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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

WRAP, CDP Reveal Global Companies Leading in Waste Reduction, Water Security

Asahi Group Holdings, Colgate Palmolive, Ford Motor Company and Toyota Motor Corporation are among the global corporations achieving an A rating for their efforts to improve water security, according to the first global ranking of corporate water stewardship revealed this week by CDP — which holds the most comprehensive dataset of publicly available corporate water information collected on behalf of investors.

Kingfisher, IKEA Talk Evolution Into Circular, Service, Sharing Business Models

DIY retailer Kingfisher and Swedish housewares giant IKEA both recently told edie of the potential to incorporate elements of the sharing economy and servitization, in what they see as a "natural progression" of their business models.

Tsk Tsk! Levi's Says Thoughtful Clothing Care Could Have Saved Californians 35B Liters of Water

Levi Strauss & Co. claims its consumer care recommendations could have saved California 35 billion liters of water over the past four years — the amount of time that the state has been experiencing a severe drought.

Trucost Research Points to $10B #BusinessCase for Circular Economy for Electronics

Last month, the Green Electronics Council (GEC) unveiled new research carried out by Trucost that highlights the importance of advancing best circular-economy practices throughout the electronics sector.

€3.6M WRAP Project Targets European Clothing Waste

UK waste-reduction charity Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) has announced a three-year commitment to reducing clothing waste through a new €3.6 million pilot project. Funded by EU LIFE, the European Clothing Action Plan (ECAP) aims to divert over 90,000 tonnes per year of clothing waste from landfill and incineration across Europe by March 2019.

PepsiCo, Unilever, WWF Leading Coalition Pushing for Value Chain Collaboration in Fighting Food Waste

As we prepare for the innumerable resource challenges of supporting a population expected to top 9 billion in the next 35 years, it is simply unacceptable to continue wasting food. Organizations large and small are now focusing a variety of efforts on eliminating food waste.

#BusinessCase: Dow, TNC Study Highlights Power of Green Infrastructure in Natural Disaster Protection

The Dow Chemical Company and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) have released a new study focusing on how nature can help protect business assets from natural disasters. Based on research completed as part of the ongoing Dow-TNC collaboration, the study demonstrates that asset protection strategies can include green infrastructure — such as marshes, mangroves, coral and oyster reefs — along with more conventional infrastructure — such as dikes and levees — to protect business assets from hurricanes and flooding.

Spoiler Alert: Can This App Close the Food Waste Loop?

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Despite recent food-saving innovations such as FreshPaper, efforts to promote “ugly produce” and industry-wide commitments to reduce food waste, millions of tons of food are still discarded every year.

United Upcycles Banners Into Bags to Benefit Re:new Project, Peruvian Forest Project

More than 20 large banners that encouraged United Airlines customers to “Fly the Friendly Skies” at Chicago O’Hare found new life; the airline worked with the Columbia College Chicago Department of Fashion Studies and the Re:new Project – a nonprofit that provides employment opportunities for refugee women – to transform the large fabric signs into 100 eco-friendly carry-on bags.

6 Health, Energy, Infrastructure Solutions Shortlisted for World Design Impact Prize

Earlier this week, the shortlist was announced for the World Design Impact Prize 2015-2016, a global competition hosted by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID). Six projects that address health, energy, and infrastructure challenges were selected from the 82 nominations.

WRAP to Lead €2.1M Raw Materials Recovery Project for Electronics

UK waste-reduction charity Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) is launching a first-of-its-kind project to explore commercial opportunities for harvesting critical raw materials (CRMs) and precious metals from everyday end-of-life electronic products. The EU LIFE-funded project, Critical Raw Material Closed Loop Recovery (CRM Recovery), will link collection methods with recovery success.

7 Reasons Why Recycling Is Not a Waste: A Response to 'The Reign of Recycling'

Recycling in the United States is an economically unsustainable trend — or at least that’s what New York Times writer John Tierney recently argued in his opinion piece, “The Reign of Recycling," published in the October 4th Sunday Review.

Trending: Whether or Not Insects Are Our Next Superfood, They Could Help Solve Our Styrofoam Problem

It seems increasingly likely that certain types of worms could be an amazing solution to our plastic problem — and that we may eat them and their cousins afterwards.Last week, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a risk profile to address the potential biological, chemical and environmental hazards as well as allergenicity associated with the use of farmed insects as food and feed.

Creating Shared Value: Nestlé USA Achieves Zero Waste to Landfill, Makes 1,000 Products More Nutritious

Today, Nestlé USA released its second Creating Shared Value (CSV) report, which details the company’s progress against 27 commitments set in 2013 related to nutrition, health and wellness, environmental impact and water use, social impact, and responsible sourcing. Nestlé has added a new commitment to achieve zero waste to landfill status in all factories by 2020; its global CSV report for 2014 was released in March.Among the highlights:

Shell CEO Calls for Carbon Pricing; Environmentalists Say Devil Is in the Details

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. Royal Dutch Shell PLC CEO Ben van Beurden promoted a carbon-pricing plan at the Oil & Money conference in London on Tuesday. The Wall Street Journal reports that the plan will encourage investment in renewables and favor cleaner-burning natural gas over more carbon-intensive coal.

Ocean Conservancy Plan Could Cut Ocean Plastic Waste 45% by 2025, 100% by 2035

Ocean Conservancy on Wednesday released a report that proposes a four-point solution to cutting ocean plastic waste by 45 percent by 2025 with the ultimate goal of eradicating the issue by 2035. Stemming the Tide: Land-based strategies for a plastic-free ocean is a first-of-its-kind, solutions-oriented report in partnership with the McKinsey Center for Business and Environment that outlines specific, land-based solutions for plastic waste in the ocean, starting with the elimination of plastic waste leakage in five priority countries: China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand.

Report: Circular Economy Could Create Over 13,000 Jobs in Northern Ireland

More than 13,000 jobs could be created if Northern Ireland moved to a circular economy, according to a new report launched today in Belfast.

Dell Advances Circular Economy Model with CE100, Industry-First Recycled Carbon Fiber

On Monday, Dell announced additional progress against its circular economy initiatives, including the expansion of its closed-loop recycled plastic supply chain, introduction of reclaimed carbon-fiber source materials and new industry collaborations to advance global circular practices.

10 More Cities Commit to Climate Action, Pressure National Governments Ahead of COP21

Last week, 10 cities presented ambitious climate action plans in accordance with the planning and reporting requirements of the Compact of Mayors.

Shell's $7B Foray Into Arctic Drilling Fails; Environmentalists Rejoice

Royal Dutch Shell announced Monday it has aborted its mission to drill for oil in the Arctic after failing to find enough of it, according to the Associated Press. The move, which darkens the outlook for long-term domestic oil drilling here in the U.S., validates environmental groups such as Greenpeace, which has relentlessly campaigned against the company for years in efforts to prevent what Executive Director Annie Leonard has called “a terrible mistake.”