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David Schatsky

David Schatsky is tagged in 5 stories.
Research: Calculating the Hidden Risks of Environmental Damage
Research: Calculating the Hidden Risks of Environmental Damage

New Metrics / A new analysis reveals that some business activities do not generate sufficient profit to cover their natural resource use and pollution costs, creating large, hidden risks that affect some industries operating in certain regions of the world. The analysis can help businesses and investors take account of natural capital costs to help manage risk and gain competitive advantage. - 11 years ago

Research: Choosing the Right Strategy for Sustainability Communications
Research: Choosing the Right Strategy for Sustainability Communications

Marketing & Communications / A new report by UK-based analyst firm Verdantix says most companies have inadequate budgets for sustainability communications and are running risks by failing to integrate sustainability themes into their brand identities. The report, “Rethinking Sustainability: Brand Risks and Opportunities,” identifies five archetypes of how companies communicate about sustainability. - 11 years ago

Research: Big Companies Increasing Climate Change Efforts While Suppliers Lag
Research: Big Companies Increasing Climate Change Efforts While Suppliers Lag

Organizational Governance / Experts see a world facing greater risks this year than last, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks 2013, its latest annual assessment of global risk, and they rank environmental risks among the likeliest to manifest over the next 10 years. - 11 years ago

Packaging and Sustainability - An Open Dialogue Between Stakeholders
Packaging and Sustainability - An Open Dialogue Between Stakeholders

Packaging is a hot topic in sustainability circles. The key question about packaging is the following: Given the economic and environmental costs and benefits of different materials, different designs, different applications and different logistical operations, how can we effectively manage these variables to make the most appropriate packaging decisions? - 12 years ago

Book Review - Greener Products: The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands
Book Review - Greener Products: The Making and Marketing of Sustainable Brands

Creating a sustainable society will depend in large part on reducing the environmental impacts of making, distributing and using products and of disposing of them at the end of their useful life. Every product company that hopes to have a role in our future is going to have figure out how to do this. - 12 years ago