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Dow Named by Human Rights Campaign Foundation as 2018 “Best Place to Work” for LGBTQ Equality

In recognition of its inclusive workplace, The Dow Chemical Company, a subsidiary of DowDuPont, has been named by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation as a 2018 “Best Place to Work” for LGBTQ equality. This marks the Company’s 13th consecutive year receiving a perfect score on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index, a global benchmarking tool on corporate policies and practices related to LGBT equality and inclusion.

In recognition of its inclusive workplace, The Dow Chemical Company, a subsidiary of DowDuPont, has been named by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation as a 2018 “Best Place to Work” for LGBTQ equality. This marks the Company’s 13th consecutive year receiving a perfect score on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index, a global benchmarking tool on corporate policies and practices related to LGBT equality and inclusion.

“Year after year, Dow continues to be recognized as a leader in advocating an inclusive workplace environment where all employees feel welcome and respected,” said Karen S. Carter, Dow’s chief inclusion officer. “The recognition from HRC is a testament to our leadership team and to the thousands of Dow employees who have made it their mission to actively embrace equality and diversity. We also know our efforts cannot stop here. As a Company, we will continue to work toward achieving the strongest possible standards in LGBT policies and practices.”

Dow has a longstanding reputation as a world-leading employer promoting LGBTQ rights and retaining a diverse and productive workforce. The Company offers best-in-class policies and practices for LGBTQ colleagues, including equal benefits to same-sex partners for health, dental and life insurance, bereavement leave, relocation, dual career assistance and survivor benefits.

The Company also drives public policy and advocacy to bring fairness and equal treatment to all LGBT citizens, speaking on Capitol Hill in support of equitable policies and leading state and federal lobbying activities. Additionally, Dow continues to call on legislators for a comprehensive federal framework that ensures fairness and opportunity for everyone, such as the Equality Act.

Most recently, six Dow leaders were honored on the 2017 OUTstanding Leading LGBT+ Executives, Leading Ally Executives and Top LGBT+ Future Leaders lists, presented by the Financial Times. In addition to OUTstanding, Dow maintains strong partnerships with several organizations, including: the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation, Out & Equal (O&E), PFLAG, Victory Institute and GLAAD.