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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

Full-Circle: AZEK Disrupts PVC Recycling by Revolutionizing Takeback

AZEK’s FULL-CIRCLE PVC Recycling program helped it collect approximately 400M pounds of recycled product for reuse in 2020 — with the hope that this entire value-chain approach can disrupt the plastic waste paradigm meaningfully, as AZEK continues to scale up collection and processing.

Business ‘First Responders:’ How Can Companies Thrive While Solving for Relentless, Real-Time Crises?

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. In his new book, “Lead With We,” Simon Mainwaring urges business leaders to adopt a ‘first-responder’ mindset — and provides a blueprint for a proactive, ‘prepare for anything’ approach that enables them to lead with purpose in an increasingly challenged world.

$1M Innovation Challenge to Fuel Upcycled Solutions to Pomegranate Waste

The Wonderful Company has chosen two winners to create value-added solutions from 50,000 annual tons of pomegranate husks, to reduce food waste and create a more circular supply chain.

5 Lessons Learned from Employing a Second-Chance Workforce

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. About half of our employees have a criminal record, and I’ve learned valuable lessons from working with them. If your business is considering hiring formerly incarcerated people, the following lessons may help you avoid common obstacles to building a positive environment, so both your new employees and your business can thrive.

Racing to Zero, Part 1: On Track, or Playing with Numbers?

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Many companies say they’ve reached their net-zero goals, but is it really that easy? We can make the numbers look good, at least in the short-term; or we can strive for greater impacts — towards real zero and beyond. If we don’t take this challenge seriously today, we won’t be in business in ten years’ time.

This Industry-First Online Marketplace Is Helping Companies ‘SourceGreenPackaging’

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. The newly launched B2B marketplace helps connect companies with vetted, sustainable, plastic-free packaging options, as well as education on materials and the evolving regulatory landscape.

Shimokawa Town: A Collaborative Approach to Building an SDGs Future City

Shimokawa Town in Hokkaido is a designated SDGs Future City and the winner of the first Prime Minister’s Japan SDGs Award in 2017. Four years on, Shimokawa is still working earnestly to achieve the goals and is keen to share its progress, new initiatives, and challenges along the way.

Reimagining Canada’s Economy: Putting Purpose Before Profit Will Ultimately Net the Highest Returns

In Canada’s first-ever Purpose in Business Week, business, government and thought leaders are creating a Roadmap to accelerate the purpose economy and mainstream social purpose in business that will require cross-sector engagement and collaboration across six critical levers.

Meeting Your Corporate Circularity Commitments: Welcome to the Age of Advanced Recycling

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. We believe that the solution to stopping plastic waste is understanding that the material is too valuable to be lost in landfills. We can change what is traditionally considered waste and transform it into a valuable, sustainable resource through advanced recycling.

Net Zero: 4 Signs We’re on the Verge of a Systems Change

The roadmap and momentum are there; so, the big issue now is acceleration. We have the capacity to build a better future — and right now, some leaders are driving a fundamental redefinition of value by adopting new metrics and standards.

Poll Finds Disconnect Between Spanish, Latin American Mobility Preferences, Sustainability

Cross-Posted from Consumer Behavior Change. While private car is the preferred mode of transport for Spanish and Latin Americans, 70% think cars take up too much space in cities. Cabify is working to raise awareness on the impact of transport and advancing a pioneering environmental strategy to decarbonize urban mobility.

Carbon Footprint Measurement and Challenges: A Case Study

Cuningham was commissioned to estimate GHG emissions for a company with $6.6B in annual sales and operations in 14 states, with 305 locations comprising more than 4M square feet. Companies’ real work begins when their GHGs are known and they can decide how to respond to newfound knowledge about their impacts.

Scaling Reuse Must Include Consensus on Safety, Design, Considerations for Cities

Cities are complex ecosystems that both exacerbate and suffer from the scale of packaging waste. Standards for key areas of design, safety and city programming minimize risk, drive collaboration and provide trustworthy information for stewarding game-changing reuse strategies.

Trending: Baby Steps on Eliminating Transport Emissions Still Leave Big Carbon Footprint

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Wednesday was Transport Day at COP26; and promising corporate and government pledges came together from airlines, automakers and the shipping industry. But the question remains: Are we doing enough, fast enough?

Blended Finance Offers the Best Approach to Climate Change Adaptation

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. With so little time left, we must prepare for the colossal climate challenges yet to come. We hope our approach to public-private blended finance will inspire other multinationals, investors and climate funds to support protective measures that ensure the climate resilience of their supply chains and the global economy.

Consent and the Climate Crisis: How Learnings From #MeToo Can Reframe the Conversation

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. If #MeToo has taught us anything, it’s that the privileged cannot ultimately succeed if others suffer as a result. So, too, humanity cannot thrive if nature, future generations and the less privileged have no voice in the decisions we make.

‘Lead With We’: How to Drive Business Growth Through Collectivized Purpose

Cross-Posted from Organizational Governance. Business leaders are best positioned to facilitate meaningful change — not only for our bottom lines, but for the collective good. Together, we will create a transcendent practice of business that restores and protects the natural and social systems on which all our futures depend.

Composting Consortium Aims to Advance Recovery of Compostable Packaging, Food Scraps

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. The new Consortium — which includes Closed Loop Partners, PepsiCo, the NextGen Consortium, the US Plastics Pact and other value chain players — aims to pilot industry-wide solutions and map tech and infrastructure investment to advance the circularity of compostable packaging in the US.

Ready to Kelp: How the ‘Kelp Bill’ Unlocked a Potential Game Changer in the Climate Fight

Now finally legal in New York, kelp farming is an environmental engineering solution ready-made for sequestering carbon and nitrogen, improving soil health, cleaning up waterways and creating jobs — a ‘suite of benefits’ that could make it a climate game changer.

Conquering E-Waste Will Take More Than Certifications

Companies that are truly invested in building proper circular processes shouldn’t just rely on recyclers’ certifications. There are steps companies can take to strengthen their processes, instead of assuming that recycling is being handled in the right way.