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Chevron is tagged in 26 stories. Page 1 of 2.
Global Alliance Commits Over $1B to End Plastic Waste
Global Alliance Commits Over $1B to End Plastic Waste

5 years ago - An alliance of global companies from the plastics, chemicals and CPG value chain has banded together to advance solutions to plastic waste in the environment.

U.S. Plastics Producers Aim to Recycle or Recover 100% of Plastic Packaging by 2040
U.S. Plastics Producers Aim to Recycle or Recover 100% of Plastic Packaging by 2040

6 years ago - Three new goals to enhance the circular economy for plastics and reduce packaging waste have been announced by leading U.S. plastic producers including BASF, Dow, DuPont and Braskem.

Here Come the 'Do Wellers'
Here Come the 'Do Wellers'

6 years ago - In the din of companies and brands shouting about the good they’re doing, ‘purposewash’ is overtaking ‘greenwash’ as the default accusation of corporate hypocrisy. Thirty years ago, Chevron was one of the first accused of greenwash after a series of ads purporting to show its environmental stewardship commitment. ‘People Do’ showed employees protecting bears, butterflies, sea turtles and other cuddlies, but the campaign was attacked by environmentalists for glossing over the damage inflicted by Chevron operations on those creatures’ habitats.

CDP: 70% of Global GHG Emissions Linked to Just 100 Companies
CDP: 70% of Global GHG Emissions Linked to Just 100 Companies

7 years ago - 71 percent of all global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions since 1988 can be traced to just 100 fossil fuel producers, including ExxonMobil, Shell, BHP Billiton and Gazprom, says a new report by CDP.

Shocking News: European Energy Industry Outperforming US in Efforts to Meet Paris Targets
Shocking News: European Energy Industry Outperforming US in Efforts to Meet Paris Targets

7 years ago - A new report from CDP, analyzing a US$1.2tn3 grouping of the world’s major publicly listed international oil and gas companies, reveals an unsurprising transatlantic divide as European companies outperform their U.S. peers in preparedness for a low-carbon future. The oil and gas industry, and the use of its products, accounts for approximately 50 percent of global CO2 emissions1. Climate policies and disruptive technology affecting the use of hydrocarbon products in transport and utilities sectors will require the oil and gas industry to rapidly adapt in order to future-proof its business.

Global 500 Decoupling Emissions, Revenue Growth; Data Offers Hope for COP21 Targets
Global 500 Decoupling Emissions, Revenue Growth; Data Offers Hope for COP21 Targets

8 years ago - For the first time, data has shown a decoupling between revenue growth and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions output among the world’s 500 largest businesses (Global 500), according to a Thompson Reuters report released today. While as a group the companies are not yet reducing their emissions at a rate that follows the global scientific consensus on the risks of climate change, the slight improvement over the past five years offers a glimmer of hope.

ExxonMobil, Chevron Face Shareholder Pressure to Address Risk, Adopt New Reporting Metric
ExxonMobil, Chevron Face Shareholder Pressure to Address Risk, Adopt New Reporting Metric

8 years ago - Oil company shareholders are voting on resolutions today that propose to cut spending on opening new oilfields and change how they report reserves, among others. In Dallas, Texas, ExxonMobil shareholders are voting on four climate change-related resolutions, while Chevron has four such issues on the ballot for its Annual General Meeting in San Ramon, California. The same firms that convinced ExxonMobil to report on climate change and carbon asset risk in 2014, Arjuna Capital and As You Sow, are leading the charge again with these new proposals.

Fossil Fuels & Carbon Risk Resolutions: Institutional Investors, Don't Sit on the Fence!
Fossil Fuels & Carbon Risk Resolutions: Institutional Investors, Don't Sit on the Fence!

8 years ago - At BP’s 2015 Annual General Meeting (AGM), 4.12 percent of the company’s investors either ‘abstained’ (2.4 percent) or voted ‘against’ (1.72 percent) a resolution to better disclose carbon risk. The remainder (96 percent) got the publicity for supporting the resolution, as the board (in a move of alignment with resolution filers) recommended. But as we approach the 2016 voting season, we need to understand why 4 percent of investors would take the step of either abstaining over this board-recommended resolution, or voting against it.

Millennials Seeing How Business Can Be More Innovative, Sparking Innovation from Within
Millennials Seeing How Business Can Be More Innovative, Sparking Innovation from Within

8 years ago - Millennials are earning a reputation for doing things differently. They communicate intensively using social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest), are revolutionizing transportation (Uber, Lyft), and are now demanding corporate sustainability and accountability. Currently the largest living generation in the United States, Millennials have enough ‘buying power’ to throw their weight around.But this innovation doesn’t happen by chance or because Millennials passively expected it — they create it by advocating for themselves.

Should the Fossil Fuel Industry Be Taxed to Pay for Climate Damage?
Should the Fossil Fuel Industry Be Taxed to Pay for Climate Damage?

8 years ago - More than 60 environmental leaders and organizations have signed The Carbon Levy Project declaration, calling for a tax on fossil fuel extraction that would help pay for damages caused by climate change. The declaration states that fossil fuel companies are accountable for around 70 percent of present day global warming and should be held accountable for the resulting costs to the countries most affected. Signatories include author Naomi Klein, 350.org’s Bill McKibben, and Greenpeace’s Kumi Naidoo.

