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Michael Laermann

Reason & Rhyme Communications

Michael Laermann is an independent consultant, editor and founder of Reason & Rhyme Communications in Brussels, specialized in designing integrated communications and sustainability strategies.

Building on his former career in corporate marketing, Michael helps organizations achieve sustained growth from performing responsible businesses practices.

Michael Laermann is tagged in 10 stories.
Recyclate – A New Lease on Life for Consumer Packaging?
Recyclate – A New Lease on Life for Consumer Packaging?

Waste Not / Consumers appreciate recycled packaging as long as it doesn’t affect the quality, functionality and price of the product. But how do brands remain competitive in view of added costs for high-quality recycling and the low price of virgin plastics? - 4 years ago

Chemical Recycling of Plastic: Waste No More?
Chemical Recycling of Plastic: Waste No More?

Chemistry, Materials & Packaging / When it comes to the circular economy transition, plastics recycling is as much of a challenge as an opportunity. Could chemical recycling make the plastics value chain more circular whilst providing a profitable new industry branch? - 5 years ago

Less Medley, More Value: Creating a New Quality for Corporate Reporting
Less Medley, More Value: Creating a New Quality for Corporate Reporting

Finance & Investment / This week at the COP24 climate summit in Katowice, Poland, the discussion about how to implement the directives of the Paris Agreement is in full swing. - 5 years ago

“The Corporate Reporting Dialogue Is Looking for Alignment, Not for One Common Framework”
“The Corporate Reporting Dialogue Is Looking for Alignment, Not for One Common Framework”

Finance & Investment / Sustainable Brands recently talked to Wim Bartels, Program Lead at the Corporate Reporting Dialogue (CRD) about key issues and initiatives around the further development of corporate reporting. - 5 years ago

Machine-Readable Disclosure and ESEF 2020 – A New Era of Corporate Digital Reporting?
Machine-Readable Disclosure and ESEF 2020 – A New Era of Corporate Digital Reporting?

Marketing and Comms / New regulation in the EU mandates public companies to file financial statements in digital format. Does the move to HTML and Big Data have the potential to push corporate reporting into the digital age? - 6 years ago

Unleashing the Power of Online Reporting
Unleashing the Power of Online Reporting

Marketing and Comms / Confronted with an ever-growing demand for transparency and materiality, companies need to find an adequate format to publish both financial and pre-financial information to their stakeholders in an effective way. While traditional reporting reaches its limits, online integrated reporting features a number of key advantages that enable them to get the job done. It is fair to say that 2017 was an important year for corporate reporting. A number of events established the disclosure of relevant ecological, social and governance (ESG) specific data as the “new normal”: - 6 years ago

How Smart Sustainability Communication Is Bringing SMEs Out of the Shadows
How Smart Sustainability Communication Is Bringing SMEs Out of the Shadows

Marketing and Comms / When it comes to sustainability communications, it seems like small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have been operating on the dark side of the moon. From a global perspective, even though many of these companies engage as good corporate citizens in their local communities, the light usually falls on the “sustainability champions” of the world, most of them multinational corporations. - 6 years ago

What about the ‘S’ in ESG? New Guidelines for Evaluating Companies’ Social Performance
What about the ‘S’ in ESG? New Guidelines for Evaluating Companies’ Social Performance

Supply Chain / When it comes down to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, more and more investors are looking at how companies perform on human rights. Guarding long-term investments against a potential fallout from social grievances has become part of their fiduciary duty. - 7 years ago

Assuring the Assurers: How the NOCLAR Standard Will Tackle Non-Compliance in Corporate Reporting
Assuring the Assurers: How the NOCLAR Standard Will Tackle Non-Compliance in Corporate Reporting

Marketing and Comms / When it comes down to assessing corporate sustainability performance and impacts, investors, rating agencies and other stakeholders have developed a growing appetite for accurate, relevant, consistent and comparable data. In a globalized world prone to economic volatility, alternative facts and corporate scandals, solid financial and “non-financial” disclosure is expected to serve them as a beacon of trust in a complex planning environment. - 7 years ago

ESG Ratings – Quo Vadis?
ESG Ratings – Quo Vadis?

New Metrics / The ESG ratings industry is in full transition. Driven by demand from institutional investors and the awakening of the retail investment market, asset managers increasingly consider environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues an integral part of their investment approach. - 7 years ago