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Walking the Talk

These companies have moved beyond pledges and are making good on their commitments to pursuing a purpose beyond profit.

5 Ways to Recession-Proof Your Brand with Purpose

Research shows that companies that succeed in uncertain times are those attuned to stakeholder needs and that focus on what matters most; those that go into survival mode and pull back from investing in their business flounder in a recession.

Chipotle Expands 2023 ESG Goals Tied to Executive Compensation

Cross-Posted from Leadership. The company aims to increase pounds of local produce purchased, improve diverse employee retention, and increase the number of restaurants with composting programs — goals that can affect executives’ overall bonus payout by up to 15 percent.

Net-Zero Targets Are a Bare Minimum for the Private Sector

In an ideal world, companies would be reaching net-zero emissions sooner than 2050 and actively working to eliminate emissions throughout their value chains and beyond to become climate positive.

A CEO’s Perspective: 7 Insights to Discover and Activate Authentic Purpose

Cross-Posted from Organizational Change. Kerry Group CEO Edmond Scanlon and Chief Corporate Affairs and Brand Officer Catherine Keogh share how the purpose-discovery process transformed the $7B company.

Alarming IPCC Report Makes It Clear: We Can’t Wait to Invest in Nature

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. Nature-based solutions aren’t a silver-bullet climate solution, but neither is placing all bets on future technologies. If we don't invest in nature now, we can soon expect to spend far more on climate damage with far fewer paths forward.

Biomimicry 3.8, Interface Demystify the Path to Regenerative Business

In this first post of a series on how businesses can move beyond sustainable to regenerative, B3.8 and Interface outline an accessible, 4-step framework that is flexible enough for any organization to follow but robust enough to generate the breakthrough innovations that our planet demands.

Glovo Impact Fund to Direct €5M Toward Socio-Environmental Challenges by End of 2023

A small amount from each Glovo order will now support local communities, climate-action initiatives, help in digitalization of small businesses, close the gender gap in tech and provide upskilling programs for couriers.

What Would the Naturalist President, Teddy Roosevelt, Make of the Business-Nature Relationship in 2023?

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. In his assessment, Roosevelt might consider three fundamental, ongoing developments — as the business world finally begins to recognize the role of healthy ecosystems in a healthy economy.

More and More Talent Ready to Leave Companies Over Misalignment of Values

Cross-Posted from Organizational Change. From ‘quiet quitting’ to conscious quitting: Despite economic uncertainty, 51% of employees surveyed would consider resigning if employers do not align with own values.

Investors Can No Longer Ignore China’s Lagging ESG Performance

Cross-Posted from Finance & Investment. For brands that pulled out of Russia after the invasion of Ukraine, the cost was in the billions. But Russia is a tiny economy compared to China; and the costs of inaction on ESG issues could be multitudes of magnitude bigger.

It’s Not Easy Being Green: How to Avoid the Many Shades of Greenwashing

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. With keener public awareness and growing scrutiny of brand sustainability claims, greenwashing hasn’t gone away but become a ‘many-headed beast.’ Experts weigh in on the best way forward for brands.

Brands Rally to Support Türkiye-Syria Earthquake-Relief Efforts

The 7.8-magnitude quake is the strongest to hit the region since 1939. A growing number of brands have been quick to offer various forms of relief support for the area.

From Messages to Painted Pictures: How Storytelling Drives Social Purpose

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Messaging is about telling an audience something; storytelling shows them something. Engaging social-purpose storytelling can shape the way people think and feel, and motivate them towards a desired action.

Jackson Family Wines Partners to Advance Industry Opportunities for Students of Color

Cross-Posted from Organizational Change. JFW has become a key partner in the Urban Grape’s Wine Studies Award for Students of Color program — which uses a three-pronged approach of education, work experience and mentorship to increase DEI in the wine & spirits industry.

Study: CSOs Committed to Decarbonization But Skittish About Offsetting

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. Carbon management is top priority for Chief Sustainability Officers; but many are stymied by uncertainty around the most impactful strategies. Here, South Pole adds context and insight to the debate.

WWF Tool Helps Companies, Investors Mitigate Biodiversity Risks Across Their Operations

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. The tool includes over 50 biodiversity-relevant data layers that collectively provide a global, holistic picture of nature-related risk — the first-ever platform that brings together such a diverse range of data specifically for the purpose of analyzing biodiversity-related risks to corporates and investors.

Bulleit Frontier Whiskey, American Forests Advancing Tree Equity in Communities Across the US

After meeting their goal to plant 1M trees three years early, Bulleit and American Forests are now focused on improving tree equity in communities that need it most — starting with two in Houston, Texas ravaged by Hurricane Harvey.

Finance, Tech Giants Top 2023 List of US’s Most JUST Companies

JUST Capital and CNBC have released the 2023 rankings of the country’s most JUST Companies and Marquee JUST 100 List, which consistently outperform the Russell 1000 — highlighting the link between stakeholder governance and corporate success.

How to Calculate Fair Company Carbon Targets for the Energy Sector

Fair carbon-reduction targets and the assessment of a company’s performance relative to targets are an incredibly powerful way to assess how well a company is performing. It also sends a clear risk message: The greater the difference between a company’s fair target and its actual performance, the greater its value at risk.

The Vibe Shift Is Here: What That Means for Us and the Planet in 2023

From my perspective as a scientist who’s been working on climate change and environmental resilience since before the crisis made front-page headlines, here are the four biggest trends I foresee defining 2023.
