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Canopy Releases Updated Version of Ecopaper Database

Being dubbed the “Holy Grail” of directories for sustainable paper and packaging, Canopy’s updated Ecopaper Database now features more than 450 printing and writing grade papers, office stationery products and packaging with high recycled, agricultural residue, alternative or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) fiber content.

Being dubbed the “Holy Grail” of directories for sustainable paper and packaging, Canopy’s updated Ecopaper Database now features more than 450 printing and writing grade papers, office stationery products and packaging with high recycled, agricultural residue, alternative or Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) fiber content.

The full catalog of products is currently available in North America, including nearly 60 products derived from straw left over from food grain harvest or other alternative fibers. The database is supported by the Environmental Paper Network and have been screened according to The Paper Steps, a paper-grading tool developed by members of the Network.

“Not all eco papers are created equal when it comes to their environmental benefits. Canopy’s Ecopaper Database helps customers discern which papers have the smallest impact on our forests and climate,” said Nicole Rycroft, Canopy Founder and Executive Director. “It’s a ‘go-to’ for busy executives looking for the best eco papers on the market — be it for their next annual report, copy paper or packaging.”

Also new to the 2017 Ecopaper Database are:

  • Links to robust procurement policies posted by select mills with commitments to not source from ancient and endangered or high conservation value forests.
  • 222 papers which are designated Ancient Forest Friendly by Canopy.
  • Links to leading LCA’s done by paper companies in conjunction with environmental organizations, which are more comprehensive than usual industry analysis.

Canopy developed the directory over a decade ago and focuses on category leaders — those with the highest recycled or agricultural residue contents — rather than listing every paper with any recycled content. One hundred percent post-consumer recycled papers receive top rankings as leading life cycle analysis reports continue to show that 100 percent recycled papers have a significantly smaller footprint than papers with virgin content.

“There are now so many papers with some environmental qualities on the market that the Ecopaper Database can increasingly focus on those products that offer paper customers the greatest gains towards their sustainability goals and minimizing their carbon footprint,” said Neva Murtha, senior corporate campaigner at Canopy. “These products also offer the least risk of being sourced from ancient and endangered forests.”