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Bacardi Cuts Water Use in Half, Energy Consumption and GHGs by a Third

Bacardi Limited has achieved a nearly 50 percent drop in water usage and roughly 33 percent reductions in both energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the last six years, according to its latest corporate responsibility report, released online Wednesday. Reductions were achieved through a combination of conservation measures that included more efficient equipment and greater use of renewable energy sources.The digital report, “Our Spirit is Clear,” embodies Bacardi’s commitment to reduce both its carbon footprint and impact on the earth’s natural resources. The company says the water saved is equivalent to providing a glass of water to every person on the planet.

Bacardi Limited has achieved a nearly 50 percent drop in water usage and roughly 33 percent reductions in both energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in the last six years, according to its latest corporate responsibility report, released online Wednesday. Reductions were achieved through a combination of conservation measures that included more efficient equipment and greater use of renewable energy sources.

The digital report, “Our Spirit is Clear,” embodies Bacardi’s commitment to reduce both its carbon footprint and impact on the earth’s natural resources. The company says the water saved is equivalent to providing a glass of water to every person on the planet.

“We’re committed to continuously improving our products, processes, people and corporate citizenship,” said Ed Shirley, President and CEO of Bacardi Limited, the world’s largest privately held spirits company. “We aim to chart a new path in sustainable business practices. Our goal is to set the standard against which sustainability efforts in the spirits industry are measured.”

Bacardi focuses its CR efforts in five key areas: Marketplace; Environment, Health & Safety; Responsible Sourcing; People; and Philanthropy & Community Involvement. Significant accomplishments in fiscal 2012 include:


  • Increased awareness of the “Champions Drink Responsibly” social responsibility campaign by engaging 100,000 consumers in 35 countries with the “Ace Rafa” promotion featuring tennis great Rafael Nadal
  • Published new digital marketing guidelines, launched via a new social responsibility e-learning module

Environment, Health & Safety

  • Awarded the Carbon Trust Standard for Bacardi UK operations after reducing carbon footprint by more than 12 percent over three years (a decrease in emissions equivalent to taking 1,128 cars off the road per year) by the Carbon Trust, an organization dedicated to low carbon and energy-saving technologies; Bacardi operations globally reduced carbon emissions by nearly 18 percent during the same period

Responsible Sourcing

  • Increased the number of global point-of-sale suppliers that meet their responsible sourcing standards to 70 percent, a 25 percent gain from previous fiscal year
  • Registered 257 Bacardi Limited supplier sites with Sedex®, a group dedicated to improving responsible sourcing and ethical business practices in global supply chains; a five percent increase over 2011


  • Rolled out a Global Performance Management system to 3,800 employees in seven languages

Philanthropy & Community Involvement

  • Teamed up with Bat Conservation International to support the UN-backed International Year of the Bat campaign with a public service announcement to celebrate bats of the world and raise awareness of their environmental and economic benefits
  • Continued to align our reporting with the LBG (formerly London Benchmarking Group) model to standardize the management and measurement of our community involvement and contributions in cash and in-kind donations, time volunteered and management costs; further fostered healthy and vibrant communities where Bacardi employees work and live

Bacardi Limited observes Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines in the areas of economic, environmental, social and governance performance to support its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact.

Earlier this week, Bacardi brand Bombay Sapphire announced its new Hampshire, England distillery is the first to achieve an “Outstanding” design-stage Building Research Establishment’s Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) accreditation, signifting its buildings have achieved the highest level of sustainable construction.