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RP Siegel

Freelance writer

RP Siegel is tagged in 4 stories.
The Mountain Ahead: Surveying the Path to Carbon Negative
The Mountain Ahead: Surveying the Path to Carbon Negative

The Next Economy / We are at the very beginning of the most challenging leg of the climate journey; many companies have yet to commit to zeroing out their emissions. Still, a few at the cutting edge are responding to the call for a higher bar to be set and are staking their reputations on achieving it.  - 3 years ago

Voluntary Carbon Markets Have Matured — Here’s What’s Next for Corporate Action
Voluntary Carbon Markets Have Matured — Here’s What’s Next for Corporate Action

The Next Economy / Carbon markets connect the growing demand from companies and consumers committing to net zero, with the small but growing supply of removal and avoidance solutions. Carbon credits make the most of tangible solutions that are possible and available now. - 3 years ago

Shoppers Play a Huge Role in the Climate Battle
Shoppers Play a Huge Role in the Climate Battle

The Next Economy / Two innovative new offerings provide forward-thinking companies an engaging way to not only compensate for their product emissions, but to engage with their customers around climate action in a new way.  - 3 years ago

Leadership Redefined: Finding Limitless Possibilities in a Limited World
Leadership Redefined: Finding Limitless Possibilities in a Limited World

In the beginning, when the first homo sapien stood erect, he was just one species of animal among many. Struggling to stay alive, any thoughts he might have had regarding sustainability were far less likely to be about him destroying his environment, than about his environment destroying him. - 12 years ago
