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Enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future. Every day, we touch the lives of billions of people: from the farmers who grow our ingredients and the families who enjoy our products; to the communities where we live and work; and the natural environment upon which we all depend.


Nestlé is tagged in 364 stories. Page 17 of 19.
New Scorecard Grades 30 US Companies' Palm Oil Sourcing Commitments — and More Than Half Fail
New Scorecard Grades 30 US Companies' Palm Oil Sourcing Commitments — and More Than Half Fail

10 years ago - Palm oil certainly is a hot topic right now: NGOs including Greenpeace and WWF have continued to raise awareness of the destructive nature of the palm oil industry and the devastating effects it has had on wildlife and their rainforest habitats, mostly across Indonesia — not to mention the effect that deforestation has on climate change.

Greenpeace to P&G: Enough with the 'Dirty' Palm Oil
Greenpeace to P&G: Enough with the 'Dirty' Palm Oil

10 years ago - Greenpeace launched another massive campaign this week, this time demanding Procter & Gamble end its role in rainforest destruction through its careless sourcing of palm oil.

Report: Sustainable Sourcing Driving Major Market Growth
Report: Sustainable Sourcing Driving Major Market Growth

10 years ago - Private sector sourcing commitments from companies such as Unilever, Coca Cola, Starbucks and Home Depot are driving major market growth for sustainable commodities, according to the State of Sustainability Initiatives (SSI) Review 2014.Once thought of as instruments primarily tailored for niche markets, voluntary sustainability standards such as Fairtrade, Rainforest Alliance and Organic are gaining traction in mainstream markets. The trend towards mainstreaming of sustainability standards is strongest among newer sector-specific initiatives that explicitly target mainstream markets.

BMW, HP, BT Top Inaugural CDP Index of Companies Demanding Top Climate Performance from Suppliers
BMW, HP, BT Top Inaugural CDP Index of Companies Demanding Top Climate Performance from Suppliers

10 years ago - CDP, with the help of FirstCarbon Solutions (FCS), a pioneer in environmental and sustainability business solutions, has announced the debut publication of the Supplier Climate Performance Leadership Index (SCPLI), a new evaluation and benchmarking tool for CDP supply chain members and suppliers.

The Alchemy of Sustainability: 5 Forces That Will Drive More Meaning, Growth and Impact in 2014
The Alchemy of Sustainability: 5 Forces That Will Drive More Meaning, Growth and Impact in 2014

10 years ago - At BBMG, we often use archetypes to help reveal a brand’s true character and provide a North Star for the products, services and experiences it can bring into the world.My favorite is the Alchemist, whose core desire is to search out the fundamental laws of how things work and apply these principles to make things happen. The Alchemist integrates physical, environmental and spiritual elements to spark transformation in people, organizations and our times.In 2014, we see an alchemy of economic, environmental and social values that will bring new opportunities for business and society, and we’ve identified five forces that will advance a more sustainable marketplace:

Food Companies Seek Federal GMO Labeling Standard, Challenge Washington's Campaign Finance Laws
Food Companies Seek Federal GMO Labeling Standard, Challenge Washington's Campaign Finance Laws

10 years ago - The Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA) — which represents food-industry giants including Coca-Cola, MARS, Kellogg, P&G, McDonald’s, Mondelez International, Starbucks, Hershey, General Mills and roughly 300 others — announced this week that it will petition to the chief U.S. food safety regulator and Congress to enact a single federal standard for the labeling of genetically modified (GMO) foods.

