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Stories About Biodiversity/Natural Capital

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Trending: Plastic Packaging Takes Backseat to Seaweed, Origami-Inspired Alternatives
Trending: Plastic Packaging Takes Backseat to Seaweed, Origami-Inspired Alternatives

MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Though the normalization of single-use plastic packaging has made plastic pollution out to be an insurmountable problem, consumers’ and brands’ growing awareness of the implications of take-make-dispose models is helping drive the development of recyclable and renewable packaging alternatives. Ellen MacArthur Circular Design Challenge winners TrioCup and Evoware are two examples of packaging innovators leading the charge towards a more circular economy.

Carlsberg Partners with Young Scientists to Brew Up Solutions for a Better Tomorrow
Carlsberg Partners with Young Scientists to Brew Up Solutions for a Better Tomorrow

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - This week, at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, the Carlsberg Group launched the Carlsberg Young Scientists Community in an effort to address some of the world’s biggest challenges surrounding climate change and water scarcity. The Community offers an opportunity for budding scientists to build on achievements made at the Carlsberg Research Laboratory and develop cutting-edge sustainability projects that set new standards for science-based and partnership-driven sustainability research, creating solutions for a low-carbon, circular future.

Counting What Counts: The Evolution of New Metrics
Counting What Counts: The Evolution of New Metrics

NEW METRICS - We've come a long way since the first New Metrics conference seven years ago.

Dow Celebrates 25 Years of Collaboration with Sustainability External Advisory Council
Dow Celebrates 25 Years of Collaboration with Sustainability External Advisory Council

PRESS RELEASE - The Dow Chemical Company recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of its Sustainability External Advisory Council (SEAC) at a meeting in Chicago.

Why Natural Capital Accounting and the SDGs Are Critical Components of Each Other’s Success
Why Natural Capital Accounting and the SDGs Are Critical Components of Each Other’s Success

FINANCE & INVESTMENT - A report launched at the World Forum on Natural Capital (WFNC) in Edinburgh, Scotland last week examines the vanishing wealth of the world’s nature, and the growing systemic risk that represents to global economies and societies.

'We Haven't Even Scratched the Surface': Insights from the World Forum on Natural Capital
'We Haven't Even Scratched the Surface': Insights from the World Forum on Natural Capital

FINANCE & INVESTMENT - Factoring the value of nature into governance and corporate decision-making is not an easy task, but governments and businesses are starting to recognize the importance of natural capital accounting. According to the Natural Capital Coalition, 68 countries are looking to produce natural capital accounts, while 10 percent of WBCSD member companies mention the Natural Capital Protocol framework in their sustainability reporting.

By Not Accounting for Nature, Business Is Reporting Fake Profits
By Not Accounting for Nature, Business Is Reporting Fake Profits

NEW METRICS - We need to make better decisions to avoid the potentially severe consequences for businesses operating in a deteriorated environment. The social and environmental megatrends will, over time, act as a drag on prosperity as the costs of basic inputs such as water, energy and land escalate in response to scarcity.

Can Performance Reporting for Different Companies Be Both Context-Based and Comparable?
Can Performance Reporting for Different Companies Be Both Context-Based and Comparable?

NEW METRICS - One of the hallmarks of context-based sustainability (CBS) as an approach to performance accounting in business is that it features the use of organization- or company-specific metrics. Indeed, a basic tenet of CBS is that no two organizations are exactly alike and it makes sense, therefore, for them to use different metrics to assess their performance, all in accordance with their own materiality determinations.

The Time Is Now for a More Soulful Way of Business
The Time Is Now for a More Soulful Way of Business

ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE - Customer experience design is the forgotten dimension of sustainability. We need to transcend what have now become well-defined approaches and definitions of customer experience, to help companies understand why their offerings are no longer resonating with people, and how to develop a profound understanding of the lived experience of every single person whose lives our organisations touch. This understanding is just as applicable to those businesses and organisations developing sustainable products, services, technologies and initiatives.

BioMar Celebrates 10 Years of Strategic Sustainability
BioMar Celebrates 10 Years of Strategic Sustainability

PRESS RELEASE - Today at Aqua Nor 2017, the BioMar Group takes a moment to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the BioSustain™ concept. Sustainability has long been in the DNA of BioMar however the development of BioSustain firmly established the company as the forerunner in driving sustainable innovation through collaborative partnerships in the aquaculture industry. “At BioMar we are proud of our long history in sustainability”, said Carlos Diaz, CEO BioMar Group, “over a decade ago we recognised the need to find sustainable solutions to fishmeal and fish oil and believed that ‘profit through sustainability’ was possible.”

Deep Sea Mining: The Next Gold Rush?
Deep Sea Mining: The Next Gold Rush?

