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Circular Economy

The constant stream of new models, products and processes that are helping organizations extend the useful life of resources and materials while reducing, repurposing and ultimately eliminating waste in all its forms

#BusinessCase: Transition to Low-Carbon Economy Can Bring Big Returns, But Many Still Lag

According to new analysis by CDP, while global corporations have begun the transition to a low-carbon economy and some are already capitalizing on the opportunities this affords, a large number still risk being left behind through lack of long-term planning and inertia.

Metro Vancouver Zero Waste Conference to Highlight Innovations in Policy, Practice

The 2016 edition of the Zero Waste Conference (ZWC), taking place on November 3, features an international roster of presenters discussing the growing momentum behind the need to reduce waste, boost efficiency, close loops in production and marketing, tap into whole new markets and exploit opportunities in the fast-emerging circular economy. In the opening keynote, visionary architect and designer Neri Oxman will discuss how biology and technology can be used to create buildings and products compatible with highly efficient circular systems of the natural world.

Ford Aims to Reduce Water Use 72%, to Zero Potable Water Use in Manufacturing

Ford is aiming to reduce its use of the world’s most precious resource – water – by nearly three-fourths as it takes its next step toward using zero potable (drinking) water for vehicle manufacturing. By 2020, Ford aspires to have reduced its water usage per vehicle by 72 percent and will have saved more than 10 billion gallons of water since the turn of the millennium. In layman’s terms, that roughly means for every one gallon of water Ford used in manufacturing in 2000, it aims to use about one liter by 2020.

Giant Coffee Cup Bins Offer Paper Cup Recycling in New Social Experiment

Eleven bins shaped like giant coffee cups have popped up along one of Manchester’s busiest streets, Oxford Road. They’re part of a new campaign and social experiment from environment charity Hubbub that aims to give paper cup recycling #1MoreShot.

Ellen MacArthur Foundation Launches Circular Cities Network

On Thursday, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation hosted the launch event of its Circular Cities Network, a global network of city leaders who are pioneering the application of circular economy approaches to address today’s urban challenges.

Industry Associations Partner on Pilot Program to Increase Automotive Recycling

Approximately 12 to 15 million vehicles are scrapped each year in the United States. The average lifespan of a vehicle is estimated to be about 11.5 years, and increasingly those vehicles are comprised of more and more plastics. Recovery of plastic components before shredding is largely driven by the resale market, but some recovery for mechanical recycling is also occurring.

The Circuitous Road to a Circular Economy: Brand Failures, Triumphs and Lessons Learned

Discussions on the circular economy always trigger great interest, even on the final afternoon of the action-packed SB’16 Copenhagen conference, judging from the enthusiastically packed room at this breakout on circular business models.

Give Back Box, Goodwill Helping Growing List of Retailers, Consumers Eliminate Waste

Mission-driven startup Give Back Box® was founded in 2012 by Monika Wiela, who at the time was running an online shoe store. The idea was inspired by a homeless man she encountered in Chicago, who was holding up a sign saying he needed a pair of shoes. Wiela returned later that day with shoes for him, but he was gone. She spent that night thinking about what she could do with all the empty boxes in her warehouse and also help people like that man, and a new social enterprise was born.

These Students’ Environmental Science Projects Are Greening Their Communities

Competitive school science fairs are a motif in the grade school education story. Often requiring a significant investment on the part of parents, the circumstances in which students must produce a contending project can create more stress than interest for the sciences and environmental studies.

Everything in Moderation: Why You – and Your Brand – Need to Learn to Say 'Enough'

In the midst of talks on “marketing,” “driving business forward” and “creating competitive advantages” this week at SB’16 Copenhagen, Sirikul “Nui” Laukaikul - founder of the Brandbeing Consultant and representing the Thailand Sustainable Development Foundation (TSDF) - started her talk with a simple ask: “Smile.”

Detroit: Don't Just Fly In … Dig In.

I first witnessed Sustainable Brands descend on Detroit in April — flanked by Diego Rivera’s famous mural, Industry, at the Detroit Institute of Arts — when it announced that in 2017, the SB flagship conference would move from San Diego to Detroit.

Closed Loop Foundation, SC Johnson Award Grants to Innovators in Plastic Film Recycling

The Closed Loop Foundation, in partnership with SC Johnson, today awarded two innovation grants to companies working to help solve film plastic packaging recycling:

A Bridge to Economic Transformation: 10 Lessons in Sustainable Banking from New Resource Bank

We’re undergoing a transition to a new economy - one where business is not only focused on returns to shareholders, but also one that understands and prioritizes the complex ecosystem between business, the environment, employees, and the greater community. This new pivot to prioritizing all stakeholders not only creates a framework for accountability and ethical business, but also builds better resilience and long-term value.

Nat Geo, United Technologies Launch 'Urban Expeditions' Exploring Sustainability in Cities

Every day, 180,000 people move to urban areas. Urbanization is creating an urgent need for sustainable actions and solutions. At this critical time, National Geographic and United Technologies Corp. are collaborating to raise awareness of sustainable urbanization through the Urban Expeditions initiative. Urban Expeditions will identify cutting-edge research and exploration projects that are leading the way in sustainable urbanization in three key areas:

WRAP Hopes New Industry Framework, Campaign Will Get Tonnes More Recycling in the Bin

The waste reduction experts at WRAP have brought together representatives from across the waste management sector to create an industry framework that could divert up to 11 million tonnes more recyclable material from disposal in England. Supported by the U.K.’s Department of Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) and DCLG, the ‘Framework for Greater Consistency in Household Recycling for England’ offers opportunities for businesses and local authorities to save money and avoid around 5 million tonnes of greenhouse gases.

Insurance Funds Worth $1.2T Urge G20 to Stop Funding Fossil Fuels by 2020

Three of the world’s largest insurers have called on G20 leaders to implement a timeframe for the end of fossil fuel subsidies when they meet in China this week. The G20 has already committed to phase out “inefficient fossil fuel subsidies that encourage wasteful consumption” over the “medium term.” In May, the G7 nations pledged to achieve this by 2025.

New Film Drives Home Impacts of Single-Use Plastics on Oceans, Wildlife, Humans

A new short film featured by National Geographic highlights the plight of the Sargasso Sea – a diverse ecosystem of free-floating seaweed and unique wildlife – that is threatened by plastic waste. From microplastics to bioaccumulation, Care About the Ocean? Think Twice About Your Coffee Lid walks viewers through the dangers of plastic pollution in the Sargasso Sea (and other parts of the ocean) – and for human health.

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo Exceed Water Stewardship Goals

Water is the primary ingredient in Coca-Cola’s and PepsiCo’s beverages, and both companies recognize that increasing stress on supply is a risk to their businesses. This week, both beverage giants announced progress updates for their global stewardship efforts.

World Water Week: Water Can Be the Unifying Element for Achieving the SDGs

Under the theme Water for Sustainable Growth, some 3,000 people from over 120 countries are meeting in Stockholm this week for the 26th annual World Water Week.

Yet More Reports Tout Circular Economy as Road to Emissions Reduction, Job Creation

A new report from relief and development charity Tearfund and the Institute of Development Studies suggests that businesses and governments could help save lives and create jobs by adopting a circular economy approach to waste management.