Nestlé, Campbell's, Coke Among Companies That Eliminated 6.4T Calories from U.S. Marketplace
Nestlé, Campbell's, Coke Among Companies That Eliminated 6.4T Calories from U.S. Marketplace

10 years ago - 16 of the nation’s leading food and beverage companies sold 6.4 trillion fewer calories in the United States in 2012 than they did in 2007, according to the findings released last week by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). The companies, acting together as part of the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation (HWCF), pledged to remove 1 trillion calories from the marketplace by 2012, and 1.5 trillion by 2015. The independent evaluation found that the companies have so far exceeded their 2015 pledge by more than 400 percent.The 16 companies committed to the HWCF calorie-reduction pledge are:

Nestlé Partners with Stem Cell Tech Company to Study Link Between Nutrition and Disease
Nestlé Partners with Stem Cell Tech Company to Study Link Between Nutrition and Disease

10 years ago - The Nestlé Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) has signed a long-term research agreement with Wisconsin-based Cellular Dynamics International (CDI), a leading developer of stem cell technologies for in vitro drug development, stem cell banking and in vivo cellular therapeutic research.The agreement gives Nestlé access to certain types of CDI’s cell products to support nutrition-research programs on maintaining health and helping to prevent conditions such as diabetes and obesity.

Top 10 Ways Brands Used Their Power to Create a More Sustainable World in 2013
Top 10 Ways Brands Used Their Power to Create a More Sustainable World in 2013

10 years ago - 2013 was a banner year for companies using their muscle to drive transformative change, both internally and globally. Without further ado, here is just a taste of some of the progress we found most inspiring.

Stopping Global Deforestation: How to Turn Around a Giant (Part 2 of 2)
Stopping Global Deforestation: How to Turn Around a Giant (Part 2 of 2)

10 years ago - This is the fourth in a series of excerpts from Engaging Outraged Stakeholders: A How-To Guide for Uniting the Left, Right, Capitalists and Activists (Affinity Press, 2013), the new book from Future 500. Earlier this month, we posted the beginning of Chapter Two: The Power of Engagement, and learned six reasons to engage your activist stakeholders.

10 Sustainable Business Stories Too Important to Miss
10 Sustainable Business Stories Too Important to Miss

10 years ago - Somehow it’s already year-end, a time to look back and try to make sense of what’s happened. Creating any “top” list of stories from 12 months is nearly impossible. But as I’ve done for the last 4 years, I’ll attempt to summarize some of the latest stories about the big environmental and social pressures on business, and how some innovative companies are dealing with them.

Nestlé, Coke, Pepsi & Unilever Join Forces to Combat Waste in Chile
Nestlé, Coke, Pepsi & Unilever Join Forces to Combat Waste in Chile

10 years ago - Nestlé has announced a commitment to helping reduce waste and boost responsible disposal in Chile by supporting a new recycling network.The company has backed the “Collective Recycling Project,” which aims to recycle about 1,200 tons of waste per year through the installation of five recycling centers in the capital city of Santiago.The project is a joint collaboration with Walmart Chile, Coca-Cola Chile, PepsiCo and Unilever, with the goal of improving waste management in the country.

How Green Is Your Coffee? New PCR Standardizes GHG Calculation for Coffee Production
How Green Is Your Coffee? New PCR Standardizes GHG Calculation for Coffee Production

10 years ago - A new Green Coffee Carbon Footprint Product Category Rule (CFP-PCR) was published this week, providing the first CPR for the calculation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from coffee production. The Green Coffee CFP-PCR rule was initiated by SAI Platform’s Coffee Working group members, including illycaffé, Nestlé, Tchibo, Mondelez and Lavazza, and standard-setting bodies 4C, Fairtrade International, Rainforest Alliance and UTZ Certified, in collaboration with the Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH).

CDP: Many Businesses Still Unaware of Supply Chain Risks Due to Deforestation
CDP: Many Businesses Still Unaware of Supply Chain Risks Due to Deforestation

10 years ago - In a year of extreme weather events, commodity price spikes and supply chain disasters, the latest data from CDP’s forests program reveals that the business community remains largely unaware of the deforestation risks in their own supply chains, threatening shareholder value.

