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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

What Have We Learnt About Building Post-Pandemic Cities for All?

Mobility is a fundamental aspect of cities; and a city only evolves when all of its inhabitants can fully participate in it. Inclusive urban mobility and accessible technologies are some of the best allies to forge cities for all and to improve the life of seniors and people with disabilities.

Food Waste Recycling Sees Setbacks During Pandemic

While zero-waste initiatives in the US gained momentum in 2019 and early 2020, myriad complications related to the pandemic brought many to a screeching halt. But as we transition from emergency mode, there have been restarts.

Aiming to Spark a Ripple Effect of Action, Tourism Declares a Climate Emergency

Despite the fact that COVID-19 essentially grounded international travel for the better part of 2020, the tourism industry’s collective decision to address the climate emergency has gained exponential momentum over the last few months.

Complementary Studies Provide Glimpses into Consumers’ Minds During Most Difficult Year in Modern History

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. Amidst the uncertainty of the world during a global pandemic, two key pieces of 2020 research offered hope and optimism about what purpose-driven brands can achieve in 2021 — buoyed by new attitudes, opinions, and desires from consumers.

Trending: Brands, Investors Show They’re Banking on Net-Zero Transition

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. As 2020 finally winds down; a number of investor, brand and banking initiatives shows that this year’s many challenges haven’t derailed major global efforts to achieve, at minimum, a net-zero future.

Supply Chain Partnership to Aid Small Ag Businesses Impacted by COVID

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. Root Capital, Keurig Dr Pepper, USAID and Ezrah Charitable Trust will help 150,000 farmers across Africa, Latin America and Indonesia; to withstand the current pandemic and build their resiliency for years to come.

Please Hold the Packaging: Creating a No-Landfill Meal Kit

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Meal kits are synonymous with excessive packaging, but they have a crucial redeeming feature — they reduce food waste. At Just Salad, that got us thinking: Could we drastically reduce packaging to make meal kits an unambiguous environmental win?

The Next Frontier for Fairtrade: Living Incomes in Cocoa

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. Two forward-thinking brands have deepened their Fairtrade partnerships by making additional financial commitments to cocoa farmers in their supply chains.

The Cost of Convenience: Is Holiday Shopping Undermining Our Communities?

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Yes, Virginia … There is a way to deliver both convenience and community this holiday season. It requires brands and retailers to lead with purpose, knowing that profit — both short- (i.e., purchases) and long-term (customer loyalty) — will follow.

Lessons from a Very Difficult Year

Life presents us with opportunities to learn lessons every day; whether we choose to take the lessons to heart is up to us. 2020 has provided exceptional opportunities for learning by forcing us to face exceptionally difficult circumstances.

What’s Your Organization’s Carbon Budget?

The reduction in total carbon emissions due to COVID-19 just about equals the annual reduction we need to put in place over the next decade. That’s quite a challenge — and it will require us to examine every aspect of our organizations’ operations.

New Farm Powered Strategic Alliance Highlights Circular Solution to Food Waste, GHG Reduction

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Unilever, Starbucks and Dairy Farmers of America have joined the historic alliance, which calls on the food industry to embrace the simple, circular relationship between food waste and its potential to reduce greenhouse gases.

Getting Creative to Create Organizational Change

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. In 2019, Rubicon anchored a portion of employee annual bonuses to the amount of waste reduced across all of its company’s clients. The results have been remarkable.

‘Shipageddon’ Isn’t Just About Deliverability — It’s About Sustainability

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. The impacts of shipageddon will extend far beyond the processing of the glut of holidays packages. Are companies prepared to fulfill the surge in orders? And are packaging companies ensuring both product safety and the planet’s longevity?

New Guidelines, 2020 Brand Audit Aim to Finally Move the Needle on Corporate Plastic Stewardship

Since scientists first raised the alarm about plastic pollution in the environment, brands have been slow to respond. Will the 2020 Brand Audit and new plastic-stewardship guidelines help accelerate an overdue shift away from single-use plastic?

Brewed Responsibly: How Smart Craft Brewers Are Cleaning Up Our Favorite Beverage

The immediate future offers a financial challenge for most brewers and distributors; but everyone from craft brewers to large factories can increase sustainability and protect their bottom lines through process efficiencies, more nimble supply chains and smart recycling solutions.

The Moment of Truth for Urban Mobility Decarbonization Is Upon Us

Urban mobility has continued to evolve along with humans’ changing need for transport. Here are a few emerging technologies, public-private partnerships and city design initiatives fueling the transition to a sustainable future for urban mobility.

Corporate-Backed Tech Accelerator's Innovation Ecosystem to Foster Climate Solutions

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Backed by 9 corporate giants representing $3T in market cap and 9 investor partners with $2B in assets, the D3 tech accelerator will help commercialize and scale an inaugural cohort of almost 50 climate-innovation startups.

Research: In a Post-COVID 2021, Fashion Will Trend Toward Sustainability

Based on research conducted by the U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol in 2020, here are three trends we can expect from the apparel industry — as we emerge from COVID-19 and toward a more sustainable future.