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Sissel Waage

Sissel Waage is tagged in 6 stories.
Indonesian Forest Fires, Amazon Tipping Points, and the Business Case for Investing in Reforestation
Indonesian Forest Fires, Amazon Tipping Points, and the Business Case for Investing in Reforestation

Organizational Governance / Businesses have a central role in addressing the forest issues that are in today’s headlines—including the Indonesian fires (which emitted more CO2 in three weeks than the entire German economy in a year), and the Amazon forests, which may be at a tipping point with serious - 8 years ago

Are Corporate Eyes Watching Water?
Are Corporate Eyes Watching Water?

Supply Chain / Climate change is only one of the issues to which corporate leaders must be attentive. We live in a world that increasingly sees acute water problems — in some areas too little (drought), in others too much (flooding), and elsewhere poor quality (pollution, algal blooms, or saltwater intrusion, among other issues). New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has pointedly stated that governments that are inattentive to water issues “are playing with fire.”Companies must become increasingly adept at not only running their core business well, but also demonstrating judicious water management and stewardship. - 9 years ago

Context, Business Risk & Stampeding Black Elephants
Context, Business Risk & Stampeding Black Elephants

New Metrics / Would you invest in a business that gave you only one figure — number of customers — by which to assess both its current state and future prospects? Of course, not; you would inquire about total sales, costs, revenues, margins, market share, and other figures.Any business decision-maker wants multiple figures. Context, and contextualizing data, is key. - 9 years ago

Water Risk Prompting a New Wave of Innovation
Water Risk Prompting a New Wave of Innovation

Consumer Behavior Change / What if someone said that they could help jumpstart your creativity? What if they said that the very thing that all businesses need to function can enable new thoughts to flow freely?I’m talking about water. Specifially, corporate water use and risk.I realize that water is hardly the usual domain of expansive, fun, free thinking. But, it should be. What if instead of boring (but essential) lists of what to do to assess water risk, the innovation part was clear? - 9 years ago

Can Hallway Theater Be the Missing Link in Employee Engagement?
Can Hallway Theater Be the Missing Link in Employee Engagement?

Organizational Governance / How do you engage corporate employees to focus their determination and creativity in working toward business goals? Sparking and capturing the imagination, and dedication, of employees is a core issue for any company — particularly for those focused on sustainability issues. - 9 years ago

Business Relevance of Natural Capital, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Assessing the Current State of Play
Business Relevance of Natural Capital, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: Assessing the Current State of Play

New Metrics / As natural capital, biodiversity and ecosystem services are terms that are increasingly bandied about, a few questions are increasingly being whispered by corporate colleagues that are worth answering: - 10 years ago