35K Californians Boycotting Produce Grown With Oil Wastewater
35K Californians Boycotting Produce Grown With Oil Wastewater

9 years ago - Over 35,600 people have signed a Courage Campaign pledge to boycott several popular California produce companies after news that they may be using contaminated oil industry wastewater to grow their crops.

Investors Call On ExxonMobil, Chevron to Stop Resisting Transition to Clean Energy
Investors Call On ExxonMobil, Chevron to Stop Resisting Transition to Clean Energy

9 years ago - Shareholders of ExxonMobil and Chevron and members of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) say they will focus on climate change at the companies’ annual general meetings (AGMs) this coming Wednesday.

Stormy Seas, Rising Risks: How Companies Can Better Consider Climate Change Risks in Business Plans
Stormy Seas, Rising Risks: How Companies Can Better Consider Climate Change Risks in Business Plans

9 years ago - Ten miles outside New Orleans stands a two-million-barrel per day oil refinery, surrounded by the Meraux, Louisiana community. On low-lying ground along the Gulf coast, an elaborate network of pipes and smoke stacks looms beyond double-wide trailers, rows of single-family homes, and a playground. By 2050, the refinery and surrounding areas could be underwater, given intermediate sea level rise estimates. But this won’t be the first time the refinery has seen high water levels.

Lemons to Lemonade? Turning the Climate Crisis Into a Market Opportunity
Lemons to Lemonade? Turning the Climate Crisis Into a Market Opportunity

9 years ago - As much as climate change is now in regular rotation in the daily news, we’re still a long way from knowing exactly how it will change life as we know it. But as changes become evident, new business opportunities have already presented themselves – take, for example, extinction tourism: The concept surfaced in marketing campaigns in 2008 as companies began offering packages tied to global warming, “using climate change as a marketing pitch, a ‘see it now before it’s gone’ kind of thing,” said Ayako Ezaki, communications director for the International Ecotourism Society at the time.

EPA Power Plant Carbon Rules Could Drastically Reduce Harmful Air Pollution
EPA Power Plant Carbon Rules Could Drastically Reduce Harmful Air Pollution

10 years ago - Setting strong standards for climate-changing carbon emissions from power plants would also result in reductions in more than 750,000 tons of other air pollutants that can make people sick; damage forests, crops, and lakes; and harm fish and wildlife, according to a new study by scientists at Syracuse University and Harvard.

Chevron Plant to Turn Fat, Oils and Grease into Energy, Save $27M
Chevron Plant to Turn Fat, Oils and Grease into Energy, Save $27M

10 years ago - Chevron Energy Solutions has announced it will design and build a waste-to-energy plant at Broward County, Fla.’s wastewater treatment facility.The project will generate electricity from fats, oils and grease and is expected to generate almost 2 megawatts (MW) of power, reduce electricity usage by over 30 percent and save the county nearly $27 million in its first 17 years of operation.Chevron says the energy produced by the project will offset utility-purchased power and help achieve county-wide carbon-reduction benefits.

Ford Fined Nearly $3M for Violation of Air-Quality Laws in California
Ford Fined Nearly $3M for Violation of Air-Quality Laws in California

10 years ago - The California Air Resources Board (ARB) has fined Ford Motor Company $2.96 million for violations of air-quality laws related to the sale of vehicles with non-compliant On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) systems in California.OBD systems constantly monitor critical engine and emission control system operations, alert drivers to problems and provide service technicians detailed information that can be used to quickly and accurately pinpoint malfunctions causing operational problems and excessive pollution from vehicles. The systems are a key part of California’s efforts to reduce pollution caused by malfunctioning vehicles.

3 Ways Brands Can Improve CSR Websites to Increase Customer Trust
3 Ways Brands Can Improve CSR Websites to Increase Customer Trust

10 years ago - We all know that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an essential piece of the puzzle for any successful organization, no matter its size. We also know that many companies go to great lengths to do meaningful charitable work that actually makes a difference. But are these efforts really impacting the public’s perception of those brands?

Exxon Mobil, Chevron Pressed by Investors on Low-Carbon Strategies, Carbon Asset Risk
Exxon Mobil, Chevron Pressed by Investors on Low-Carbon Strategies, Carbon Asset Risk

10 years ago - Half-a-dozen investors have filed shareholder resolutions with ten fossil fuel companies, including Exxon Mobil and Chevron, seeking an explanation of their strategies for competing as the world moves toward a low-carbon global economy.The resolutions focus on potential carbon asset risk, or the possibility that these companies’ present and future fossil fuel-related assets will lose value as various market factors — such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, fuel economy, fuel switching, carbon pollution standards, efforts to curb air pollution and climate policy — increasingly threaten demand for fossil fuels and related infrastructure.

Chevron, Southwest Gas Fined Nearly $1M After Failing to Report GHG Emissions
Chevron, Southwest Gas Fined Nearly $1M After Failing to Report GHG Emissions

10 years ago - Chevron and Southwest Gas have been fined close to $1 million for late or inaccurate reporting of their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for 2011. This action marks the second time the Air Resources Board (ARB) has issued fines for violations of California’s Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting regulation.Chevron USA will pay $364,500 for reporting incorrect information regarding operations at its El Segundo Refinery. In this case the data remained uncorrected for 243 days, according to ARB.In a separate matter, Chevron North America Exploration & Production Company of Houston, TX has agreed to pay $328,500 for late reporting of GHGs emissions from its San Joaquin Valley oil fields. That data was late or incorrect for 219 days.