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Walking the Talk

These companies have moved beyond pledges and are making good on their commitments to pursuing a purpose beyond profit.

Can Being Climate Neutral Become the New Normal?

Gold Standard’s Sarah Leugers recently chatted with entrepreneurial leaders at Allbirds and Peak Design to discuss their climate-neutral commitments and the value this creates for their brands.

94 Mayors Recognize Global Climate Emergency, Support Global Green New Deal

Cross-Posted from Leadership. At the C40 Summit in Copenhagen, mayors of 94 cities herald a Global Green New Deal to “drive an urgent, fundamental and irreversible transfer of global resources away from fossil fuels and into action that averts the climate emergency.”

Insights from the Big Apple: How Do We Turn the Glitz of Climate Week into Action?

Climate Week NYC saw the UN declare the 2020s “the decade of delivery.” But while progress has been made, are we too self-congratulatory, staying comfortable within our own echo chambers? Are we really delivering enough at the scale and pace needed?

Welcome to the Global Climate Strike: The Largest-Ever Mobilization to Fight Climate Change

Cross-Posted from Collaboration. What began as the Youth Climate Strike — organized by Greta Thunberg’s group, Fridays for Future — has rallied people of all ages who feel compelled to rail against sufficient climate action around the world.

Amazon Makes Surprise Climate Pledge to Meet Paris Agreement 10 Years Early

Cross-Posted from Organizational Change. The tech giant — until now largely silent re climate goals — commits to net zero carbon by 2040, 100% renewable energy by 2030, $100 million in reforestation projects around the world.

6 Exceptional Young, Female Activists Recognized for Environmental Leadership

Cross-Posted from Leadership. A signature element of Earth Island Institute’s year-round New Leaders Initiative, Brower Youth Award winners demonstrate passion and leadership, as well as a commitment to the communities their work serves.

Timberland to Plant 50 Million Trees Over Next 5 Years

The company’s “Nature Needs Heroes” campaign aims to empower global community to be champions for the planet; since 2001, the brand has planted more than 10 million trees worldwide.

As Amazon Burns, VF Corp Says No to Brazilian Leather

As fires continue to ravage parts of the Amazon, the apparel giant says no more leather from Brazil until “we have the confidence and assurance that the materials used in our products do not contribute to environmental harm in the country.”

What the CEO ‘Purpose of Business’ Declaration Is — and What It Isn’t

181 CEOs have signed on to broader purpose — skepticism is warranted, but this is potentially a BFD. Now, let’s see if these companies deliver, and help them when they do — and challenge them when they don’t.

Purpose at Work: How Brandless Creates Community by Making Better Stuff Available to All

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. Communicating your brand’s purpose is vital to creating emotional connections with your customers. But it must be done authentically and in line with your overall brand positioning, story and tone of voice.

Coca-Cola, PepsiCo Leave Pro-Plastics Lobbying Association

As more and more companies are transitioning away from single-use plastics and actively seeking more sustainable alternatives, The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo have announced their exit from the Plastics Industry Association.

Raising the Purpose Banner (Again) Is Only the Start

It is progress when communications and CSR teams unite under the purpose banner. But to deliver sustainable success for all, it is critical that executive teams and their Boards hot-wire purpose into the core of their business strategy.

Football as a Force for Good? Meet the Forest Green Rovers

The Rovers are proving that the popularity of sport, even at lower levels, offers a unique opportunity to spread key sustainability messages to the masses.

Why Ethical Honey Brands Need to Start Making Noise

Cross-Posted from Supply Chain. In an ideal world, mass honey producers would care more about preserving the environment than profits. We need to arm consumers with the right information so they can make the ethical choice.

The Balancing Act of CSR: Meeting Community and Stakeholder Expectations

While some proponents of CSR would like to believe that all CSR efforts can be beneficial in some way, the facts indicate otherwise. CSR is not black and white, and not all CSR proposals are created equal.

How Brands Can Better Employ Empathy During Pride

Although June is the perfect milestone to celebrate the LGBTQ+ community, our hope is that brand efforts and progress last throughout the year — and simply become another part of doing good business.

Why B Corp Certification Was Non-Negotiable for Our Brand

Our company’s story is still a young one, and it is ever changing as we continue to grow, but one thing we knew early on with absolute certainty, was that our startup would need to become a Certified B Corp along the way.

Q&A: Tides on the Most Effective Formula for Corporate Social Impact Strategies

Tides works with foundations, companies, individual donors and social change nonprofit organizations to accelerate corporate efforts to address tough social problems.

Humana Working to Address Social Determinants of Health

2018 CSR Report details how the company is working to inspire health and wellbeing for the people and communities that it serves.

Moving Targets: How to Set Truly Transformative Sustainability Goals

Reporting and goal-setting are inextricably linked, yet at opposite ends of the sustainability process. Rather than starting with past progress, sustainability leaders have realized that greater accomplishments start with a stronger and clearer vision of what the future should look like.
