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Organizational Governance

How organizations are addressing the 'G' in ESG – striking the balance of maximizing long-term growth and value while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders

Purpose at Work: How Brandless Creates Community by Making Better Stuff Available to All

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. Communicating your brand’s purpose is vital to creating emotional connections with your customers. But it must be done authentically and in line with your overall brand positioning, story and tone of voice.

In Era of Employee Activism, Is It Time to Give Your Staff Full Control?

After a year as an employee-owned company, a “new sense of pride and unity” across the business has resulted in a 10% sales uplift for Riverford, and the best sales year recorded in its 30-year history.

Who Said Women’s Sport Is Boring?

Yes, the summer of 2019 will be remembered for an awesome performance from the US Women’s National Soccer Team at the FIFA Women’s World Cup. But, it will also be remembered for an extraordinary demonstration of the power of women’s sport to be about much more than just sport.

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo Leave Pro-Plastics Lobbying Association

As more and more companies are transitioning away from single-use plastics and actively seeking more sustainable alternatives, The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo have announced their exit from the Plastics Industry Association.

Automakers, California Reach Landmark Agreement on Clean Emission Standards

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. Ford, VW, Honda and BMW — which together represent about a third of the US market — are using their collective heft to fight for cleaner air in the US. 12 other US states and Canada have adopted California’s rules.

Raising the Purpose Banner (Again) Is Only the Start

It is progress when communications and CSR teams unite under the purpose banner. But to deliver sustainable success for all, it is critical that executive teams and their Boards hot-wire purpose into the core of their business strategy.

Football as a Force for Good? Meet the Forest Green Rovers

The Rovers are proving that the popularity of sport, even at lower levels, offers a unique opportunity to spread key sustainability messages to the masses.

28 Companies, with Total Market Cap Of $1.3T, Rise to New Level of Climate Ambition

Ahead of the UN Climate Action Summit in September, companies commit to set 1.5°C climate targets aligned with a net-zero future, challenging governments to match their ambition.

200 CEOs Call on New EU Leaders for Sustainable Europe by 2030

The CEOs say they will be calling on three newly elected EU leaders to work with them to implement an overarching strategy for a Sustainable Europe by 2030.

Sustainable Fashion — What’s the Hold Up?

Despite the consumer demand, brand opportunity and environmental imperative, very few brands are taking action in a meaningful way. So, what’s holding up the necessary shift away from fast fashion?

New Online Library, Curriculum Aiming to Engage Students, Researchers on the SDGs

The aim of this new venture from academic publishing giant Taylor & Francis is to enable students and tutors to deliver the change they want throughout their careers and lives.

Eyes Wide Shut? It’s Time to Wake Up: Join the Creative Climate Disclosure

Dear CEOs, CCOs, CMOs, CFOs, MDs and CDs: It’s time to wake up ... Commit your creativity to ‘the biggest brief’ this sector has ever known.

Report: Highest-Emitting Companies Off-Track to Meet Paris Climate Goals

Landmark ‘State of the Transition’ research assesses 274 high-emitting companies for $14 trillion-backed Transition Pathway Initiative, and puts investors on “emergency footing.”

6 Ways to Shift Business for Real, Positive Impact

To answer the call of this climate emergency, we need business to shift from being ‘less negative’ to being ‘for good,’ and to redefine ‘profit’ to include social and environmental benefit.

Why Ethical Honey Brands Need to Start Making Noise

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. In an ideal world, mass honey producers would care more about preserving the environment than profits. We need to arm consumers with the right information so they can make the ethical choice.

Business for Nature: Our Economy, Wellbeing Depend on Restoring Biodiversity

Today, at the Trondheim Biodiversity Conference in Norway, a diverse group of influential international organizations launched a global coalition to elevate a business call for comprehensive action to reverse nature loss and restore the planet’s vital natural systems.

The Balancing Act of CSR: Meeting Community and Stakeholder Expectations

While some proponents of CSR would like to believe that all CSR efforts can be beneficial in some way, the facts indicate otherwise. CSR is not black and white, and not all CSR proposals are created equal.

How Brands Can Better Employ Empathy During Pride

Although June is the perfect milestone to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, our hope is that brand efforts and progress last throughout the year — and simply become another part of doing good business.

Why B Corp Certification Was Non-Negotiable for Our Brand

Our company’s story is still a young one, and it is ever changing as we continue to grow, but one thing we knew early on with absolute certainty, was that our startup would need to become a Certified B Corp along the way.