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Supply Chain

How leading companies, NGOs and solution providers are working to address the myriad issues that can arise in any supply chain.

Rising to the Challenge: Meeting the World’s Demand for More Cotton While Using Less Land

US cotton growers have long been stewards of the land. They continue to adapt and innovate to develop more cotton with the space they have. The U.S. Cotton Trust Protocol intends to build on this progress and create a smarter cotton future.

PepsiCo Aims to Regeneratively Farm 7M Acres by 2030

The company’s goal is to scale regenerative farming practices across its entire agricultural footprint, reduce at least 3 million tons of GHGs, and improve livelihoods of farmers across its supply chain.

10 Global Companies Take Action Towards Living Wages

Aldi, Fairphone, L’Oréal, Unilever and more are taking action towards ensuring living wages for workers throughout their supply chains — and calling on others to do the same.

Anheuser-Busch Revitalizes St. Louis Community, Spent Barley with New Production Facility

Cross-Posted from The Next Economy. As part of a recently announced $1B planned investment across the US, a new production facility that repurposes spent grain will create jobs and further the brewer’s commitments to sustainability and the St. Louis Community.

Regenerative Agriculture: Soil Health, Herd Health, Human Health

Regenerative ag is a growing, dynamic movement that has potential for tremendous climate reversal and healthy food production. When even Neil Young says, “Put the carbon back in the soil," you know it’s time to get on board.  

Keurig Dr Pepper Taps into a New Era of Water Stewardship

KDP has found the power of partnerships to be the best primer for innovation and has worked alongside various groups, including direct competitors, all of whom bring to the table a vested interest in shared water resources.

Trending: Beverage Giants Ensuring Their Libations Are Sustainable, Down to the Roots

Bombay Sapphire and Starbucks are working with farmers to ensure complete supply chain sustainability for their gin and coffee, respectively.

Carbon Offsets: Sowing the Seeds of a Climate-Resilient Future

As companies race to address climate change, unlocking the carbon potential from responsibly managed forests creates a powerful new way for companies to offset their unavoidable emissions.

Palm Oil — Redeeming an ‘Evil Crop’

In this excerpt from his new book, Honor Thy Label, Dr. Bronner's Gero Leson shares the company's years-long journey to establishing a stable supply chain for fair trade, organic palm oil.

4 Key Reasons to Embed Renewables Throughout Your Supply Chain

Cross-Posted from Cleantech. It can be challenging to drive sustainable change in a supply chain, but the impact of action far outweighs the risks of inaction. Here's why adopting renewables through your supply chain is the pathway to climate leadership.

Milwaukee Startup Helping Small African Farms Turn Waste into Livelihoods

Cross-Posted from Waste Not. Agricycle wants to address poverty and put a dent in global food waste. So far, it has created nearly 7,000 livelihoods in Africa and diverted 177 tons of food waste — and counting.

Trending: Major Brands Partner to Cultivate Regenerative Ag Supply Chains

Allbirds, icebreaker and Smartwool throw their weight behind the industry’s first regenerative wool platform; and The North Face and three other companies join Indigo Ag’s program to incentivize farmers to shift to regenerative practices.

Environmental Risks to Cause $120B ‘Chain Reaction’ for Companies by 2026

The findings are a stark warning of the financial impact of environmental risks for both companies and consumers, as firms rally around the need for better management of environmental risks in product supply chains.

#WhoMadeMyClothes: Transparency Has Become a Fashion-Industry Imperative

When it comes to one of the world’s most polluting and exploitative industries, more and more consumers are demanding transparency. We have the technology to deliver end-to-end transparency and to support the reinvention of the fashion industry.

Why We Tell the Stories Behind Sustainable Products

Cross-Posted from Marketing and Comms. Telling the stories of the people and forests behind FSC-certified products deepens consumers’ connections with the brands, and demonstrates the impacts of responsible sourcing. We expect this is just the beginning, due to the clear signals of consumer demand for these stories.

New Tool Keeps Sky-High Eye on Sustainable Agriculture’s geoFootprint

The multi-stakeholder geoFootprint initiative, led by Quantis, allows businesses to assess risks posed by changes in climate, water availability and quality, soil health and biodiversity to secure supply chains and the future of food.

WEF: Decarbonizing Supply Chains Would Be Game-Changer for Fighting Climate Change

The opportunity for impact is especially high for consumer-facing companies, whose supply chain emissions far outweigh their direct emissions from manufacturing.

Bumble Bee Revolutionizing the Future of Food Through Radical Transparency

Cross-Posted from Redefining Sustainable Seafood for the Future. Bumble Bee’s adoption of blockchain is not just about dispelling doubt about its fishing practices — it provides a window into quality and supply chain management, which could unlock major savings for the company.

The Creative Collision of Circular Economy and Supply Chain in the Built Environment

The intersection of circular practices and supply chain in the built environment will be a ripe area for innovation as companies look to their real estate portfolios for opportunities to meet their ambitious sustainability commitments by 2030.

Collaborative SourceUp Platform to Accelerate Sustainability of Entire Sourcing Regions

IDH - The Sustainable Trade Initiative and brand partners including Mars, PepsiCo and Unilever have developed the platform to enable a landscape approach to sustainable commodity sourcing.
