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P&G Elevates Its Racial Equality Discussion

Today, consumers increasingly expect companies to address social justice issues, with nearly nine-in-ten (87%) citing racial equality as an issue they would like companies to prioritize. Some companies have tried to shed light on the topic, but with little understanding of the community, their efforts backfired. However, one company with a longstanding history of support for racial equality recently dared to share a bold message.

Today, consumers increasingly expect companies to address social justice issues, with nearly nine-in-ten (87%) citing racial equality as an issue they would like companies to prioritize. Some companies have tried to shed light on the topic, but with little understanding of the community, their efforts backfired. However, one company with a longstanding history of support for racial equality recently dared to share a bold message.

In 2016 My Black Is Beautiful (MBIB), a multifaceted, African-American community-building platform created by Procter & Gamble (P&G), celebrated 10 successful years of crafting dialogue around black beauty and providing additional lifestyle resources for the African American community. The initiative has, in part, been successful because of P&G’s understanding of the community and willingness to partner with groups like BLACK GIRLS ROCK! for the production of its 2013 documentary, Imagine a Future.

Now, the brand is tackling a very serious and timely issue head on with an ad titled “The Talk.” The video, which is just over two minutes long, depicts generations of African American mothers warning their children of the harsh realities of racial bias and the prejudices they may inevitably face. The spot concludes with a call to action asking viewers of all races and ethnicities to “talk about ‘the talk’ so we can end the need to have it,” followed by, “It’s time for everyone to #TalkAboutBias.”

The brand’s understanding of the community which it has supported for more than ten years makes the campaign more than just a moment-in-time play. By creating a community for African American women which has evolved from a discussion platform about black beauty products, into a resource for spurring tough conversations, P&G was able to put an authentic stake in the ground around one of the most sensitive topics today.