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Product, Service & Design Innovation

The latest products, services, design approaches and business models that are helping organizations of all sizes deliver on their sustainability ambitions and establish a new business as usual.

Advanced Livestock Genetics Are Making Protein Production More Sustainable

Historically, corporate carbon-reduction strategies haven't looked to genetic innovations as a viable Scope 3 reduction opportunity; but it is one of the most important considerations for improving the sustainability of livestock production.

Connected Construction a Promising Way to Rein in the Built Environment

Constructing a sustainable built environment requires more than efficient design, equipment and materials — but processes and workflows that say exactly where and how these assets combine to streamline processes as much as possible.

From Mealworms to Meals: How Ÿnsect Is Cultivating a Food Revolution

The French company is poised to meet the nutrition challenges posed by a growing population and a climate- and resource-challenged agricultural future.

GAF's First Urban Heat Project Produces Cool Results

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. GAF coatings had been proven to cool surfaces and ambient air on individual applications but had never been applied on a community-wide scale. Preliminary data showed a 25-50% reduction of the urban heat island effect during peak temperatures.

VivoBarefoot Offers Glimpse Into a Truly Waste-Free Footwear Future

Cross-Posted from Waste Not. Vivobarefoot’s new scan-to-print, circular design platform enables rapid prototyping — saving development and lab time, labor, and materials waste. The company is seeking 200 UK participants to test the first generation of VivoBiome footwear.

Alt-Protein Industry Ramping Up to Be ‘All Sizzle and No Steak’ — in the Best Way

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. Future Food Tech’s recent Alternative Proteins event, which convened over 600 industry players, showcased the myriad innovations that will enable us to continue to bring home the bacon (and chicken, beef, fish …) without further endangering the health of the planet.

The Science of Tree Planting: How Data Is Boosting Climate Resilience of Both Cities and Forests

Arbor Day Foundation’s Forest Priority Index and NatureQuant’s NatureScore tool identify where trees are needed most in both rural and urban areas — enabling better planning for addressing climate and human-health risks.

Change the Product, Not Just the Packaging: A Crucial Step Towards a Sustainable Food Future

Cross-Posted from Chemistry, Materials & Packaging. A growing industry solution to plastic packaging pollution is to create food products that are more stable and compatible with more minimal and sustainable packaging materials.

FootPrint Coalition: Propelling Climate Tech to Create a World of ‘Radical Abundance’

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. Robert Downey Jr's FootPrint Coalition is taking a three-pronged approach to boosting environmental science and technology — including a science engine that funds non-traditional innovators, a VC fund for scaling promising solutions, and a media platform that amplifies the innovations.

Colombian Toy Company Encourages Circular, Co-Creative Model of Play

Cross-Posted from Waste Not. Toynovo has created a subscription model for toys that eliminates waste, along with a co-creative approach to play that enhances creative thinking and problem-solving capacities.

Danfoss ‘Smart Store’ Sets New Bar for Energy-Efficient Supermarkets

Cross-Posted from Cleantech. The Smart Store — expected to be ~50% more energy efficient than a typical supermarket — will also work as Danfoss’ test center for energy-efficiency technologies.

Concrete Has an Emissions Problem. Thankfully, Startups Are Queuing Up to Solve It

In 2021, global construction projects consumed 30B tonnes of cement to make concrete — with every tonne emitting almost a tonne of CO2. The good news is, technologies already exist to reduce the impact of concrete production.

These Fermented Oils Could Be a Game-Changer for Human, Planetary Health

Cross-Posted from Chemistry, Materials & Packaging. Along with being sub-optimal for human health, many conventional cooking oils contribute to deforestation, biodiversity loss, and soil and water pollution. Fermented oils could save both the environment and our diets.

Human-Centered Design Prioritizes Health, Wellbeing and Regeneration

HOK’s design focus is not only on reducing building emissions, but also the environmental impact of materials and the health of building occupants. The firm's regenerative design studio also explores how buildings can be net positive for the environment.

These AI-Powered Drones Finally Bring Precision to Herbicide Application

Precision AI has developed the world's first AI drones for plant-level herbicide application — on a mission to create healthier, more sustainable, profitable farms.

Closed-Loop, Reusable Distribution System Saves Spirits Producers Costs, Emissions, Materials

EcoSPIRITS’ EcoTOTE system replaces traditional, 1.75-liter liquor bottles with reusable glass containers that reduce emissions by 60-90% while maintaining product quality.

Upcycled Emissions for the Win: How Twelve Is Closing the Loop on Fossil Fuels

Cross-Posted from Cleantech. The California-based carbon-transformation company is emerging as a leader in ‘CO2Made’ products — from everyday consumer goods to sustainable jet and marine fuels.

Reimagining Retail: 3 Strategies to Help Shape the Future We Want

As Brand-Led Culture Change continued, we heard from a number of players touching retail on how they’re nudging consumers toward more climate-friendly purchases and shifting the model to create a more just and inclusive shopping experience.

Why Being 'Lazy' Could Be Good for the Planet

By automating the small tasks of your day-to-day routine, you are gifted back the time to focus on the most essential and important elements of life while creating much less impact on the planet.

Measuring & Improving Brand Portfolio Sustainability to Meet the Demands of a Changing Market

The complex issues facing business and society demand complex and collaborative solutions; disconnected, myopic management techniques are no longer effective.
