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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

Retailers and the Food Waste Fight: The Journey Continues

Between new approaches to labeling, innovative coatings, redistribution and data-driven solutions, retailers across the Western world continue to fight the good fight against food waste.

Report: An Asset Mindset Is Needed to Make a Circular Economy a Reality

Latest research from Planet Tracker proposes a practical business solution to the problem of plastic waste, whereby packaging is treated as an asset to be returned, rather than a liability to be tossed.

Trending: Pangaia, Primark Expand Efforts to Turn Waste Textiles Into New Colors

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. The latest in a growing wave of circular textile innovations, the materials-science company and the global retailer have both launched collections that turn waste materials into new, colored textiles that require no dyeing.

4 Things We Must Get Right to Truly Transform the US Agriculture System

As regenerative ag gains momentum in the US, how do we ensure that the transition of the food system materializes in a way that supports equitable economic prosperity while allowing people and planet to flourish long term? Here are four areas where today’s decisions will shape US agriculture’s future trajectory.

Conquering the Last Frontier of the Climate Emergency: Your Screen

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. As creators of our digital world, we have a powerful role to play. We must consciously reinvent web design to radically reduce the polluting impacts of our sites and apps. We must use our talents to rethink how we build websites, reduce wastage and save energy — or else, we’re complicit.

Could This Upcycled Sugar Company Help Solve the Obesity and Biodiversity Crises?

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Supplant breaks down typically wasted agricultural fiber into its signature product, Sugars from Fiber — an entirely new category of sugars, which performs like sugar in the kitchen while retaining the nutritional properties of fiber, and mitigating the impacts of one of the world’s most environmentally destructive crops.

The Problem with Plastic-Free July

The problems we’re facing aren’t going to be solved by forgoing plastic straws. Yes, every small action makes a difference; but these actions need to be a piece of a greater puzzle in which every council, government, company and community is building towards better waste management overall.

With a Sustainability Strategy Fully Embedded, How Do You Maintain Momentum to Reach Your Goals?

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. “We’ve been working on design for recyclability for years now. But the next step is to make packaging fully recyclable and then collect the packaging to recycle it into new products. We’re very close to creating a low-carbon, circular economy.” — Han Zhang

MiiR’s ‘Re:Claimed’ Program Gives Rejected Custom Products a Second Chance

The design-focused drinkware company used existing production channels to find a new path to market for would-be-wasted units from its B2B program.

1st Indigo Ag Credit Issuance Connects Farmers to Multibillion-Dollar Voluntary Carbon Market

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Industry-leading carbon-farming program provides new revenue stream for farmers and an immediately accessible, scalable nature-based solution to climate change for businesses.

A Paradigm(ond) Shift: Lab-Grown Diamonds Are Changing the Meaning of Luxury

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. If you see a lab-grown diamond and a mined diamond side by side, they both elicit the same scintillating awe; but lab-grown gemstones don’t carry the injustices of their mined counterparts. For Aether and Sacet, transparency, ethics and regeneration are the future of luxury.

A New Era of Sports Sponsorship: Connecting Branded Merchandise with Circular Innovation

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. Despite more leagues and arenas introducing initiatives to curb waste from concessions and encourage recycling, the science and innovation necessary to create lasting impact across the board (or the court or field) are still missing. That's where Dow and its partners come in.

Meet the Company Turning Wine Waste into a Delectable Superfood Treat

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Through its ongoing research and growing product offerings, WellVine aims to become the world’s premier source of plant-based nutrition and illustrate how upcycling can not only reduce food waste but demonstrate the highest and best use of a remarkable global food source.

Circularity Is ‘Izzy’: Meet the Clean Beauty Startup Creating a Blueprint for a Waste-Free Industry

New York-based startup Izzy Zero Waste Beauty is out to show the incredibly wasteful beauty industry that it can mend its wicked ways — vastly reducing its footprint through a hyper-local supply chain and 100% refillable, recyclable products.

Alternative Proteins May Be Best Investment for Slowing Climate Change

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. New report finds that with 25% of global GHG emissions caused by the food value chain, the shift to alternative proteins may be the most capital-efficient and high-impact solution to addressing the climate crisis — and over 30% of consumers are ready to make the switch.

What Is Plastic Neutrality and How Do We Get There?

Plastic neutrality is achieved when an individual or organization’s plastic footprint is measured and balanced by the removal and recovery of plastic waste from nature, and complemented by reductions in plastic use.

Carbios, On, Patagonia, PUMA, Salomon Team Up to Advance Circularity of Textiles

After achieving a milestone in packaging recycling, Carbios’ unique biological recycling technology stands to fundamentally change the circularity of textiles.

In Conversation with Dow: The Unexpected and Unconventional Partnerships That Launch Circular Solutions

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. Dow Sustainability Director Julie Zaniewski kicks off this conversation series by sharing insights into how the chemical giant is shaking up business as usual to deliver solutions.

What Makes a Resale Company Truly Sustainable?

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. With the resale market for apparel alone estimated to grow to $77B billion by 2026, sustainability is sure to become an increasingly important factor for consumers to consider when debating where to sell and buy their used goods.

How Brands Can Help Turn the Tide on Plastic Pollution in the Caribbean

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Our vision is to embed effective recycling across the region’s islands and enable value-added processing of materials where it makes commercial sense — but we’ve been held back by many challenges. For businesses and brands that sell into the Caribbean, it’s an opportunity to be part of our mission and walk their talk around plastic pollution reduction and circularity.