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Nestlé is tagged in 364 stories. Page 18 of 19.
UK Households Waste $11 Billion Worth of Food Each Year
UK Households Waste $11 Billion Worth of Food Each Year

10 years ago - UK households waste £6.9 billion ($11 billion) worth of food and drink, or 7 percent of overall sales, each year, according to new research from WRAP.The organization estimates that the grocery retail supply chain produces roughly 6.5 million tons (Mt) of annual waste. Of this, 3.9 Mt is derived from food and drink manufacturers, with the majority being food.

Disney, Yahoo!, Google Top List of 100 Companies 'Most Loved' by Consumers
Disney, Yahoo!, Google Top List of 100 Companies 'Most Loved' by Consumers

10 years ago - Global opinion research consultancy APCO Insight last week revealed its list of the 100 Most Loved Companies, based on findings generated by its Emotional LinkingSM model, which measures consumers’ emotional attachment to brands. The Walt Disney Company was ranked #1, but the list was largely dominated by tech companies — Yahoo!, Google and Sony rounded out the top four.

Investors Call For Food Companies That Oppose Labeling to Stay Out of Washington State GMO Battle
Investors Call For Food Companies That Oppose Labeling to Stay Out of Washington State GMO Battle

10 years ago - Companies that donated funds to oppose ballot initiatives to require the labeling of products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are facing new pressure from shareholders to stay out of future elections.

10% of World's Largest Companies Produce 73% of GHG
10% of World's Largest Companies Produce 73% of GHG

10 years ago - Fifty of the world’s 500 largest companies are responsible for nearly three quarters of the group’s 3.6 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, according to the CDP Global 500 Climate Change Report 2013.Most of the top 50 carbon-polluting companies operate in the energy, materials and utilities sectors, the report says. The carbon dioxide emitted by these companies has risen by 1.65 percent to 2.54 billion metric tons over the past four years — equivalent to adding more than 8.5 million pickup trucks to the streets.

Nestlé, Volkswagen, SAP, Air France Named Industry Leaders in 2013 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices
Nestlé, Volkswagen, SAP, Air France Named Industry Leaders in 2013 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices

10 years ago - S&P Dow Jones Indices, one of the world’s largest providers of financial market indices, and RobecoSAM, an investment specialist focused on sustainability investing, today announced the results of the annual Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) review. Launched in 1999, the DJSI were the first global indices to track the financial performance of the leading sustainability-driven companies worldwide.

Study Shows Farmers Working with Rainforest Alliance and Nespresso Earn 87% More
Study Shows Farmers Working with Rainforest Alliance and Nespresso Earn 87% More

11 years ago - A recent independent study by the Colombian organization CRECE, which assessed the social, environmental and economic impacts among 1,000 farmers has found that farmers in the Nespresso AAA Sustainable Quality Program have a net income 87.4 percent higher than those not involved with the program.The AAA program, which was co-developed over the last ten years by the Rainforest Alliance and Nespresso, encourages farmers to adopt best practices such as protecting water sources and preventing soil erosion from their land.

New 'I Want to Be Recycled' Campaign Targeting 62% of Americans Who Are Not Avid Recyclers
New 'I Want to Be Recycled' Campaign Targeting 62% of Americans Who Are Not Avid Recyclers

11 years ago - The average American produces 4.4 pounds of trash a day, and on the whole the United States produces over 250 million tons of trash a year. However, only about 35 percent is currently recycled, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). To address this national concern, the Ad Council and Keep America Beautiful (KAB) today launched a public service advertising (PSA) campaign designed to raise awareness about the benefits of recycling with the goal to make recycling a daily social norm.

Five Reasons Every Business Should Care About the New Metrics of Sustainable Business
Five Reasons Every Business Should Care About the New Metrics of Sustainable Business

11 years ago - Every now and then, as I discuss various products Sustainable Brands has to offer to our growing community of brands and solution providers, I mention our New Metrics of Sustainable Business conference and I detect either a blank stare or a confused nod. When I pause to find out why, I typically get a response gravitating around these questions: “What exactly are these New Metrics you speak of? How do they affect my company, and why should I care?”Simply put, New Metrics (#NewMetrics) is an umbrella term for the latest and most successful ways businesses are creating and capturing entirely new forms of value, or quantifying previously ignored economic, social and environmental impacts and opportunities.

Is It Best to Approach Behavior Change from Inside or Outside of Your Company?
Is It Best to Approach Behavior Change from Inside or Outside of Your Company?

11 years ago - Work on behavior change cannot be considered a new area; various institutions, especially governments, have long sought to influence individuals’ behavior in areas such as health, transport, family planning, etc. It is also not new for companies and brands to attempt to influence behaviors and needs through marketing.

