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WindMade Introduces Product Label and Calls on Consumers to 'Show You Care'

The WindMade organization has launched the first global consumer label for products made with wind energy, according to a recent announcement.The WindMade Product Label can be applied to all products using a minimum share of 75 percent of renewable energy in their total electricity consumption, with wind power representing the largest share. The announcement says a cradle-to-gate approach was adopted, which means the label will cover the entire power consumption for all product components, from the extraction of the raw materials all the way to the product leaving the factory gate.

The WindMade organization has launched the first global consumer label for products made with wind energy, according to a recent announcement.

The WindMade Product Label can be applied to all products using a minimum share of 75 percent of renewable energy in their total electricity consumption, with wind power representing the largest share. The announcement says a cradle-to-gate approach was adopted, which means the label will cover the entire power consumption for all product components, from the extraction of the raw materials all the way to the product leaving the factory gate.

WindMade also is calling on consumers to show their support for wind power by participating in the ‘Show You Care’ campaign. The aim of this campaign is to demonstrate to leading brands that consumers around the world favor products that are manufactured with renewable energy.

“Now it is time for consumers to speak out,” said Angelika Pullen, WindMade’s Communications Director. “We know that they care, and we know that they want to see more companies using wind power. With our campaign, we invite them to actively show their support, and to put pressure on their favorite brands to use this clean, emissions-free energy source for manufacturing our most beloved products.”

A recent global consumer study showed that some 73 percent of consumers around the world would have a more positive perception of a brand if it used wind power as its primary energy source.

To participate in the campaign, consumers are invited to send in photos of their favorite products to carry the WindMade label, and spreading the word on social networks using the #ShowYouCare hashtag on Twitter, Facebook and sharing the campaign video.

Previously, WindMade only required companies to acquire a minimum of 25 percent of their electricity supply from wind power to receive rights to the label.