Last Chance Rate for SB'24 San Diego Expires Sept 22nd!

Organizational Governance

How organizations are addressing the 'G' in ESG – striking the balance of maximizing long-term growth and value while safeguarding the interests of all stakeholders

Hey, Corporate America: Please Stop Saying, ‘We’ve Always Done Sustainability!’

Because it begs this response: “Really? If you’ve been doing sustainability for decades, why is the planet (and the human race) in the trouble it’s in?” And corporate America doesn’t really have a good answer to that.

Your Gender Story: Why Embracing Our Human Complexity Is Key for Regenerative Leadership

Creating truly gender-inclusive workplaces requires more than just including pronouns in email signatures. Reimagine Gender CEO Lisa Kenney explains why a broader understanding of gender is critical for leaders going forward and why getting to know our own Gender Stories is the first step.

What Happens When an Environmental Leader Finally Claims the Mantle? NRS Asked Triple Gap & Valutus to Find Out

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. A leader in the water sports industry, NRS was shy about tooting its sustainability horn. So, it asked us: How much value does the market place on brand-level commitment to sustainability vs. product-level initiatives? Turns out, touting any of the brand’s many attributes generated a significant increase in consumer preference.

1.8M Fairtrade Farmers to World Leaders: 'Keep Your Climate Promises'

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. Signed by Fairtrade producers in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the letter warns governments of developed nations that their lack of climate action is threatening farmers' livelihoods and global food supplies.

The Purpose Advantage: How to Activate Purpose to Build New Brand Value

Join us at SB’21 San Diego on Monday, October 18th — for a 2-hour workshop designed to arm every participant with the ideas and tools necessary to create a more powerful and purposeful brand.

Project Drawdown Offers Guide for Employees to Enact Climate Solutions at Work

'Climate Solutions at Work' creates a new standard of business climate leadership, driven by employees equipped to take bolder action at work. By moving step-by-step through topics primed for transformation, the guide is a new north star for employees looking to push beyond net zero.

'Bringing Humanity Back to Business': 10 Insights from Paul Polman

Carol Cone — internationally recognized Purpose pioneer and host of the Purpose 360 podcast — spoke with the former Unilever CEO and fellow Purpose pioneer on the eve of the release of his new book, Net Positive.

Q&A: The Role of Corporate Integrity, Authenticity in a Polarized World

As governments and public entities remain slow-moving, companies backing their values with action matters more than ever. But for those unsure how to respond to shifting expectations, how do they know they’re leading in a responsible way?

Investors Worth $29T Urge 1,600 Companies to Set Science-Based Targets

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. 220 global financiers holding $29.3 trillion in assets call on world’s highest-impact companies to set science-based emissions-reduction targets ahead of COP26; they are joined this year by 26 CDP supply chain member companies.

Why Does the SB Brand Transformation Roadmap Matter in an ESG-Driven World?

Cross-Posted from New Metrics. While ESG frameworks such as MSCI and Sustainalytics help investors spot and manage risks, the Brand Transformation Roadmap also helps companies account for social or environmental value and brand leadership — all are needed for a holistic sustainability strategy.

Polestar’s Latest LCA Report Shows New Potential for EV Industry Transparency

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. The Swedish EV maker finds vast differences in CO2e throughout the life of its vehicles, depending on the source of the charging energy.

Is Employee Critical-Thinking Training the Next ESG Frontier?

Can businesses do anything to mitigate their employees’ vulnerability to fake news? And should they? Corporate schooling might be an uncomfortable idea, but it could be essential to the future of US capitalism and democracy.

Stanley Black & Decker Commits $25M to Train Over 3M Skilled Trade Workers

Cross-Posted from Circular Economy. As the latest company to use its size and scale to help equip the next generation of workers, SBD’s ‘Empower Makers’ grants aim to advance and accelerate vocational skills training programs in the next five years — and change misconceptions that these careers are not financially rewarding.

Carlsberg Group Joins Companies Using Marketing to Drive Climate Action

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. The brewing giant joins 16 other global companies in signing onto the World Federation of Advertisers’ Planet Pledge, which aims to change marketing from a driver of consumption into a catalyst for more sustainable thinking and behavior.

Trending: Tech Giants Laying Groundwork for More Diverse, Equitable Tech Economy in US

HP, HPE, Intel and Microsoft are launching the HBCU Technology Conference, to equip students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities to excel in tech careers; while Apple has expanded its Racial Equity and Justice Initiative with $30M worth of new programs.

IKEA Brings Circular Model Stateside with Pilot of Buy Back & Resell Service

Cross-Posted from Innovation & Technology. The retailer is piloting the service, which helps customers prolong the life of their furniture, at IKEA Conshohocken for a limited time — with a goal of expanding it to all of its US stores in the future.

The Secret to Decreasing Scope 3 Emissions: A Win For R&D, Marketing and Sustainability Teams

Cross-Posted from Marketing & Communications. The First Educator Advantage (FEA) is when a CPG brand is first to educate consumers on an impact topic that does not yet hold mainstream materiality. Here, we explore how successfully executing this strategy can reduce scope 3 emissions, increase consumer loyalty and allow R&D teams to effectively innovate for the market.

Jackson Family Wines to Transform Wine Industry Into One That’s ‘Rooted for Good’

A livable world will be determined by the choices humanity makes during this 'decade of action.' JFW is taking point to fundamentally shift how the wine industry future-proofs itself and does business for good.

L’Oréal USA Becomes First Company Certified for Intersectional Gender Equity

The beauty giant is the first in the world to earn EDGEplus certification, for a pay assessment tool allowing the company to achieve organizational gender pay equity.

Education: The Missing Piece in Holistic CSR Strategies

These forward-thinking companies' efforts show that committing to education as part of a brand’s CSR strategy is, truly, a commitment — but one that can pay dividends both to society and the company itself.