Nestlé USA Commits to Sourcing 100% Certified Cocoa Beans For Its Crunch Bars
Nestlé USA Commits to Sourcing 100% Certified Cocoa Beans For Its Crunch Bars

11 years ago - Socially conscious Nestlé® Crunch® lovers can soon enjoy their favorite chocolate bar even more. At the National Confectioners Association’s Sweets & Snacks Expo in Chicago today, Nestlé USA announced that it will source 100% certified, Nestlé Cocoa Plan cocoa beans for the entire line of Nestlé Crunch bars.

UK Retailers Increase Efforts To Decrease Food Waste
UK Retailers Increase Efforts To Decrease Food Waste

11 years ago - Coca-Cola Enterprises, Unilever, AB InBev, Nestlé, and 45 other retailers, manufacturers and brands have all recommitted to a joint reduction of food and drink waste by 1.1 million metric tons by 2015.

Sustainable Brands Unites Global Partners for First Look at Project on Sustainable Consumption and Consumer Behavior Change
Sustainable Brands Unites Global Partners for First Look at Project on Sustainable Consumption and Consumer Behavior Change

11 years ago - SAN FRANCISCO, California, May 8, 2013 – Sustainable Brands® announced today that the Emerging Economies Consumer Behavior Change Project will launch at the Sustainable Brands Rio conference in Brazil.

Nestlé Ramps Up Sustainable Design Efforts Throughout Brand Portfolio
Nestlé Ramps Up Sustainable Design Efforts Throughout Brand Portfolio

11 years ago - As consumers become increasingly demanding of more social and environmental sustainability efforts from their favorite brands, Nestlé is one multinational that is responding in kind. The challenges for the world’s largest food company, however, are as complicated as the company’s long and tangled supply chain.

Nike, North Face, eBay, IKEA, Levi's Among Companies Urging Congress for Climate Regulation
Nike, North Face, eBay, IKEA, Levi's Among Companies Urging Congress for Climate Regulation

11 years ago - As President Obama prepares to unveil his budget for the coming year, 33 multinational companies, including eBay, IKEA, L’Oréal, Nike and Limited Brands, have signed a “Climate Declaration” urging federal policymakers to take action on climate change.

Lost Confidence: Can Ratings Help Brands Rebuild Faith in Big Business?
Lost Confidence: Can Ratings Help Brands Rebuild Faith in Big Business?

11 years ago - A 2012 Gallup poll reported sobering news for Corporate America — only 19 percent of the public has significant confidence in big businesses, 41 percent has some and 39 percent has little or none. The only institutions doing worse in the public’s eye are HMOs and the U.S. Congress.This comes as no surprise given the plethora of corporate controversies, CEO scandals, bailouts and environmental accidents that have dominated headlines in recent years. These types of stories often overshadow the good work being done by more conscientious brands, making it difficult for them to stand apart from less-responsible competitors.

Rainforest Foundation Promotes Sustainable Palm Oil with UK Easter Chocolate Rankings
Rainforest Foundation Promotes Sustainable Palm Oil with UK Easter Chocolate Rankings

11 years ago - With Easter just around the corner, The Rainforest Foundation has teamed up with Ethical Consumer magazine to release a ranking of more than 70 UK chocolate brands to encourage companies to use more sustainably sourced palm oil.

Unreal Helps Unjunk Sweets with Easter Bunny Apology Tour
Unreal Helps Unjunk Sweets with Easter Bunny Apology Tour

11 years ago - Candy company Unreal is sponsoring the 2013 Easter Bunny Apology Tour, a social media and publicity campaign aimed at “unjunking” popular candy products, according to a recent announcement.

Nestlé Commits To Fighting Obesity and Climate Change with New Goals
Nestlé Commits To Fighting Obesity and Climate Change with New Goals

11 years ago - Nestlé has published a set of 30 social and environmental goals focused on countering the global nutrition crisis and environmental decline, to be achieved by or before 2020.

Co-op, Nestlé, Sainsbury’s Using New Research to Inform Reduction in Supply Chain Footprints
Co-op, Nestlé, Sainsbury’s Using New Research to Inform Reduction in Supply Chain Footprints

11 years ago - The Co-operative Group, Nestlé and Sainsbury’s say they will improve the sustainability performance of some of their products in response to research from the Product Sustainability Forum.The study, published by the Waste and Resources Action Program (WRAP), analyzed 50 grocery products with the biggest environmental impact and found that together they contribute between 21 and 33 percent of household greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Some of the products include such staples as bread, potatoes, bananas and milk.

Starbucks Shifting to 100% Sustainable Palm Oil Sources by 2015
Starbucks Shifting to 100% Sustainable Palm Oil Sources by 2015

11 years ago - Starbucks will begin sourcing 100 percent of its palm oil from certified sustainable suppliers by 2015, according to a recent announcement.The coffee company made the change in response to a shareholder resolution filed by the Green Century Balanced Fund, a mutual fund concerned with environmental responsibility.