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Philippa Cross

Sustainability Lead

Philippa Cross is the Sustainability Lead at Barkley. Barkley is a certified B-Corp that is on a mission to build a world with more whole brands, brands that put purpose and sustainability at the center of everything they do.

Philippa Cross is tagged in 3 stories.
Why Employees Are 12x More Likely to Recommend Purpose-Driven Brands
Why Employees Are 12x More Likely to Recommend Purpose-Driven Brands

Marketing and Comms / In a world where the mistreatment of employees, supply chain workers and/or the planet will quickly go public through a social post or a company review, ensure your organization’s internal beliefs and behaviors align with your external actions and communications. - 1 year ago

Sustainability or Spin? Why Straight Facts Matter Most
Sustainability or Spin? Why Straight Facts Matter Most

Marketing and Comms / As demand for better brands continues to increase, we can expect an exponential increase in two things: ‘green’ brand claims and the level of public scrutiny. Before your brand team loses time, money and precious brand equity, check out this summary of resources to help you stay the course. - 2 years ago

5 Ways to Turn Your Purpose into a Competitive Advantage
5 Ways to Turn Your Purpose into a Competitive Advantage

Marketing and Comms / An intentional purpose will be unique to every company — based on your history, culture and the role you play in your customers’ lives. But, based on our interviews with leading purpose-led companies, here are five common themes that can inspire your own ‘purpose advantage.’ - 2 years ago