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Richard Howitt

Richard Howitt is a strategic adviser on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability, Business and Human Rights. He is also a Board member, lecturer at Audencia Business School and host of the Frank Bold ‘Frankly Speaking’ responsible business podcast. Richard was Member of the European Parliament responsible for the EU’s first rules on corporate sustainability reporting and subsequently Chief Executive Officer of the International Integrated Reporting Council.

Richard Howitt is tagged in 17 stories.
Information Is Power, But Who Decides How Much We (or They) Have a Right to Know?
Information Is Power, But Who Decides How Much We (or They) Have a Right to

Marketing & Communications / Among themes addressed on day 3 of this year’s UN Forum on Business and Human Rights: When do tracking of personal data and combating disinformation reach a level which breaches freedom of expression or thought? - 10 months ago

From Historic Foundations to Today’s Debates on Artificial Intelligence
From Historic Foundations to Today’s Debates on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability / Fears about the uncontrolled growth of artificial intelligence have exploded into public debate this year. Day 2 of the UN Business and Human Rights Forum examined the challenges through a human-rights lens. - 10 months ago

There Is No Alternative to Direct Relationships in Company Supply Chains
There Is No Alternative to Direct Relationships in Company Supply Chains

Supply Chain / On day one of this year’s UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, delegates agreed that close engagement with all tiers of company supply chains will be vital going forward. - 10 months ago

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Day 3: Responsible Lobbying vs ‘Corporate Capture’
UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Day 3: Responsible Lobbying vs ‘Corporate Capture’

Marketing & Communications / For most readers, bribery or corruption aren’t part of your everyday experience — though they should be part of due diligence processes on your business partners and supply chain. However, the danger that one department says one thing and another does something different and inconsistent is clear in every company. - 1 year ago

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Day 2: A Compass for ‘Big Tech'
UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Day 2: A Compass for ‘Big Tech'

Organizational Governance / This is the second of three daily updates from the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2022. Day two proposed redefining tech companies as part of infrastructure — similar to railways and supply chains — that govern people’s lives, and a new ‘UNGPs Compass’ aimed at doing that. - 1 year ago

The UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2022, Day 1: Holding Business to Account
The UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2022, Day 1: Holding Business to Account

Organizational Governance / This is the first of three daily updates from the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights 2022. Day one started a week that focuses not on holding individual companies to account, but where the systems that will enable this are being framed. - 1 year ago

Attention, Business Leaders: Environmental Rights, Human Rights Inextricably Linked
Attention, Business Leaders: Environmental Rights, Human Rights Inextricably Linked

Organizational Governance / Perhaps the takeaway of the week is that the ‘next 10 years’ of business and human rights coincide with the 2030 deadline for us to halve carbon emissions — and that environmental rights are now very clearly seen as human rights. Companies pursuing a net-zero strategy must make human rights central, too. - 2 years ago

2021 a ‘Landmark’ for Corporate Human Rights Litigation
2021 a ‘Landmark’ for Corporate Human Rights Litigation

Organizational Governance / On day two of the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, delegates discussed how environmental damage is being viewed as a human rights violation in a growing number of court cases around the world — and that the UN Guiding Principles may increasingly be criteria in court judgements. - 2 years ago

Where Is the New Roadmap for Business and Human Rights Taking Us?
Where Is the New Roadmap for Business and Human Rights Taking Us?

Supply Chain / As delegates from the UN launched the roadmap at day one of this year's Business and Human Rights Forum, full respect for human rights by business was described as a strategic — not just an operational — issue, requiring a change of corporate culture and of business models. - 2 years ago

UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 3: Business Must Approach DEI Issues Through a Human Rights Lens
UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 3: Business Must Approach DEI Issues Through a Human Rights Lens

Organizational Governance / The irony at this Forum is that so much of the conversation is about abuses in company supply chains, often far outside company walls. However, race discrimination is also close to home — taking place every day within the companies themselves.  - 3 years ago

UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 2: What’s New in Mandatory Human Rights ’Due Diligence’ Law?
UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 2: What’s New in Mandatory Human Rights ’Due Diligence’ Law?

Supply Chain / Companies are obliged to monitor and manage environmental and human rights standards in their supply chains. This week saw major steps forward in support for enforcing human rights due diligence by law, as well as major debates in shaping the new laws. Here are my 10 takeaways from the debates. - 3 years ago

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Day 1: ‘The Most Vulnerable Are Always in Your Supply Chain’
UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Day 1: ‘The Most Vulnerable Are Always in Your Supply Chain’

Supply Chain / What links the two major themes to emerge from the day — COVID and climate — is the need for companies to take steps to assist vulnerable people in supply chains, and to ensure their needs are always taken into account. - 3 years ago

How Business Can Avoid Fuelling Conflict and Work to Build Peace
How Business Can Avoid Fuelling Conflict and Work to Build Peace

Organizational Governance / On the third and final day at the UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, it was clear all businesses are being asked to address a fourth ‘p’ — peace. As well as helping to prevent conflict, companies are increasingly taking responsibility for sustaining peace. - 4 years ago

Anti-Corruption, Respect for Human Rights Are Part of One Holistic Business Challenge
Anti-Corruption, Respect for Human Rights Are Part of One Holistic Business Challenge

Organizational Governance / What Legal Counsels and Chief Compliance Officers have to learn from sustainability and human rights experts is that this can never be a question of compliance alone. - 4 years ago

How Can Sustainability Professionals Uphold Mandatory Rules on Human Rights?
How Can Sustainability Professionals Uphold Mandatory Rules on Human Rights?

Supply Chain / While we’ve seen steady if uncertain progress on human rights — and more from business than from governments — there are dangers if the message heard by business is one of complacency. - 4 years ago

Global Leaders Convene to Identify Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Address the SDGs
Global Leaders Convene to Identify Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Address the SDGs

Collaboration & Co-Creation / Sustainability is at risk. And whilst the risks that go beyond climate change may be less well-understood, they are just as pressing. That was the message at the first meeting of the European Union’s Multi-Stakeholder Platform on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on 10 January in Brussels. - 6 years ago

Richard Howitt on a Sustainability-Inclusive IIRC: I'm Up for the Challenge!
Richard Howitt on a Sustainability-Inclusive IIRC: I'm Up for the Challenge!

New Metrics / This post is a response to a challenge posed earlier this year to new IIRC Chief Executive Richard Howitt by Dr. Mark W. McElroy and Martin P. Thomas, co-authors of The Multicapital Scorecard (2016). The goal to make Integrated Reporting the global norm in corporate reporting is indeed at a breakthrough moment. - 7 years ago