Nestlé Hoping to Alleviate Europe's Economic Crisis Through Youth Employment Initiative
Nestlé Hoping to Alleviate Europe's Economic Crisis Through Youth Employment Initiative

10 years ago - Nestlé has announced a commitment to create 20,000 positions for young people across Europe over the next three years.The Nestlé needs YOUth Initiative will offer jobs to 10,000 people under the age of 30 and create 10,000 apprentice positions and traineeships by 2016."Today, one in four young people in Europe does not have a job," said Laurent Freixe, Nestlé Executive Vice-President and Zone Director for Europe, speaking at the Nestlé needs YOUth launch event in Athens, Greece, where more than half of those under the age of 25 are unemployed.

8 Major Consumer Brands and WWF Form Alliance to Promote Plant-Based Plastics
8 Major Consumer Brands and WWF Form Alliance to Promote Plant-Based Plastics

10 years ago - Coca-Cola, Danone, Ford, Heinz, Nestlé, Nike, P&G, Unilever and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) have formed a new organization to support the responsible development of plastics made from plant material and promote a more sustainable future for the bioplastics industry.The Bioplastic Feedstock Alliance (BFA) will focus on guiding the responsible selection and harvesting of feedstocks — such as sugar cane, corn, bulrush and switchgrass — used to make plastics from agricultural materials.

Can Aspirationals Help Make Sustainable Consumption Cool?
Can Aspirationals Help Make Sustainable Consumption Cool?

10 years ago - Last month, BBMG, GlobeScan and SustainAbility released The 2013 Aspirational Consumer Index, a report that confirms the rise of nearly 2.5 billion consumers globally who are uniting style, social status and sustainability values to redefine consumption. According to the report, more than one-third of consumers globally (36.4%) identify as Aspirationals, defined by their love of shopping (78%), desire for responsible consumption (92%) and their trust in brands to act in the best interest of society (58%).

Unilever Pledges 100% Traceable Palm Oil by End of 2014
Unilever Pledges 100% Traceable Palm Oil by End of 2014

10 years ago - In a major move towards sustainability for one of the world’s largest purchasers of palm oil, Unilever on Tuesday announced that all of the palm oil it buys globally will be traceable to known sources by the end of 2014.The company says it purchases roughly 1.5 million tons of palm oil and its derivatives annually, which represents about 3 percent of the world’s total production, for use in products such as margarine, ice cream, soap and shampoo.

Unilever, KT, Nestlé Top Tomorrow’s Value Rating 2013
Unilever, KT, Nestlé Top Tomorrow’s Value Rating 2013

10 years ago - Unilever, KT and Nestlé lead the Tomorrow’s Value Rating 2013 (TVR), which recognizes companies that increasingly demonstrate “clarity of vision and innovation in their pursuit of a sustainable business model.”Sprint, Vodafone, Iberdrola, E.ON, BMW, Ford and Deutsche Telekom rounded out the top 10. Two Tomorrows, the sustainability strategy consultancy that created the rating, says the average for the top 10 this year is 83 percent compared to 55 percent in 2010. While the average score across the companies rated has varied only slightly over recent years, in that time the highest scores have gotten higher. There also is a growing gap between sustainability leaders and laggards, the report says.

Nestlé on Its Way to Achieving Zero Waste in Europe by 2020
Nestlé on Its Way to Achieving Zero Waste in Europe by 2020

10 years ago - Nestlé today announced it will achieve zero waste in all 150 of its European factories by 2020, meaning no factory waste will go to landfill or be incinerated without energy being recovered from the process.“The decision to achieve zero waste illustrates Nestlé’s commitment to environmentally sustainable business practices,” said Laurent Freixe, Nestlé Executive Vice President and Zone Director for Europe. “We already have over 25 factories in Europe that do not dispose of waste into the environment.“By relentlessly eliminating all sources of waste, or by recycling or recovering energy from unavoidable residues, I am convinced we can achieve the same for all our European operations,” Freixe said.Cleaning up