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The Next Economy

The myriad new models and processes aimed at fixing the flaws in capitalism and laying the groundwork for practical, alternative economic frameworks designed to benefit all stakeholders.

How Supply Chain Professionals Benefit from a Circular Economy

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. Suppliers are critical to a circular transition as they source, move and transform 100B tonnes of materials through the global economy each year. The Ellen MacArthur Foundation highlights 9 areas for supply chain professionals to address to build circular supply chains.

Reflecting on America Recycles Day: 5 Ways Recycled Waste is Transforming Circularity

Cross-Posted from From Purpose to Action: Building a Sustainable Future Together. Recycling is a powerful tool; but we also must recognize there is much more work to be done to achieve circularity at the scope and scale necessary.

Preparing for the CSRD’s Impact on US Companies

Like many recent rulings coming out of the EU, the CSRD is designed to drive the rest of the global economy — including around 3,000 US companies — towards meaningful action and ESG disclosure.

How to Ensure Better Offsets and Save the Carbon Market

Newer players Climate Vault and Covalent are banking on their unique approaches — along with the dreaded “R” word, regulation — to salvage the credibility and efficacy of carbon markets.

The Future — It’s Electric! But Are We Ready?

Cross-Posted from Cleantech. Reducing GHGs can’t be maximized by simply building solar arrays or windmills. While we upgrade our existing power grid, we must embrace and scale other clean-energy technologies — including renewable natural gas.

Coachtopia Turns Waste Into ‘Impeccable Taste’ in New Holiday Campaign

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. The circular brand’s “Wasty Holiday” campaign highlights the fact that up to 43% more waste is created during the holidays than at any other time of the year.

NextGen Consortium Outlines Path Toward Circular Economy for Paper Cups in US

Insights include solutions for paper mills, materials-recovery facilities, brands, consumers and communities to increase recovery of paper cups and reduce waste to landfill.

Student Demand for Low-Impact Meals Increases After Climate-Labeled College Menus

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Results from first year of Chartwells Higher Education’s exclusive partnership with HowGood show positive correlations between climate labels on menus and sustainable choices.

Molecular Recycling Could Be Crucial to Realizing a Circular Economy

We caught up with Eastman’s Plastics Division President, Scott Ballard, who explained the potential of molecular recycling as the company prepares to show the world what’s possible.

Summit Provides Ecosystem-wide Look at Groundwork for a Regenerative Food Future

SB’23 San Diego concluded with the inaugural Regenerative Agriculture Summit, in which players from the field explored the shared opportunities offered by regenerative ag — where sustainable practices intersect with economic growth.

New Book Serves Up Case Studies for Cultivating Local Food Economies

Centered around a rural region of lower Michigan, ‘Shared Abundance’ highlights the power of stakeholder collaboration in building more resilient communities.

Planting Seeds: Changing and Shaping the Minds of Today’s Consumers and Tomorrow's Changemakers

Cross-Posted from Behavior Change. At SB’23 San Diego, several rich discussions centered on the growing number of efforts successfully educating and engaging various audiences on more sustainable behaviors, lifestyles and careers.

Can Our Current Food System Be Redeemed?

Cross-Posted from Protein PACT. At SB’23 San Diego, we got several looks at some of the holistic, new approaches to agriculture that may just mitigate the risks in how our food — even meat — is produced.

Microsoft, Twelve, Vertical Harvest Paint Powerful Picture of a Regenerative Near-Future

Cross-Posted from Product, Service & Design Innovation. Day 3 keynotes regaled SB’23 San Diego attendees with a peek at regenerative, circular and win-win-win social-purpose business models.

4 Keys to Accurately Accounting for Your Company’s Impacts on Nature

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. This week at SB’23 San Diego, Context Nature shared guiding principles with which business can bridge nature and finance strategies; and three companies shared lessons learned from enacting their own biodiversity commitments.

Cosmohub Opens Travelers’ Eyes to India's Skies While Supporting Local Communities

Astrostays launched in 2019 to promote tourism while training local youth in astronomy to show off the Himalayas’ night sky. Now, Cosmohub is a more scalable, sustainable model — a connected community space that highlights local folklore and traditions along with stargazing.

Companies Designing out Waste Will Run Circles Around Those with Linear Business Models

Cross-Posted from Waste Not. This week at SB’23 San Diego, two illuminating panels featured experts from a variety of aspects of the emerging circular economy, who shared key insights and lessons learned in the pursuit of circularity.

Brands Putting Rubber to Road to Create a Regenerative Near-Future

Keynotes on day 2 of SB’23 San Diego touched on everything from optimizing global companies’ resource use, building regenerative supply chains, and partnerships addressing the environmental and human impacts of plastic pollution to standing firm in the face of backlash.

Animal-Free Egg Whites: The Next Frontier in Ethical, Sustainable Protein

Cross-Posted from Product, Service & Design Innovation. No chickens were harmed in the making of Onego Bio’s Bioalbumen — which has a 90% lower carbon footprint than traditional egg production, 10 times better yields and at price parity.

Hilton, Oatly Advance Case for Carbon Labeling Food

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. The vocal oatmilk brand is calling for mandatory climate labeling of food in the UK; and the global hotel chain now has carbon-labeled menus at 30 UK properties.
