Nithin Coca
Media, Campaign and Research Consultant
Nithin is a freelance writer who focuses on global economic, and environmental issues with an aim at building channels of communication and collaboration around common challenges.
Nithin is a freelance writer who focuses on global economic, and environmental issues with an aim at building channels of communication and collaboration around common challenges. Besides Sustainable Brands, he contributes regularly to Triple Pundit, The Diplomat, Daily Dot, Entelligent, and numerous other global and regional media outets.
Nithin Coca is tagged in 80 stories.
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Supply Chain /
These laws have been several years in the making — enough time for proactive companies to develop mechanisms to ensure their supply chains are free of deforestation, human rights abuses and forced labor. And while Europe is leading, other markets are likely to follow.
- 1 week ago
Innovation & Technology /
While the plant-based protein industry deals with growing pains, cultivated
meats — and even a combination of the two — are waiting in the wings to help
future-proof our food system.
- 4 months ago
Supply Chain /
With major markets passing environmental and human rights due-diligence
requirements, sustainable commodity sourcing may soon no longer be optional —
and brands that have invested and built relationships with farmers will be the
- 5 months ago
Supply Chain /
As companies have faced reputational risk due to the uncovering of labor abuses from suppliers that many did not even realize were supplying them, there’s been a push to better manage and ensure supply-chain
transparency — with technology playing a key role.
- 11 months ago
Supply Chain /
Since the passage of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention
Act in 2022, which banned US imports from companies linked to it, solar-industry sourcing is becoming 'less transparent.' Now, the results of inaction are affecting suppliers for car batteries and printers.
- 1 year ago
Supply Chain /
The EU’s mandatory environmental and human rights due diligence laws will require companies, traders and farmers around the world to rethink how they source major commodities. But cacao may be the one to watch to see the
impacts of these regulations.
- 1 year ago
Circular Economy /
By thinking of suppliers more as business partners, companies such as Tengri are creating new models for ethical, regenerative supply chains.
- 1 year ago
Supply Chain /
Creating truly sustainable models that benefit local communities is a serious and often challenging commitment. But the benefits can be tremendous — both for the business and those in impoverished rural farming regions.
- 1 year ago
Supply Chain /
Too many brands have long taken a lackadaisical approach to ensuring their supply chains are free of forced labor risk. That is no longer an option if they intend to walk their ethical talk.
- 1 year ago
Circular Economy /
“How is the world transforming itself, and how is that going to be linked to corporate activities? We need to achieve symbiosis with that.” — Akihiro Inatsugi, Bridgestone
- 1 year ago
Finance & Investment /
For brands that pulled out of Russia after the invasion of Ukraine, the cost was in the billions. But Russia is a tiny economy compared to China; and the costs of inaction on ESG issues could be multitudes of magnitude bigger.
- 1 year ago
Materials & Packaging /
With a goal of phasing out toxic and forever chemicals in consumer products, the UK-based biotech startup is spearheading the ethical, equitable discovery and utilization of the safe, effective chemicals and proteins waiting to be found in
nature and developed for human use and benefit.
- 1 year ago
Marketing & Communications /
As salmon demand has grown, so too have large-scale, environmentally destructive aquaculture projects. The community of Frenchman Bay, Maine is fighting a plan to build North America’s largest industrialized, open-net fish farms in their backyard.
- 1 year ago
Innovation & Technology /
By creating supply chains around nutritionally dense, easy-to-grow but mostly overlooked ingredients that help restore soil health, WhatIF Foods envisions a more just, beneficial food system tailored to meet the needs of various regions.
- 1 year ago
Supply Chain /
The dire social and environmental consequences of opaque fashion supply chains have been laid bare; and consumers now demand that brands have clear, verifiable visibility throughout their supply chains. FTC shows that it can be done — but it requires a vastly different way of thinking.
- 2 years ago
Supply Chain /
The three-year-old maker of snacks, coffee and other ethically sourced foods is aiming to show that brands can source from regenerative ag systems; but it will require a real commitment to
working with rural communities who, for too long, have been left behind by the modern food system.
- 2 years ago
Innovation & Technology /
On day two of SB’22 Kuala Lumpur, leaders in construction, eco-tourism, artisanal goods, marketing and more highlighted successes and challenges behind
next-generation sustainability strategies — and the need for Malaysian brands to embrace collaboration for greater impact.
- 2 years ago
Redefining Sustainable Seafood for the Future /
As anyone who works on sustainable supply chains knows, getting transparency and/or certification on the final pieces can often be the most difficult. Bumble
Bee’s goals will require ensuring better practices around catch reporting and verification of data, and working with and training consultants and vessel operators.
- 2 years ago
Circular Economy /
The pandemic has laid bare not only the many flaws in our global systems but also our capacity for resilience and ingenuity in the face of complex, immediate
challenges — if we apply that thinking to those that lay ahead, we may yet save ourselves from ‘business as usual.’
- 2 years ago
Supply Chain /
The law is a direct response to the widespread, well-documented reports of crimes against humanity in the Uyghur regions — and the fact that the reactions from most global brands to the issue have been, to put it lightly, disappointing.
- 2 years ago