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Min Gu JUN

Philip Morris International

'Delivering Assurance and Bridging stakeholders for Sustainability'

Since 2005, MG has learned and developed sustainability consulting, management skills, and knowledge to support organizations large and small by applying a range of practically proven standards, practical toolkits, and guides. MG has extensive knowledge of and qualifications in various management system standards. He developed a unique specialty in Sustainability, Resilience, and CR strategy, benchmarking, assessment, audit, assurance, and training based on the extensive knowledge of a wide range of international standards, guidelines, and codes. The standards and guides include but are not limited to: Risk Assessment (ISO 31000), Health & Safety (ISO 45001), Environmental Management (ISO 14001), Social Audits (NIKE P2P, SA8000), Business Continuity Management (ISO 22301), Anti-Bribery (ISO 37001), Collaborative business relationship (ISO 44001), CSR, Sustainability and accountability (GRI, AA1000, GHGEV), and Sustainable Brands’ guides and tools (Brand Transformation Roadmap℠, Pull Factor Workshop). MG also translated the official Korean version of the SA 8000 standard. MG took leading roles at local and global entities, which includes Korea Management Association, Two Tomorrows (UK) and BSI Group (UK), and SB Korea. His work ranges from strategic planning, new product development, marketing, and regional managing director. Aside from work, MG loves to gather with like-minded people to watch, read and discuss the latest movies, documentaries, and books on environmental, social, and economic issues.