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Product, Service & Design Innovation

The latest products, services, design approaches and business models that are helping organizations of all sizes deliver on their sustainability ambitions and establish a new business as usual.

Biomimicry 3.8, Interface Demystify the Path to Regenerative Business

Cross-Posted from Walking the Talk. In this first post of a series on how businesses can move beyond sustainable to regenerative, B3.8 and Interface outline an accessible, 4-step framework that is flexible enough for any organization to follow but robust enough to generate the breakthrough innovations that our planet demands.

New Guide Details Tangible Solutions for Retailers to Move ‘Beyond the Bag’

Playbook highlights solutions from the Consortium to Reinvent the Retail Bag that drive near-term, positive environmental impact and cost savings from eliminating single-use plastic bags.

For Climate Solutions to Cross the Chasm, Start with Customers Ready for Change

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. To avoid the worst climate impacts, we must prioritize the deployment of emerging climate solutions without delay. To do that, companies must overcome a common marketing challenge.

More Conscious Travelers, Climate Concerns Impacting Accommodation Design

Embodied carbon, clean energy, resource efficiency, and supporting local communities and biodiversity are among the many critical factors in making tourism fit to flourish in a climate-challenged future.

Glovo Impact Fund to Direct €5M Toward Socio-Environmental Challenges by End of 2023

Cross-Posted from Walking the Talk. A small amount from each Glovo order will now support local communities, climate-action initiatives, help in digitalization of small businesses, close the gender gap in tech and provide upskilling programs for couriers.

Will a Sustainable Future for Agriculture Take Us Underwater?

Nemo’s Garden is growing plants in underwater biospheres — a hydroponic, multi-beneficial ag solution that could provide coastal communities with fresh food and water, while promoting marine life.

The Ugly Company Raises $9M to Grow Market, Capacity for Upcycled Fruit Empire

Cross-Posted from Waste Not. The dried fruit snack maker is on a mission to put a dent in the massive produce waste issue on farms in California’s Central Valley, while teaching consumers the value in ‘food waste.’

Sobering Report Says Auto Industry Will Spend Remaining Carbon Budget Well Ahead of Schedule

Commissioned by EV makers Polestar and Rivian, the report details three levers that need to be pulled in unison and at full tilt for the industry to meet critical climate-action targets.

It’s in the Genes: Healthier Animals Anchor a Highly Sustainable Food System

As our population grows, we must keep innovating to provide ample, healthy food sources. The result? A more sustainable food system thanks to animals that are resilient to climate change and disease, and can produce healthy protein for our ever-growing planet.

Struggling to Scale Up Sustainably? Ask Nature

I hope every entrepreneur and business leader takes a moment to see if Mother Nature has already created what they're trying to create or achieve in the marketplace.

CPG Giants Partner to Scale Captured Carbon in Consumer Products

Cross-Posted from Cleantech. Unilever, BASF, P&G and 12 other organizations have joined forces to scale carbon capture to help the UK reach net zero by 2050; and CCEP teams up with two more universities to continue its research into the technology and its many potential applications.

Brands Grapple with Sustainable Growth in Crowded, Stalling, Alternative-Protein Market

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. Industry players must keep making their products even more attractive, appeal to older generations and bring down costs. Only then can we address the significant environmental impacts of animal agriculture while satisfying the meat-loving masses.

Farming More Seaweed Could Be Sustainable Way Forward for Food, Feed, Fuel

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. Seaweed has great potential as a superfood and a building block for products including plastics, fibers and fuel. Expanding seaweed farming could help reduce demand for crops on land and global GHGs from agriculture by up to 2.6B tonnes of CO2e per year.

Could These Experimental Innovations Help Save Arctic Sea Ice?

Existing approaches to mitigating climate change and Arctic ice melt are proceeding too slowly. Therefore, scientists and innovators are crafting creative, unconventional ways to preserve and restore Arctic ice — here are two wildly different approaches being tested.

Will Mill Be a Game-Changing Solution to Home Food Waste?

Cross-Posted from Behavior Change. The Mill system offers a practical, circular solution for reducing home food waste and the resulting, climate-changing greenhouse gases — with minimal effort on the part of users.

Faroe Islands ‘Preservolution’ Strategy Prioritizes Sustainability, Engages Local Residents

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. Visit Faroe Islands’ innovative strategy and annual ‘Closed for Maintenance’ voluntourism program illustrate the destination’s dual commitment to both promotion and the sustainable development. Lacking relevant legislation, VFI uses tourism to support sustainable development on a broader scale.

3 Leadership Keys to Climate-Tech Success

Cross-Posted from Leadership. Climate tech alone will not save the world; the people who use it, create it and put it into action play just as crucial a role. For these projects — and the sector as a whole — to succeed, these critical elements of strong leadership are essential.

Next-Gen Underwater Turbines Blow Wind Model Out of the Water

Cross-Posted from Cleantech. Brazilian startup TidalWatt has rethought underwater turbines — theirs are 60x smaller and produce 3x as much energy as wind turbines, are harmless to marine life, and promote the formation of artificial reefs.

‘Our Waters’ Documentary Highlights One Community’s Fight to Protect Its Coast from Commercial Exploitation

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. As salmon demand has grown, so too have large-scale, environmentally destructive aquaculture projects. The community of Frenchman Bay, Maine is fighting a plan to build North America’s largest industrialized, open-net fish farms in their backyard.

The Vibe Shift Is Here: What That Means for Us and the Planet in 2023

Cross-Posted from Walking the Talk. From my perspective as a scientist who’s been working on climate change and environmental resilience since before the crisis made front-page headlines, here are the four biggest trends I foresee defining 2023.
