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Foreign Trade Association Becomes amfori, Embraces Trade with Purpose

The business world is undergoing rapid transformation, as consumers’ — and employees’ — expectations of companies increase, largely in regards to social purpose and environmental performance. It’s no longer enough to deliver high-quality products at low prices with good availability. They need to be delivered in a way that does no harm — either to people or the environment.

The business world is undergoing rapid transformation, as consumers’ — and employees’ — expectations of companies increase, largely in regards to social purpose and environmental performance. It’s no longer enough to deliver high-quality products at low prices with good availability. They need to be delivered in a way that does no harm — either to people or the environment.

It is within this context that The Foreign Trade Association has decided to rebrand itself as amfori, a global business association for open and sustainable trade with purpose.

Building on 40 years of experience, and with this understanding of the current landscape and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, The Foreign Trade Association developed an ambitious long-term strategy, Vision 2030, and evolved into amfori to support it.

As amfori, the organization will work with businesses to improve supply chain monitoring; enhance social and environmental performance; provide educational tools and resources to help businesses and suppliers address key supply chain sustainability issues; and engage globally and locally to shape a policy environment in which sustainable trade can flourish.

As an association dedicated to open and sustainable trade, amfori believes in a world where all trade delivers, social, environmental and economic benefits. Its mission is to enable businesses to enhance human prosperity, use natural resources responsibly and drive open trade globally. This is what it has defined as “trade with purpose.”

In the year ahead, amfori will target three main strategic priorities: open and sustainable trade, vulnerable workers and the SDGs. The organization’s first task will be to pique interest in open and sustainable trade by demonstrating its benefits, as well as highlighting the risks posed by the global rise of protectionist tendencies. In terms of vulnerable workers, amfori will continue its work on responsible recruitment and addressing pressing issues such as forced labor, human trafficking and women’s empowerment. Finally, the organization will offer services and tools that allow businesses to improve social and environmental performance in their supply chains and contribute to the attainment of the SDGs.

Between June 13-14, 2018, amfori will discuss these issues in depth at its Unleash Opportunity Conference in Amsterdam.