MATERIALS & PACKAGING - As determined stakeholders continue to innovate proposed 2019 expedition has its sights set on the coast of Papua New Guinea, where if all goes according to plan, three 200-ton machines will troll the bottom of the Bismarck Sea for deposits of copper and gold, for Canadian mining company Nautilus Minerals. The remote-controlled robots will use enormous, spiked-covered bulk cutters to churn and grind the ocean floor, to reach as yet untouched reserves of deep-ocean minerals formed over millions of years.

BioMar Group Reports Below 1 FIFO Ratio
BioMar Group Reports Below 1 FIFO Ratio

PRESS RELEASE - Advances in innovative technology by BioMar and a high priced fish oil and fishmeal market enabled the BioMar Group to average a below one FIFO ratio (Fish-In:Fish-Out) for its raw material usage in 2016 for the first time in its history. This is one of the many findings revealed in the yearly sustainability report released today.

Natural Capital Impact Group Develops Single Biodiversity Metric to Help Companies Reduce Impacts
Natural Capital Impact Group Develops Single Biodiversity Metric to Help Companies Reduce Impacts

NEW METRICS - To make it easier for companies to reduce their environmental impacts, businesses such as Kering, Interserve, Mars and Asda have banded together to develop a new healthy ecosystem metric designed to support companies as they make the transition to a more sustainable business model.

Bechtel Innovation and Sustainability: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Bechtel Innovation and Sustainability: Two Sides of the Same Coin

INNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY - Global stressors — from water scarcity to modern-day slavery — are reinventing traditional business models across heavy industries that support a more secure, sustainable future. As one of the largest engineering, procurement and construction companies in the world, Bechtel is uniquely positioned to be part of this transformation. We’ve completed more than 25,000 extraordinary projects across 160 countries on all seven continents.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Unilever Set to 'Catalysing Action' on New Plastics Economy
Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Unilever Set to 'Catalysing Action' on New Plastics Economy

MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Due to their functional properties and low cost, plastics have become an integral part of our global economy and have seen their production increase twenty-fold over the past half-century. Despite their indisputable benefits, plastics have significant economic and environmental drawbacks. By 2050, it is estimated there will be more plastic than fish in the world’s oceans. These negative impacts are sources of concern for business and government, who are recognizing the need to rethink the global plastic system.

Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: The #BusinessCase for Valuing Natural Capital
Seeing the Forest Through the Trees: The #BusinessCase for Valuing Natural Capital

NEW METRICS - For the past year, climate change has returned to the top of the international agenda. While I was attending COP22 in Marrakech last month, the news broke that Trump had been elected President of the United States, with widespread possible implications not just for the U.S. but for the COP21 climate deal reached after such hard bargaining last year in Paris.

New York City’s Street Tree Map Proves Ecological, Economic Benefits of Urban Greenery
New York City’s Street Tree Map Proves Ecological, Economic Benefits of Urban Greenery

NEW METRICS - The value of ecosystem services has, up until recently, gone largely unrecognized by governments and corporations. While nature is inherently valuable for a variety of obvious reasons, putting a price tag on it isn’t exactly a straightforward process.

Let’s Talk Business: Bridging the Gap Between the Financial World and the Natural
Let’s Talk Business: Bridging the Gap Between the Financial World and the Natural

CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Since the signing of the Paris agreement, more and more initiatives are emerging and making waves in terms of carbon reduction. However, our planet is much more complicated than a carbon cycle, in fact, there are nine planetary boundaries to look out for from biodiversity to land system change and our current way of doing business is on the trajectory of trespassing many of them.

How a Beer Maker And a Bottled Water Company Want to Save Sierra Forests
How a Beer Maker And a Bottled Water Company Want to Save Sierra Forests

PRESS RELEASE - California’s forests are in crisis. A lethal combination of drought, wildfires, warmer temperatures and pests has destroyed 66 million trees in the past six years. Restoring our forests won’t be easy. Gov. Jerry Brown and the Legislature recognized the importance and magnitude of the task by allocating $40 million in cap-and-trade funds. At the same time, President Barack Obama visited Lake Tahoe to announce $29.5 million to improve forest health and decrease the threat of catastrophic wildfires.

Sustainable Brands Releases Full Program for Annual New Metrics Conference
Sustainable Brands Releases Full Program for Annual New Metrics Conference

PRESS RELEASE - SAN FRANCISCO, October 7, 2016 – Sustainable Brands® recently announced the full program for New Metrics’16, scheduled for November 14-16 in Boston, MA. Drawing together over 400 global business leaders, the conference will focus on the emerging methods for identifying, measuring, and quantifying new forms of business risk and value, as well as include strategies for communicating the impact of that value to stakeholders.