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How Transportation Partnerships Can Help Accelerate Scope 3 Emissions Reductions

CLEANTECH - It’s important for organizations to seek like-minded partners that understand their climate goals and are interested in working together to identify decarbonization strategies and solutions.

WWF: Funding Locally Tailored Food-System Innovation Is Essential for a Healthier, Abundant Planet

FINANCE & INVESTMENT - WWF’s new framework guides improved investment of innovation funds in food systems, so investors and businesses can work with local communities and stakeholders to identify the right innovations for the right impact in the right place.

On the Importance of Made-to-Scale, Sustainable Chemicals for Products

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Consumers deserve access to functional, sustainable and affordable products without having to sacrifice quality or their health. Scalable, bio-based chemicals hold tremendous promise in accomplishing these goals.

Textile Additive Expedites Breakdown of Stubborn, Synthetic Fibers

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Despite its potential to address microplastic pollution on a number of fronts, the makers of CiCLO stress they don’t want to enable more unnecessary plastic consumption justified by ‘biodegradability.’

The Science of Tree Planting: How Data Is Boosting Climate Resilience of Both Cities and Forests

PRODUCT, SERVICE & DESIGN INNOVATION - Arbor Day Foundation’s Forest Priority Index and NatureQuant’s NatureScore tool identify where trees are needed most in both rural and urban areas — enabling better planning for addressing climate and human-health risks.

How General Mills Is Collaborating to Scale a Resilient Ag Revolution

COLLABORATION - The global foodmaker has joined forces with Regrow Ag to cultivate resilience throughout its agricultural supply chain — and encourages other food companies to follow suit.

Change the Product, Not Just the Packaging: A Crucial Step Towards a Sustainable Food Future

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - A growing industry solution to plastic packaging pollution is to create food products that are more stable and compatible with more minimal and sustainable packaging materials.

We Can’t Let Vogue Words Hinder Climate Action

MARKETING AND COMMS - ‘Regenerative’ has become the latest trend — a label that’s stuck on anything as a way of making it sound positive and reassuring. To guarantee genuine progress, we need a universal set of principles underpinning regenerative economics and a standardised way of quantifying success.

Is the Chocolate Industry Ready for Europe’s Strict Due Diligence Requirements?

SUPPLY CHAIN - The EU’s mandatory environmental and human rights due diligence laws will require companies, traders and farmers around the world to rethink how they source major commodities. But cacao may be the one to watch to see the impacts of these regulations.

Nestlé Advances Efforts to Source Key Ingredients Grown with Regenerative Ag Practices

SUPPLY CHAIN - The food giant is investing to help US farms in its DIGIORNO wheat and tomato supply chains shift to more holistic agricultural practices.

Social Purpose at BCLC: What We’ve Learned and Where We’re Going

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE - Even though a social-purpose model seemed like a natural fit for BCLC, we knew there would be many questions to answer before we could start to deliver on a social purpose. Now, we are reflecting on some of the key steps and insights gained through our approach.

Industry of All Nations’ Undyed Cotton Initiative Shows Proof of Concept for a More Natural End Product

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - The popularity of the company’s undyed apparel collection proves the business case and consumer demand for more consciously produced, less toxic clothing.

REI Initiative Aims to Put Everyone in the US Within 5 Minutes of Natural Spaces

COLLABORATION - The US is rich in love of the outdoors but poor in access and infrastructure — especially for communities in dense, urban areas; over 100M people do not have a public park or green space within a 10-minute walk from home.

FootPrint Coalition: Propelling Climate Tech to Create a World of ‘Radical Abundance’

FINANCE & INVESTMENT - Robert Downey Jr's FootPrint Coalition is taking a three-pronged approach to boosting environmental science and technology — including a science engine that funds non-traditional innovators, a VC fund for scaling promising solutions, and a media platform that amplifies the innovations.

Could This Circular Textile Put Conventional Leather Out to Pasture?

CHEMISTRY, MATERIALS & PACKAGING - Modern Meadow’s Bio-VERA™ is a high-performance, upcycled alternative to traditional bovine leather with significantly lower environmental and supply chain impacts.

10K Farmers, 18 Countries, 8 Commodities & 4 Ways to Co-Create an Equitable, Sustainable Food System

SUPPLY CHAIN - For all the time and money spent examining challenges in global agriculture, little is spent understanding farmers’ perspectives. The Small Farmer Atlas is a starting point for companies and policymakers to center the perspectives of small-scale farmers in the design of sustainability and procurement policies.

Report Shows Path to Zero-Emission Passenger Transport with 'More Mobility and Less Mining'

CLEANTECH - A new report shows a just pathway to zero-emission urban mobility. Simple changes such as smaller EV batteries can greatly improve resource-use efficiency; but holistically reducing car dependence will be paramount.

New Guide Helps Fashion Brands Take Meaningful, Measurable Action to Protect Nature

WALKING THE TALK - The report provides a critical introduction for the fashion, textile and apparel industry to setting measurable, science-based targets for nature; and will act as a blueprint for other industries to follow suit.

NextWave Focuses on Inclusive, Equitable Strategies to Turn Plastic Pollution Into a Resource

WASTE NOT - The cross-industry collaborative has reached 80% of its goal of diverting 25K MT of ocean-bound plastic by 2025. Now, it is working to ensure that the plastic is sourced with high ethical standards.

50+ CEOs Join Aviation Industry Initiative to Transform Airports into Clean-Energy Hubs

CLEANTECH - The World Economic Forum’s Airports of Tomorrow initiative seeks to address the energy, infrastructure and financing needs of the transition to a net-zero aviation industry by 2050.
