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Erin Meezan

Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer

As Chief Sustainability Officer, Erin gives voice to Interface’s conscience, ensuring that strategy and goals are in sync with its aggressive sustainability vision established more than 20 years ago. Today, Interface has evolved its thinking to go beyond doing less harm to creating positive impacts, not just for Interface and the flooring industry, but for the world at large.

Erin led the company to unveil a new mission in 2016 – Climate Take Back, tackling the single biggest threat facing humanity: global climate change. This mission is focused on creating a path for Interface and others to reverse global warming, not just reduce carbon emissions.

As CSO, Erin leads a global team that provides technical assistance and support to this audacious goal and the company’s global business, addressing sustainability at all levels – from operations and management, to employees and customers, and in policy forums. Erin and her team also develop industry-leading approaches to measurement, driving transparency and innovation in the field of sustainability, while also capturing successes as the company nears its Mission Zero targets in 2020.

Erin is a frequent lecturer on sustainable business to senior management teams, universities and the growing green consumer sector. She has spoken at a variety of conferences and forums including Bioneers, Greenbuild, SXSW, Conscious Capitalism and others, and to business audiences around the world in China, Singapore, Hong Kong, the United States and Europe.

In addition, she participated in forums during the COP21 climate talks in Paris, and has served as a guest faculty member at Harvard University for the Executive Education for Sustainability Leadership program. She also serves on the Sustainable Entrepreneurship MBA (SEMBA) program advisory board for the Vermont Grossman School of Business.

Erin is a magna cum laude graduate of the Vermont Law School, where she earned her Master’s Degree in Studies in Environmental Law and her Juris Doctor degree.

Erin Meezan is tagged in 6 assets.
Day 3-B3B4: Measuring Regenerative Outcomes along the Value Chain

Measuring regeneration is an entirely new field that is only just now starting to solidify, yet it’s crucially important if we are to make the collective progress we are hoping for. This panel will dive into the world of measuring regenerative outc... View More

Day 3-B3A3: Moving Toward Positive: Using Nature as a Model, Mentor, and Measure for Regenerative Performance

This panel will offer three rich cutting-edge case studies of major brands applying biomimicry principles in order to advance their sustainability and regeneration programs in unprecedented ways. Attendees can expect practical real-world insights aro... View More

25 Years On: Lessons Learned from Interface’s Ongoing Sustainability Journey

Why are lessons learned by a flooring company relevant? Many of the challenges we had to solve are the same that companies are struggling with as they pursue sustainability. Our accomplishments are significant because they show it is possible to tran... View More

Global Practitioners Gather to Compare Notes on Redesigning the #GoodLife

Last year, the Sustainable Brands community gathered around the world throughout the year to share insights on how they – and their customers – were “redefining the good life.” This year, the conversation has progressed from the ‘what’ to... View More

Factory as Forest: The Methodology, Measurement and Implementation behind a Move from Zero Footprint to Positive Impact

A world-first and SB exclusive, Biomimicry 3.8 and Interface will be sharing new content and ideas, that have not been publicly presented before, setting out the case for positive impact. The idea that zero footprint is an aspiration for business, is... View More

Climate Optimism: Business as a Force for Change

Interface has gone all in on a new mission: taking a lead role in changing the entire climate conversation away from doom and gloom, and toward hardworking courageous optimism instead. Though its Climate Take Back framework, the brand is setting out ... View More

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