s third and final afternoon kicked off with a colourful session with Matthew Yeomans, founder of Sustainly, a knowledge consultancy and advisory platform based around bringing together the worlds of sustainability and communications.Yeomans discussed the results of Sustainly’s The Big Brand Report: How 175 Major Brands Do and Don’t Talk about Sustainability, which looks at if and how brands are talking to their customers about sustainability. The workshop revealed what is and isn’t working for brand-level social media communications. - 8 years ago

How to (and How Not to) Use Humour, 'Macho-Eco' Identities to Communicate Sustainability
How to (and How Not to) Use Humour, 'Macho-Eco' Identities to Communicate Sustainability

Marketing and Comms / This Tuesday afternoon breakout session saw Thomas Kolster, founder and creative director at the Goodvertising Agency, and Kerry Eustice, Editorial Partnerships Editor at The Guardian Sustainable Business, share their perspectives on changing the conversation around sustainability values.Early on, Kolster asserted that sustainability advertising is not doing enough to drive change, as it tends to be less engaging than other advertising messages. He and Eustice discussed dos, don’ts and new approaches that could change the way the message of sustainability is communicated. - 8 years ago

How to Create a Purpose-Led Organization: 12 Fundamental Principles of Purposeful Branding
How to Create a Purpose-Led Organization: 12 Fundamental Principles of Purposeful Branding

Stakeholder Trends and Insights / In his SB ’15 London workshop on Monday afternoon, Pulse Brands founder Simon Milton and Adele Blakebrough, Chief Executive at Social Business Trust, highlighted 12 practical tools to create a purpose-led organisation.“Sit back on your chair. Place your feet on the ground. Breathe deeply and ask yourself ‘Why am I here?’” - 8 years ago