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Organizational Governance

How organizations are addressing the 'G' in ESG – striking the balance of maximizing long-term growth and value while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders

Unlocking the Transformational Power of Sustainability Thought Leadership

Because it lacks the self-serving undercurrents associated with other types of marketing, sustainability thought leadership is one of the most effective tools for building trust among stakeholders while establishing your brand as an industry authority.

European CEOs Identify 5 'Jobs to Be Done’ to Foster Enduring, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth Model

Report features insights from discussions with 27 top business leaders as part of Xynteo’s Europe Delivers program — including CEOs of AXA, Danone, EDF Energy, IKEA Group, Mastercard, Nestlé, Nokia, Schneider Electric and Tesco.

94 Mayors Recognize Global Climate Emergency, Support Global Green New Deal

At the C40 Summit in Copenhagen, mayors of 94 cities herald a Global Green New Deal to “drive an urgent, fundamental and irreversible transfer of global resources away from fossil fuels and into action that averts the climate emergency.”

A 100-Year Journey: Achieving Sustainability for All in the Coffee Industry

Global demand for coffee continues to rise, but climate change is expected to shrink suitable land for Arabica coffee beans by 50 percent by 2050. Japan's Key Coffee is working to protect the future of coffee, starting in Tana Toraja, Indonesia.

Sustainability Expectations Rising in the Construction Industry: Toolkit Can Help

With rising demands from multiple stakeholders to reduce construction’s environmental impact and accelerate its social benefits, a guide for the sector provides a handy checklist for construction companies to keep up with the times.

Q&A: Extinction Rebellion’s Andrew Medhurst and the Role of Youth Activists in Shaking Us Awake

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. Ahead of his upcoming keynote at SB’19 Madrid, we spoke with Andrew Medhurst — a one-time investment banker and now full-time volunteer with Extinction Rebellion — about the moonshot thinking we need to get us out of our current predicament.

Insights from the Big Apple: How Do We Turn the Glitz of Climate Week into Action?

Climate Week NYC saw the UN declare the 2020s “the decade of delivery.” But while progress has been made, are we too self-congratulatory, staying comfortable within our own echo chambers? Are we really delivering enough at the scale and pace needed?

Mastercard, Clothing Giants Partner to Help Garment Workers Secure Financial Futures

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. By partnering with companies with labor-intensive supply chains, Mastercard is creating digital solutions to give workers more control and transparency over their earnings and savings.

It’s Official: LGBT-Positive Policies Do Enhance Corporate Performance. Here’s How and Why

LGBT employees still lack proper legal protection in more than half of all US states. But according to recent research, there is no doubt that LGBT-inclusive companies attract better talent and decrease employee turnover.

With Less Than 4,000 Days to Go, Business Contribution to SDGs Falling Woefully Short

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Despite some progress since the goals were launched in 2015, advancement over the past four years has been stifled due to socioeconomic, geopolitical and technological uncertainties, hindering CEOs’ sustainability efforts.

Redesigning the Purpose of Business for Humanity: Let’s Talk Know-How

A few weeks ago, The Business Roundtable reached a major milestone on the path toward a broadly accepted redefinition of business purpose. What's next? We have some ideas.

Welcome to the Global Climate Strike: The Largest-Ever Mobilization to Fight Climate Change

Cross-Posted from Collaboration & Co-Creation. What began as the Youth Climate Strike — organized by Greta Thunberg’s group, Fridays for Future — has rallied people of all ages who feel compelled to rail against sufficient climate action around the world.

Amazon Makes Surprise Climate Pledge to Meet Paris Agreement 10 Years Early

The tech giant — until now largely silent re climate goals — commits to net zero carbon by 2040, 100% renewable energy by 2030, $100 million in reforestation projects around the world.

6 Exceptional Young, Female Activists Recognized for Environmental Leadership

A signature element of Earth Island Institute’s year-round New Leaders Initiative, Brower Youth Award winners demonstrate passion and leadership, as well as a commitment to the communities their work serves.

Design Thinking, Systems Thinking & Pragmatic Optimism: Inspiring Change to Mitigate the Climate Crisis

I am a huge believer in tiny actions adding up to have incredible, positive impact. We have climate crisis data and solutions — by implementing design thinking, systems thinking, and going about it with a little fun through pragmatic optimism.

Q&A: Shaw on Flooring That’s Good for More Than the Feet

Cross-Posted from Materials & Packaging. The floor beneath our feet can mean so little, or so much. We caught up with Susan Farris, VP of Sustainability Corporate Communications, to learn more about how Shaw’s focus on sustainability is evolving alongside the market.

Timberland to Plant 50 Million Trees Over Next 5 Years

The company’s “Nature Needs Heroes” campaign aims to empower global community to be champions for the planet; since 2001, the brand has planted more than 10 million trees worldwide.

3 Ways Your Company Can Answer the Business Roundtable’s Call to Support Communities

Last month, 181 CEOs in the Business Roundtable (BRT) agreed to new principles for how corporations should act. But how can we develop policies, strategies and programs that really do “support the communities in which we work,” as the principles state?

As Amazon Burns, VF Corp Says No to Brazilian Leather

As fires continue to ravage parts of the Amazon, the apparel giant says no more leather from Brazil until “we have the confidence and assurance that the materials used in our products do not contribute to environmental harm in the country.”

What the CEO ‘Purpose of Business’ Declaration Is — and What It Isn’t

181 CEOs have signed on to broader purpose — skepticism is warranted, but this is potentially a BFD. Now, let’s see if these companies deliver, and help them when they do — and challenge them when they don’t.