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Hannah Zimmerman

Impact Manager, Purpose + Sustainability

Formerly working in the advertising world in Kansas City, Hannah Zimmerman has now married her past experience with her passion for sustainability. When she isn't chasing her four-year-old daughter or helping companies along on their sustainability journey through consulting, reporting, communications and certifications, she is working on her master's in Sustainability through Harvard.

Hannah Zimmerman is tagged in 14 stories.
Education, Business, Community Initiatives Elevating Young Changemakers
Education, Business, Community Initiatives Elevating Young Changemakers

Finance & Investment / Two rich panel discussions at SB Brand-Led Culture Change featured insights from organizations across the business landscape on how to maximize impact and opportunities for the next generation of diverse, young talent. - 2 months ago

Brands Are Shaping a Better Future by Designing for How People Live
Brands Are Shaping a Better Future by Designing for How People Live

Product, Service & Design Innovation / SB Brand-Led Culture Change featured a host of insights into how brands are engaging customers and changing behaviors through circular design and making energy-efficient choices “normal;” and two new guides aim to equip businesses to meaningfully address social- and climate-justice issues. - 2 months ago

From Theory to Practice: Uncovering Synergies to Drive Tangible Impact
From Theory to Practice: Uncovering Synergies to Drive Tangible Impact

Walking the Talk / This week at SB Brand-Led Culture Change, layered discussions examined the complex potential of AI to optimize sustainability impact, as well as how to achieve internal alignment across departments with perceived different priorities. - 2 months ago

Cultural Intelligence, Collaboration Keys to Changing the Sustainability Conversation
Cultural Intelligence, Collaboration Keys to Changing the Sustainability Conversation

Marketing and Comms / Day one of Sustainable Brands’ Brand-Led Culture Change event was filled with rich discussions on the power of partnerships, hits and misses in brand communication, and the power of art to open hearts and minds. - 2 months ago

Summit Provides Ecosystem-wide Look at Groundwork for a Regenerative Food Future
Summit Provides Ecosystem-wide Look at Groundwork for a Regenerative Food Future

The Next Economy / SB’23 San Diego concluded with the inaugural Regenerative Agriculture Summit, in which players from the field explored the shared opportunities offered by regenerative ag — where sustainable practices intersect with economic growth. - 9 months ago

For Companies with Authentic Sustainability Pursuits, the Devil’s in the Details
For Companies with Authentic Sustainability Pursuits, the Devil’s in the Details

Marketing and Comms / Several discussions at SB’23 San Diego highlighted the importance of achieving total visibility into company operations, relationships, impacts and messaging — to avoid surprises that could hamstring progress. - 9 months ago

A Clean, Circular Materials Future Is No Longer a Fabrication
A Clean, Circular Materials Future Is No Longer a Fabrication

Chemistry, Materials & Packaging / At SB’23 San Diego, three sets of innovators at the forefront of the materials and packaging space shared key insights into the biobased and circular solutions driving a sea change in the market. - 9 months ago

4 Keys to Accurately Accounting for Your Company’s Impacts on Nature
4 Keys to Accurately Accounting for Your Company’s Impacts on Nature

Finance & Investment / This week at SB’23 San Diego, Context Nature shared guiding principles with which business can bridge nature and finance strategies; and three companies shared lessons learned from enacting their own biodiversity commitments. - 9 months ago

Companies Designing out Waste Will Run Circles Around Those with Linear Business Models
Companies Designing out Waste Will Run Circles Around Those with Linear Business Models

Waste Not / This week at SB’23 San Diego, two illuminating panels featured experts from a variety of aspects of the emerging circular economy, who shared key insights and lessons learned in the pursuit of circularity. - 9 months ago

Why Employees Are 12x More Likely to Recommend Purpose-Driven Brands
Why Employees Are 12x More Likely to Recommend Purpose-Driven Brands

Marketing and Comms / In a world where the mistreatment of employees, supply chain workers and/or the planet will quickly go public through a social post or a company review, ensure your organization’s internal beliefs and behaviors align with your external actions and communications. - 1 year ago

Profit, Performance and Impact: The Success Criteria of a Whole Brand
Profit, Performance and Impact: The Success Criteria of a Whole Brand

Walking the Talk / The reality of living in a capitalist society is that we can't simply cut off the production of products and services; the brands that will succeed in the upcoming decades will be those that function holistically, with sustainable actions built in. - 2 years ago

Sustainability or Spin? Why Straight Facts Matter Most
Sustainability or Spin? Why Straight Facts Matter Most

Marketing and Comms / As demand for better brands continues to increase, we can expect an exponential increase in two things: ‘green’ brand claims and the level of public scrutiny. Before your brand team loses time, money and precious brand equity, check out this summary of resources to help you stay the course. - 2 years ago

5 Ways to Turn Your Purpose into a Competitive Advantage
5 Ways to Turn Your Purpose into a Competitive Advantage

Marketing and Comms / An intentional purpose will be unique to every company — based on your history, culture and the role you play in your customers’ lives. But, based on our interviews with leading purpose-led companies, here are five common themes that can inspire your own ‘purpose advantage.’ - 2 years ago

The Purpose-Action Gap: The Business Imperative of ESG
The Purpose-Action Gap: The Business Imperative of ESG

Walking the Talk / In a recent study, we discovered shifts in thinking from both brand and consumer values: The gap between what they believe and how they are acting on such beliefs is narrowing, particularly when brands make sustainability accessible and affordable. - 2 years ago
