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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

300 C-Suite Execs Share Insights on Overcoming Challenges to Build a Circular Economy

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. Although circularity goals have risen to the top of executives’ agendas, the path to a waste-free world remains less clear. Fortune magazine’s latest white paper, produced in partnership with Dow, aims to help sustainability leaders and practitioners understand the current challenges and collaborate on circular solutions.

GM Launches $60B 'Equitable Climate Action' Plan

A new, $25 billion climate-equity-focused philanthropic fund will complement GM's $35 billion investment in EV and AV programs globally through 2025.

The Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on People’s Needs, Expectations in the Office

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. The ongoing pandemic has changed fundamental patterns in our lives, accelerating existing trends and revealing new unmet needs. Since the onset of COVID, Steelcase has conducted ongoing research to help organizations understand its impact on their people and business.

Report: Circular Apparel Market Projected to Reach $77B by 2026

thredUP’s 2021 Resale Report estimates that the secondhand clothing market will double in the next 5 years, reaching $77 billion. Policy incentives to end fast fashion production and disposal would fuel the movement.

Forget Selling Products. Change Lives, Instead.

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. The happiness of buying new shoes is a short-lived dopamine kick, whereas finding better ways of living in balance with yourself adds lifelong value. It’s time to create a new offering: Who can you help people become?

Prince Charles Partners with Global Insurance Industry to Drive Substantive Climate Action

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. The SMI Insurance Task Force commits to provide climate-positive financing and risk-management solutions to support and encourage individuals and businesses around the world to accelerate their transition to a sustainable future.

Target Unveils Plan to Co-Create an Equitable, Sustainable Future for All

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Among the retailer’s goals are to achieve 20% Black team member representation across the company by 2023; and reach net zero in both waste to landfill and value-chain-wide emissions, and 100% owned-brand product circularity, by 2040.

How Education Helps Set a Better Foundation for Long-Term Sustainability

If you’re a brand that cares about the environment or society but doesn’t invest in education, you’re missing an opportunity to expand your impact. This connects to a larger issue — how CSR and sustainability go far beyond any company’s immediate customer base or market.

Leading Brands Share Mix of Success Stories, Cautionary Tales at SB’21 Madrid

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. While showcasing brands leading the charge toward sustainability — including Interface and Tony’s Chocolonely — SB’21 Madrid gave equal weight to just how much work we have left to do: Only 13% of companies can accurately deem themselves “sustainable.”

Disposables to Reusables: Food-Service Businesses Can Save $5B a Year, Avoid Countless Environmental Impacts

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Any product designed to be used for a matter of minutes and then thrown away is not a sustainable option – regardless of whether it’s made from plastic, paper, metal or plants. Businesses and the environment will reap undeniable benefits as the new reuse economy for food service gains steam.

Vermont Family Farm Raises a Crop of Energy and Teaches Us a Lesson

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. The anaerobic digester at Goodrich Farm turns cow manure and food waste into carbon-negative, renewable natural gas that benefits much more than the farm. And the family’s journey is highly replicable.

Regeneration and Business: The Challenges of Implementation

Becoming a truly regenerative business might mean changing the shape of your portfolio — but this is not something to fear! Consumers want products and services that reflect their values and demands for greater sustainability, positive environmental impact, and both social and individual well-being. A portfolio that reflects this will be successful in the long run.

With Aggressive Expansion, Too Good to Go Doubles Down on Commitment to Address Food Waste

Beyond being the world’s largest business-to-consumer marketplace for surplus food, Too Good to Go is a movement. Not only does it offer a win-win-win solution for food, people and the planet — the company seeks to inspire and empower individuals around the world to take action against food waste.

US Plastics Pact Unveils Plan to Achieve Circular Economy in US by 2025

Holding accountable over 95 organizations, The US Plastics Pact Roadmap outlines specific actions and responsibilities to propel the US closer to other developed nations in its management of plastic waste.

Fix the Economy, Fix the Climate: A Deeper Dive Into the Win-Win of a Circular Economy

At a recent virtual event, Dame Ellen MacArthur and an esteemed lineup of business and policy leaders discussed how to push siloed circular efforts to scale. And while the unknown and upfront costs are delaying progress, MacArthur asserted: “Everybody loses if we continue with business as usual.”

Tree Water and … Goose Droppings? Cheers to New, Creative Uses of Waste Streams

Asarasi has turned sap water — a waste byproduct of maple syrup production — into a delicious, carbonated beverage; and for intrepid beer lovers, the city of Lahti, Finland has turned the blight of local parks into a line of ‘Wasted Potential’ brews.

Welcome to the Era of Regenerative Finance

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. While few funders have fully realized the regenerative finance vision, a growing community of financial activists is applying its core practices in initiatives that show how we can use capital as a flexible, purpose-driven tool to create healthy and equitable social and environmental systems.

Perspectives from the Food Waste Trenches

Food waste is catalyzing everyone in the food, waste and recycling industries to create new solutions and best practices to convert a negative into value for the environment and for business. Here are insights from some food industry leaders about efforts to reduce waste first, then recycle what cannot be eliminated.

Designing for Humanity: New Possibilities for Plastic

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. Ensuring recyclability starts with putting people at the forefront to develop new systems and materials to create a continuous lifecycle for plastics. We need to design systems for humanity. By harnessing design thinking, it’s possible to make human-centered recycling systems a reality.

More Corporate Giants Join Forces to Improve, Scale Business Investments in Climate Solutions

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Amazon, Disney, Google and Netflix are among the founding companies behind the Business Alliance for Scaling Climate Solutions (BASCS), to increase the scale and impact of business investment in climate solutions.