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Organizational Governance

How organizations are addressing the 'G' in ESG – striking the balance of maximizing long-term growth and value while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders

The Role of Business in the Racial Equity and Justice Movement

Every problem that confronts the US today can be traced back to racist ideology. Businesses cannot survive on just the small percentage of the very wealthy buying goods. Mass incarceration, poverty, healthcare disparities — all of these issues affect your bottom line and profits.

#JustBrands: To Push Cultural Change, Brands Must Unpack Their ‘BAGS’

After a humbling, informative and inspiring day one, day two of Sustainable Brands’ Just Brands virtual event examined case studies of DEI excellence in practice.

#JustBrands: To Effectively Address Equity, Brands Need to Rebuild From Within

Day 1 of Sustainable Brands’ Just Brands virtual event brought together business, racial justice and social good leaders for frank discussions on the context for racial inequities in the US, what equity really means in 2020, and businesses' role in creating it.

Target Reveals Sweeping Action Plan to Advance Racial Equity

Target’s new Racial Equity Action and Change committee (REACH) has created an action plan which focuses on four areas: Team, Guests, Communities and Civic Engagement and Public Policy.

The Moonshot Approach: 5 Critical Elements of Transformational Leadership

As part of its #abetterway project, Quiero is asking how the sustainability and business equation will be affected by COVID-19. Here, we reflect on the future of business leadership based on Quiero’s conversations with 100 world leaders in the Americas, Asia and Europe.

Coalition of CEOs Endorses Economic Roadmap for Sustainable Post-COVID Recovery

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. In an open letter, the group of 14 CEOs calls on governments to accelerate such a transition by recognizing and supporting purpose-first business as an emerging fourth sector of the economy.

Black Travel Alliance Holding Industry Accountable on Its DEI Commitments

Recognizing the urgent need to hold travel brands and destinations accountable for their lack of diversity in travel marketing and storytelling, the Black Travel Alliance was formed practically overnight to support Black content creators and increase representation in the industry.

The Social Ripple Effect: The Reach of Business Decisions in the Time of COVID-19

Organizations will be defined by the decisions they make during the pandemic. Now, companies with a social purpose — or those which aspire to have one — have a tool that can inform their day-to-day decisions in ways that build and sustain a better society.

New Guide to Help Travel Businesses Decarbonize During the Pandemic

Carbon-neutral travel giant Intrepid Travel aims to assist others in rebuilding responsibly, for a more sustainable return to tourism.

Viola Brands: A Case Study in Cultivating Racial Equity

Cannabis producer Viola Brands is determined to increase minority representation in the industry. Its Viola Cares program provides education, employment and other resources; in order to create 10,000 jobs within the cannabis industry for Black people.

The Role of Black Employees in Creating Equitable Workplaces

We are living in a moment that’s demanding employers to change the way in which they position themselves — if they really believe in inclusion — while Black employees can really evaluate where they are and how they feel about their workplace.

Implementers, Catalysts and This Moment in History

Cross-Posted from Surfacing Submerged Value. "If you’re going to do something great, why not spread it around? Why not be a catalyst and amplify the impact exponentially?" — Daniel Aronson

Trending: Banking Giants Begin to Walk Their Talk on Climate Change

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. A 1% for the Planet account from Bank of the West, and new actions from Morgan Stanley and BlackRock, could signal turning point in big finance.

Cartwright to Brands: Look Inward Before Responding to Social Issues

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. Keith Cartwright, the creative force behind such powerful statement ads as P&G’s “The Look” and “The Choice,” shares his insights and advice to brands and agencies on how to most authentically respond in times of crisis.

CSR v CSV: The Difference and Why It Matters

Creating Shared Value (CSV) is the business model that will accelerate the achievement of the SDGs. It's a game-changing shift from Corporate Social Responsibility and the traditional mindset that business can either do good or make a profit, to a model that can improve the world.

From What to How: Enter the Era of Transformation

With a goal of contributing to change and understanding how COVID-19 will influence sustainable development; at Quiero, we have undertaken an ambitious project: #aBetterWay — a search for answers from our global community of leaders based on reflection, learning and action.

Social Impact: A Sales Tool for the Post-Pandemic World

While the majority of companies recognize that social impact is valuable, few have managed to successfully integrate it into one of the most mission-critical activities: their sales strategy.

The COVID Covenant: Don’t Go Back — Go Big and Go Now!

Cross-Posted from Surfacing Submerged Value. We know that we can buy less, use less, work from home, drive less, collaborate more; and have business, society and government move faster — because we just did all of that. How can we respond as powerfully and courageously to other super-critical threats?

Good Start — But Let’s Move from ‘Brand Say’ to ‘Brand Do’

Much-needed updates to a growing number of brands in response to the Black Lives Matter movement is a great start. But deep, lasting impact requires two main actions — apologies; and adjusting the social paradigm.

Q&A: Dole ‘Promise’ Sees Shift to New, Shared Value Principles by 2025

Dole Packaged Foods’ new sustainability commitment is based on a Japanese philosophy called 'sampo yochi' — in which business operates for the good of the seller, the buyer and society.