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Toxnot, ILFI Team Up to Scale Product Transparency

In a bid to scale product transparency, chemicals management innovator Toxnot and transparency and regenerative design leader International Living Future Institute (ILFI) have embarked on a new partnership. Toxnot provides a best-in-class toolset to collect, manage and report on the chemicals in product supply chains.

In a bid to scale product transparency, chemicals management innovator Toxnot and transparency and regenerative design leader International Living Future Institute (ILFI) have embarked on a new partnership. Toxnot provides a best-in-class toolset to collect, manage and report on the chemicals in product supply chains. Through the new partnership, product managers will now be able to directly submit their Toxnot-managed products to the Declare product declaration submittal form with a single click.

Toxnot is the only software service that allows users to enter their data and preview their unofficial Declare Label before submission. The new toolset also provides validation and screening against the Living Building Challenge Red List to ensure entries are complete, speeding the submission process. With Toxnot, users can see problematic chemicals and search for more sustainable alternatives. Toxnot also provides new tools for configurable products (e.g. a chair with and without arms), allowing companies to scale reporting across their product lines in a way that hasn't been possible before. Consumers want to know what is in their products; this partnership makes it much easier for manufacturers to provide chemicals transparency.

The Declare labeling program, developed by ILFI in 2012, is the fastest growing standard for reporting on product transparency. “We talk to building products buyers and manufacturers every day who are excited to work with ILFI and Declare. We’re excited to make it even easier for our clients to find healthier alternatives and participate in Declare.”

The ILFI created the Declare Label to essentially work as a nutrition label for products. It seeks to inform customers about the origin of a product, what it’s made from and how it is most lively disposed at the end of its life. Toxnot combines data collection, management of the chemical hazards and reporting, making the process of creating a Declare Label easier than ever.

“We are excited to see this partnership come to fruition which will help the materials transparency movement scale. Toxnot provides a critical service to product manufacturers and helps eliminate barriers,” said James Connelly, VP of Products and Strategic Growth at ILFI.

Toxnot streamlines chemical hazards transparency and reporting. ILFI is a nonprofit organization working to build a more ecologically-minded, restorative world. The two organizations have partnered to promote transparency in building product materials, helping architects and consumers to know exactly what’s going into their buildings. Toxnot was first launched at the 2016 International Living Future Institute’s annual Living Product Expo in Pittsburgh, Penn.