The Basel Action Network (BAN) has announced they are bringing to market an online trading platform that will allow businesses to easily recycle used electronics with some of the world's most responsible electronic waste recyclers — those certified to the e-Stewards® Standard.The e-Stewards® Marketplace, developed in cooperation with industry leaders and Seattle-based technology company Retrace, has been enthusiastically supported by e-Stewards recyclers and companies such as LG Electronics, as well as the data protection services firm Tabernus, which have expressed their intent to use the site for their electronic asset disposition or services.
The Basel Action Network (BAN) has announced they are bringing to market an online trading platform that will allow businesses to easily recycle used electronics with some of the world's most responsible electronic waste recyclers — those certified to the e-Stewards® Standard.
The e-Stewards® Marketplace, developed in cooperation with industry leaders and Seattle-based technology company Retrace, has been enthusiastically supported by e-Stewards recyclers and companies such as LG Electronics, as well as the data protection services firm Tabernus, which have expressed their intent to use the site for their electronic asset disposition or services.
While there are many channels for selling used electronics, the e-Stewards Marketplace is the only one to offer the efficiency and competitiveness of an online auction combined with a commitment to ensuring high levels of environmental and social responsibility. All transactions on the Marketplace go through e-Stewards Certified Recyclers conforming to strict standards for electronics recycling worldwide.
e-Stewards Certified Recyclers must pass a rigorous audit which prohibits dumping toxic electronic waste in landfills or in developing countries. It also forbids prison, forced or child labor practices and ensures that all customer data is wiped clean before it ever leaves their custody. The e-Stewards Standard also requires strict health and safety precautions to protect the health of recyclers everywhere.
With growing public awareness for the hazards of e-waste to human health and the environment, as well as growing regulatory requirements, businesses as well as the electronics recycling community are increasingly looking for sustainable and profitable ways to recycle used electronics.
Any business can register and sell used electronics on e-Stewards Marketplace while immediate buyers must be Certified E-Stewards Recyclers which can in turn sell non-restricted (non-hazardous waste) materials such as refurbished equipment, or separated commodities to anyone. Additionally, e-Stewards recyclers can sell scrap to each other for further processing.
Addressing the growing problem of e-waste in developing regions, Dell and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) recently signed an agreement to cooperate on identifying and implementing a sustainable solution model for e-waste management for developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The memorandum of understanding commits the two organizations to work together for a period of five years, with an option to extend the partnership.
In June, DirecTV, Microsoft, Panasonic, Sony and Xerox helped found the R2 Responsible Recycling Leader Program, which encourages companies to responsibly reuse and recycle electronics. The program is a coalition of 10 partners and includes Goodwill Industries International, Greeneye Partners, Keep America Beautiful, SourceAmerica and Wistron Corporation. Participating companies and organizations commit to support R2-certified electronics refurbishment and recycling and to consider R2 certification when choosing a recycling partner.