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Organizational Governance

How organizations are addressing the 'G' in ESG – striking the balance of maximizing long-term growth and value while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders

Getting Creative to Create Organizational Change

In 2019, Rubicon anchored a portion of employee annual bonuses to the amount of waste reduced across all of its company’s clients. The results have been remarkable.

25 Brand Leaders Share Lessons Learned from Remaining True to Purpose

A new ebook compiles insights from dozens of interviews with business leaders from the Purpose 360 podcast. The ebook is designed to be easily shared with colleagues, to help advance discussions about purpose into actionable strategy and practice.

3 Lessons for Brands on How to (Credibly) Drive Social Change

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. The most creative marketers bring their passion to help brands drive positive change. But what does that actually look like? Here are three key takeaways for marketers looking to stay relevant in a changing world, and take a stand for good. 

McDonalds’ McPlant Burger and the Evolution of the ‘Purpose Wash’ Debate

To be effective, sustainability and purpose work should create positive business change, not positive media stories. They are management tools, not PR initiatives. So, should brands stop communicating until they’ve got something concrete to say?

How Saas Startups Are Reshaping Social Equality in Tech

The tech sector can, and should, be the leader at showcasing the advantages of diversity. In many ways, we are all limited by the tools that we use. The cloud is enabling companies to overcome many barriers that were, until recently, impenetrable. 

Baking-In Purpose: How to Transform Siloed Actions into an Authentic, Systemic Strategy

As each company has its own culture and complexities, there is no single recipe for success — but there are several considerations that I think can be applied to almost any organization.

UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 3: Business Must Approach DEI Issues Through a Human Rights Lens

The irony at this Forum is that so much of the conversation is about abuses in company supply chains, often far outside company walls. However, race discrimination is also close to home — taking place every day within the companies themselves. 

UN Business and Human Rights Forum, Day 2: What’s New in Mandatory Human Rights ’Due Diligence’ Law?

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. Companies are obliged to monitor and manage environmental and human rights standards in their supply chains. This week saw major steps forward in support for enforcing human rights due diligence by law, as well as major debates in shaping the new laws. Here are my 10 takeaways from the debates.

UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, Day 1: ‘The Most Vulnerable Are Always in Your Supply Chain’

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. What links the two major themes to emerge from the day — COVID and climate — is the need for companies to take steps to assist vulnerable people in supply chains, and to ensure their needs are always taken into account.

Why Real Estate Needs a Seat at the Table in a Sustainable Future

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. In the months and years to come, the real estate sector must play a critical role in creating a decarbonized environment — helping society prepare, respond, re-enter and ultimately re-imagine a sustainable future.

Why a Solutions-Focused Mindset Is Essential for Creating a Sustainable Future

Rather than dwelling on problems, a solutions-centered focus — within individuals, organizations, governments, etc — naturally leads to breaking negative feedback loops, feelings of hopelessness, and cycles of redundant and unproductive work.

Regenerative Design: Beyond Sustainability Toward Circularity in the Built Environment

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. In order to achieve 2030 sustainability goals, company leaders must think beyond "sustainability," and challenge built environment teams to strive for net-positive impacts, net-zero energy and zero waste.

Why Wait for Regulation — Instead of Doing Better Now?

Corporations are afraid of their costs rising — shareholder interests demand a high return on investment in order for companies to remain profitable and competitive. But it simply will not remain viable to be a corporation that doesn’t address its impact on the environment.

Brands, Retailers Must Prioritize Data to Improve Purchasing Practices, Supply Chain Resiliency

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. After decades advocating for business that prioritizes workers and the environment alongside profitability, it is obvious to me that any efforts to pivot to address changing consumer demand and market uncertainty will be futile if workers are treated as commodities or taken for granted.

Using Built Environment Strategies to Achieve 2030 Sustainability Goals

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. As a CSO or COO of a company striving for sustainability, what contribution can you expect of your built environment team? That’s the question we address in this first of a series of articles about decarbonization, regeneration and circularity in the built environment.

Q&A: Embedding Diversity, Inclusion Into the World’s Largest Chemical Company

BASF has been recognized as a leader for its work to become a diverse and inclusive workplace, but Peter Eckes — BASF’s President of Global Bioscience — recognizes that much work remains to be done.

Companies Must Follow Climate Science Straight to Capitol Hill

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. Setting climate goals and claiming leadership while supporting laws that would oppose the realization of those goals is not just bad for a company’s reputation and the hiring of young talent — such misalignment also poses a systemic risk that is of increasing concern to investors.

The North Face’s Explore Fund Council to Help Create Equity in the Outdoors

Launching in 2021, the celebrity-led Explore Fund Council will focus on accelerating culturally relevant exploration opportunities and connecting diverse communities to the benefits of outdoor exploration.

Reimagine 2020 — as 'The Year of Good'

With the upcoming charitable giving milestones Movember, Giving Tuesday and Season of Giving, we challenge you to Reimagine 2020 — not as a year of multiple crises, but as a Year of Good. 

Meet the Punk Beer Brand Ripping Up the Rulebook to Protect Our Planet

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. It would be easy to view BrewDog as little more than stunt-based marketing experts. But the company has been busy making sure to leave a more impactful dent on our culture, putting the all-important issue of climate change front and center.