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Fairtrade America

Fairtrade America is the US representative of Fairtrade International - the global leader in ethical product certification. Shoppers care more about where their food comes from. Fairtrade America works with brands to ensure their supply chains support farmers, their communities, and their ecosystems.

Fairtrade America

You may have seen the Fairtrade mark on your favorite bag of coffee, chocolate bar, or even on bananas. When businesses choose to label their products with the Fairtrade mark, they're communicating to sustainability-minded shoppers that they care about the people in their supply chains.

Fairtrade's rigorous standards mean farmers and workers are paid a decent price, ban child and forced labor, encourage gender equality, keep water sources clean, invest in their communities, and develop long-term relationships with buyers.

A 2018 Nielsen study showed that fair trade chocolate and coffee are selling 5x faster than similar conventional products. Shoppers care more about where their products come from and the conditions in which they were grown.

Fairtrade America works with brands to craft sustainable supply chains that support producers, their communities, and their ecosystems. Get in touch for a free sourcing analysis to assess if Fairtrade certification is right for your business.

Fairtrade America is tagged in 14 stories.
3rd Annual Fairtrade Mural Campaign Reminds Us All to Prioritize a Fair Deal for Farmers
3rd Annual Fairtrade Mural Campaign Reminds Us All to Prioritize a Fair Deal for Farmers

2 years ago - By celebrating the growers behind popular chocolate and tea brands, the murals remind the public to ‘Choose the world you want’ by supporting products and brands that help give farmers a sustainable livelihood.

5 Consumer Trends That Will Shape How Brands Source, Produce Goods in 2022
5 Consumer Trends That Will Shape How Brands Source, Produce Goods in 2022

2 years ago - Consumer insights demonstrate need for brands to make good on their sustainability and human rights claims, and make it even easier for shoppers to shop their values.

1.8M Fairtrade Farmers to World Leaders: 'Keep Your Climate Promises'
1.8M Fairtrade Farmers to World Leaders: 'Keep Your Climate Promises'

3 years ago - Signed by Fairtrade producers in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the letter warns governments of developed nations that their lack of climate action is threatening farmers' livelihoods and global food supplies.

On World Chocolate Day, Remember – Our Choices Can Change the Lives of Cocoa Farmers
On World Chocolate Day, Remember – Our Choices Can Change the Lives of Cocoa Farmers

3 years ago - A new campaign around World Chocolate Day aims to help consumers understand the exploitation that too often accompanies the farming, trade and production of chocolate treats — while highlighting the positive impacts of choosing fair and ethically sourced cocoa.

How Amazon Is Scaling Conscious Consumerism by Partnering with Brands, Certifications
How Amazon Is Scaling Conscious Consumerism by Partnering with Brands, Certifications

3 years ago - The e-commerce giant is working with over 20 product-certification partners to deliver product-specific sustainability information to shoppers through its Climate Pledge Friendly program.

The Next Frontier for Fairtrade: Living Incomes in Cocoa
The Next Frontier for Fairtrade: Living Incomes in Cocoa

3 years ago - Two forward-thinking brands have deepened their Fairtrade partnerships by making additional financial commitments to cocoa farmers in their supply chains.

Certifying Private-Label Brands Leads to 200% Increase in Farmer Premiums
Certifying Private-Label Brands Leads to 200% Increase in Farmer Premiums

3 years ago - Countless studies have shown companies no longer need to choose profits over people; valuing people and sustainability is profitable. Consumers vote every day with their dollars and are rewarding the brands that embed sustainability into their ethos.

Murals Honor the Farmers Behind Our Favorite Products, Benefits of Fair Trade
Murals Honor the Farmers Behind Our Favorite Products, Benefits of Fair Trade

3 years ago - The murals were part of a Fairtrade America campaign during October for Fair Trade Month, to raise awareness of Fairtrade’s positive impacts. Shoppers voiced their choice for Fairtrade and won various Fairtrade prizes.

How Fairtrade Protects Company Supply Chains — and Brand Reputations
How Fairtrade Protects Company Supply Chains — and Brand Reputations

4 years ago - We caught up with Peg Willingham, newly minted Executive Director of Fairtrade America, to clear up the confusion around the concept of “fair trade”; and hear why Fairtrade is more important than ever.

Why Self-Regulation of Cocoa Sourcing Is a Conflict of Interest
Why Self-Regulation of Cocoa Sourcing Is a Conflict of Interest

4 years ago - Without oversight or a watchdog, what imperative do companies have to make a tangible impact on the livelihoods of cocoa farmers over increasing profit margins? 

Fairtrade America Calls for Democratization of Data Across Supply Chains
Fairtrade America Calls for Democratization of Data Across Supply Chains

4 years ago - Farmers working within complex supply chains require democracy in data to obtain a living wage. If the goal is supply chain sustainability, then data needs to be shared among all stakeholders. 

4 Ways Smaller, Sustainable Brands Are Adapting to COVID-19
4 Ways Smaller, Sustainable Brands Are Adapting to COVID-19

4 years ago - These four Fairtrade-certified brands show that during times of crisis, brands can support their communities — near or far — with some creativity and hard work, regardless of size.

Candy Giants Rated on Commitments to Create Better Chocolate
Candy Giants Rated on Commitments to Create Better Chocolate

4 years ago - International advocacy groups publish joint consumer purchasing guide to more ethical chocolate choices, just in time for Easter.

3 Ways the Coronavirus Outbreak Can Lead to a More Sustainable Future
3 Ways the Coronavirus Outbreak Can Lead to a More Sustainable Future

4 years ago - Although the danger to our health is currently very present and very real, experts expect this crisis will at some point pass, and we will be able to resume our normal lives with a renewed sense of appreciation. The question is, what will a return to “business as usual” look like?