Last Chance Rate for SB'24 San Diego Expires Sept 22nd!

Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

A Sustainable Moo-vement: How the Dairy Industry Is Fighting Climate Change

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. Dairy farming has quickly evolved for sustainability. Here are just a few examples of how innovative dairy organizations and farmers are working to fight climate change by reducing their impacts, improving soil health and using regenerative agriculture.

Protecting the Collectors: A Case Study in Ensuring Safe, Sustainable Livelihoods for Workers in the ‘First Mile’

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. Many companies still shy away from responsibility for what’s happening in the first mile of their supply chains; but First Mile, along with its nonprofit and brand partners, is actively engaging with these issues — and creating positive impacts for thousands of waste collectors around the world.

‘Changing Our DNA’: Brands Large and Small Illustrate New Models for Sustainability in Asia

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. On day two of SB’22 Kuala Lumpur, leaders in construction, eco-tourism, artisanal goods, marketing and more highlighted successes and challenges behind next-generation sustainability strategies — and the need for Malaysian brands to embrace collaboration for greater impact.

Ando Launching World's First 100% Fossil-Free Insurance Program

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Through partnerships with leading providers including Allstate, Nationwide and Travelers, Ando aims to expand the scope of financial independence from fossil fuels available to sustainability-conscious consumers.

To Build Back Better Post-Pandemic, We Must Re-Examine Lessons Learned from the Past

The pandemic has laid bare not only the many flaws in our global systems but also our capacity for resilience and ingenuity in the face of complex, immediate challenges — if we apply that thinking to those that lay ahead, we may yet save ourselves from ‘business as usual.’

4VI Creates New Model for Destination Marketing Organizations by Becoming a Social Enterprise

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Earlier this year, Tourism Vancouver Island evolved into a social enterprise called 4VI that supports communities, businesses, culture and environment. A social enterprise is a revenue-generating business that identifies a social benefit and directs its revenues toward it; in the tourism industry, this is a completely new way to operate.

Shein Acknowledges Textile Waste with $50M EPR Commitment; But Critics Say It’s Small Change

What some are calling 'a significant step toward accountability' for fast fashion brands, others say is lip service and an inadequate approach to supporting waste-management efforts in communities deeply impacted by textile waste.

War in Ukraine Takes Toll on East Asian Economies, Prospects for Achieving SDGs

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. As ever, it is the most vulnerable people around the world who suffer greatest from slow growth, rising inflation, and the energy and food system disruptions stemming from the war in Ukraine. Bridging the finance divide, while ensuring that resources catalyze the necessary transformations, will be key for putting the SDGs back within reach.

Fashion Is Still Rife with Greenwashing; But There Is a Bigger Picture for the Guilty Brands

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. Many would also argue that the fashion industry is not being judged harshly enough and gets away with a lot. But there are steps in the right direction and nuances within sustainability ‘misses’ which, if built on, will generate needed momentum.

3 Key Traits Employers Must Adopt to Succeed in the New World of Work

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Work for Impact — a talent acquisition platform that attracts and uplifts underserved jobseekers around the world yearning for greater purpose in employment — is a model for purpose-driven companies to emulate.

Digital Verification Solutions for Carbon Markets Could Fast-Track Climate Action

A recent Innovate4Climate workshop focused on technology’s role in improving carbon accounting verification processes. SustainCERT and INFRAS explored how digitization will revolutionize emissions-reductions verification in both voluntary and compliance markets.

Appalachian Botanical Is Growing Opportunity in West Virginia

The company — committed to sustainable agriculture and a truly inclusive approach for creating economic opportunity for the people of Boone County, West Virginia — has been growing lavender and raising bees on reclaimed coal mine soil since 2019.

Groupe Rossignol CEO Offers Measured Hope About the Future of Winter Sports

The leading ski and snowboard maker is a case study in outdoor economy resilience amid several unknowns — including climate change. CEO Vincent Wauters is committed to working with competitors for the greater good.

European Retailers Called Out for Cutting Corners on Curtailing Plastic Pollution

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. First-ever ranking of leading European supermarkets’ commitments to dial back their use and waste of plastic reveals lack of real action.

Tourism Cares Lays Groundwork for ‘Meaningful Travel’ That Tackles Global Issues with Local Focus

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Tourism must grapple with its place alongside growing and egregious social and environmental concerns. The Meaningful Travel Summit used Lake Tahoe as a case study of challenges and solutions for a specific destination; but everyone must reflect on these “global issues that need to be addressed, no matter where you work, or from what sector.”

A Springboard for Circularity: Investment in NY Recycling Infrastructure to Create Ripple Effect Across the US

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. These investments offer proof-of-concept for scaling more investments in waste infrastructure across North America. Modernizing Sims’ recycling capabilities acts as a circularity laboratory, which can lead to better design for the whole US recycling system.

Rhum J.M Offers How-to for Fellow Distillers Seeking Sustainability

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. The EDDEN Project highlights the Martinique distillery’s circular and sustainable efforts to date and its roadmap for improvement, as well as advocating for similar commitments from distilleries around the world.

eBay Releases Methodology for Calculating Environmental, Financial Benefits of Recommerce

The resale giant says the information allows consumers to make meaningful decisions about what used or refurbished products to purchase, by understanding how the positive environmental impact from purchases are calculated.

What Are Plastic Credits? A 4-Minute Explainer

As the global plastic-pollution crisis continues to deepen, key stakeholders must come together to find and fund solutions. The introduction of plastic credits has brought with it a renewed cause for optimism.

Tattersall Distilling Offers Proof of Concept for Locally Produced, Circular Spirits at Scale

The microdistiller not only sources grains, fruit and materials from local suppliers — it repurposes as many byproducts of the distilling process as possible, in what’s likely one of the most scalable examples of circularity so far in the spirits business.