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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

Electronics Giants, Global Orgs Launch Circular Electronics Partnership

Cisco, Dell, Google and Microsoft are among the founding members of the alliance — which sees the biggest names in tech, consumer goods and waste management working together to enable a circular economy for electronics by 2030.

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is with This Socially Impactful Money Move

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. We’re calling on companies across the country to deposit $1M of their banked dollars today into credit unions serving low-income communities. Thanks to our partnership with Inclusiv, this is one smart, seamless, socially conscious money move.

Carbon Offsets: Sowing the Seeds of a Climate-Resilient Future

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. As companies race to address climate change, unlocking the carbon potential from responsibly managed forests creates a powerful new way for companies to offset their unavoidable emissions.

Safety, Nature, Resourcefulness Are Key Features of Sustainable Urban Design

The move toward more sustainable, inclusive and safer cities isn’t just better for the environment. These spaces contribute to a higher quality of life, foster community, encourage collaboration, and are more resilient and economically productive.

Best Foot Forward: Could Fashion Be the Next Big Thing in Corporate Social Purpose?

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. A growing breed of fashion brands has adopted social purpose to propel their business models. They are transitioning themselves and the entire industry to be a force for good in the world. And that’s fashionable.

5 Ways Retailers Are Winning by Aligning Financial Performance, Sustainability

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Many retail and food giants are proving that businesses can grow, improve margins and bolster competitive advantage through examination of waste streams and investing in creative solutions — even during a pandemic.

Partnerships Helping Dow Create Shared Value, Eliminate Waste Across the World

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. Through strategic partnerships in Brazil and South Africa, Dow has helped create jobs, education and infrastructure for more efficient waste management, in turn generating sustainable ripple effects throughout the regions.

Cities Can Have Something for Everyone When Created by Everyone

At Cabify, our team’s female representation more than doubles the technology sector’s average. Safe and inclusive transport plays a crucial role in socially sustainable development — so, if we want truly inclusive cities, we must also listen to women.

From Coal Mine to Clean Energy: How One Company Can Make a Difference

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Talking about climate change didn’t resonate with the Koch team. But when we talked about capturing and monetizing wasted resources, their ears perked up. We’ve been transparent with the economics of this project, so that others may imitate it — which would give us all a chance to help avert climate disaster.

‘Net-Zero Emissions by 2050’ and ‘2°C’ Climate Targets: The Devil’s in the Details

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. If you are truly looking for ways to maintain or establish your company as a leader in sustainability, and to minimize backlash from critical stakeholder groups, get thee to a 1.5°C science-based target as soon as you can.

SB’21 Asia-Pacific: In Asia, the Time for a Sustainable Recovery Is Now

In many parts of Asia, COVID-19 is relatively under control; and the focus is on recovery. How the region responds, and how much companies push for a sustainable post-pandemic economy could influence the entire world, due to Asia’s place as the global driver of innovation and change.

Milwaukee Startup Helping Small African Farms Turn Waste into Livelihoods

Agricycle wants to address poverty and put a dent in global food waste. So far, it has created nearly 7,000 livelihoods in Africa and diverted 177 tons of food waste — and counting.

Crowdsourced Impact Investing Mobilizes Regeneration Effort in Portugal

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. GoParity — an innovative investment platform that finances sustainable projects through crowdlending — has enabled the villagers of fire-ravaged Belver, Portugal to expedite access to much-needed recovery funds and quickly begin reforesting.

Healthy People, Healthy Ocean: How Conscious Consumers Are Helping Build a More Sustainable Seafood Sector

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. Recent research shows that people’s awareness of the link between their personal wellness and that of the environment has increased. How can simple solutions make a big impact? When it comes to food, we need to make it easy for people to make smart, sustainable choices.

SB’21 Trend Watching: Brands’ Role in Reshaping the World in 2021 and Beyond

At SB’s latest Trend Watching event, experts across a variety of fields and industries offered insights into how purpose-driven brands can effectively activate on everything from marketing to effective leadership to climate justice in our post-pandemic world.

The Zero-Waste Movement Is Taking Hold in the Restaurant Sector

For a growing number of restaurant operators and diners, our throwaway culture is no longer acceptable. The growing landscape of zero-waste dining and zero-waste restaurant logistics is cause for optimism that a low-waste restaurant industry is achievable. 

Coalition Aims to Get US Back on Track with Paris Goals, Prove That ‘America Is All In’

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. As the US formally rejoins the Paris Agreement, a coalition of communities, businesses and institutions will play critical role in supporting an ambitious new US climate target and mobilizing whole-of-society climate action.

Trending: Scalable, Circular Solutions Promise to Revolutionize Plastic Packaging

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. New innovations from Nature Valley and the winners of Closed Loop Partners’ Beyond the Bag challenge continue to chip away at consumer packaging waste.

Destinations Limit Visitors, Define Ideal Travelers to Mitigate Overtourism

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. Popular destinations are increasingly prioritizing quality over quantity, dispersing travelers across larger geographic areas, and clearly defining the kind of travelers they want to attract. By addressing overtourism in this way, they also place locals’ wellbeing at the forefront.

30+ Fashion Brands, Manufacturers Collaborating to Recycle Textile Waste in Bangladesh

The Global Fashion Agenda's Circular Fashion Partnership (CFP) aims to achieve a long-term, scalable transition to a circular fashion system; beginning in the heart of fast-fashion production, Bangladesh.